crossthebreeze is
16 years ago
really impressed with the number of comments people get on Plurk sometimes... timjackson seems to be king on this
latest #9
MackCollier says
16 years ago
timjackson is the man on Plurk. He routinely gets 75-100 replies on a thread
MackCollier says
16 years ago
also, makes you wonder how many replies we could get on Twitter if convos were threaded
16 years ago
I noticed indeed - might be the same for twitter for some, but way more visible here to all of us
MackCollier says
16 years ago
I can see a few like Scoble or Calcanis getting that many, but they have 25K followers so they should. There's only 9K on Plurk
16 years ago
true. should be more though, it can be awfully quite round here unfortunately
MackCollier says
16 years ago
Kris how many people are you following? My timeline stays pretty full, maybe you are hanging with the wrong crowd? ;-)
16 years ago
following about 30 people, invited quite a few more via the twitter import - I'll check your friendlist :-)
MackCollier says
16 years ago
some of the chattiest people are are ones I rarely/ever talk to on Twitter
Tim Jackson
16 years ago
Thanks guys- I don't if I'm King of anything... but thanks. I agree that the threaded conversations invite more dialog- it's too hard w/Twit
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