13 years ago
[Event 1] 1227: Oeselians formally accept Christianity (Very Early Danish Estonia Era)
latest #157
13 years ago
had tried running away, but her vision was blurred with tears before she could get to far. She hid behind a tree crying quietly with her_
13 years ago
_currently uneven hair covering her tear-streaked face. She hates everything: the religion violently forced upon her, the Oeselians for_
13 years ago
_ giving in, the wound reopening on her back after rubbing against the bark on the tree, the turmoil, and mostly the girl who had control_
13 years ago
_over her. In the back of her mind, she knew she would get in trouble for running away, but right now she didn't care.
13 years ago
had been keeping a close eye on the young girl, under the orders of her king. She sat on her steed at a good distance watching quietly.
13 years ago
doesn't notice that the other was actually close by. She mumbles to herself mostly that she didn't want to go back, but she knew she had to_
13 years ago
since she didn't know where to go.
13 years ago
sighed softly as she dismounted and decided to approach her calmly with her steed in tow. She made sure not to scare the other in any way.
13 years ago
takes a moment to realize that anyone is approaching and, when she does, she just back slightly more towards the tree as if maybe it will_
13 years ago
hide her. She knew she couldn't run; she wouldn't be able to make it that far.
13 years ago
sighs yet again as she got closer to her. " Young maiden." She addressed her almost like a stranger. " What are you doing all alone out here
13 years ago
in such a dangerous place?" The glanced around in caution in case the brat from Teutonic Order decided to show up.
13 years ago
doesn't look up at the other. "Nothing... Just... leave me alone," she says with a slight harshness in her voice.
13 years ago
raises her brow slightly. She didn't usually put up with defiance but deciding to show some pity on the girl she merely_
13 years ago
_ nodded. " Still bitter about everything that's happened?" She questioned calmly.
13 years ago
pauses before nodding slowly. She couldn't say that out loud though.
13 years ago
smiles a little. " I'm here to listen if you want to tell me about what's bothering you." She did wonder if the other knew her identity yet.
13 years ago
knew who the other was not need to look up to know. She remains silent as she just brushes her hair back to rub at her eyes. She did not_
13 years ago
even know if she could really trust the other let alone talk to her about her problems.
13 years ago
holds out a silk handkerchief for her to use. " A young girl should never show her feelings on the battlefield" She_
13 years ago
_ paused. " It's a sign of weakness." She teased lightly.
13 years ago
takes the handkerchief with a quiet thank you as she wipes her tears. She wasn't exactly sure how to react to the words though.
13 years ago
didn't mind if the other responded. She just liked to talk. A lot. " You still have the injuries from before right? Let me take a look at_
13 years ago
_ them after. You wouldn't want to let it scar too badly." As much as her rulers would refer to conquered lands as property, she would_
13 years ago
_ always treat them as family regardless.
13 years ago
nods lightly slightly more aware of the pain on her back now. "... Alright," she says quietly.
13 years ago
chuckles briefly at how timid she seemed to be. She tilts her head. " You kind of remind me of myself when I was younger."
13 years ago
looks up at the other finally at that with a questioning look. "How?"
13 years ago
nods. " I was a lot smaller when my Far took me on my first raid." She couldn't help but chuckle a little. " It kind of turned_
13 years ago
_ into a disaster for me and I even ended up running away crying too."
13 years ago
tilts her head a bit at that. She supposed that made her feel a bit better probably not in a way she would help how she felt at the moment_
13 years ago
13 years ago
shrugs and continues on. " Not only that earned me a pretty bad scar on my back but also a spanking for showing my weak side."
13 years ago
looks down a bit at that definitely drawing a few similarities.
13 years ago
sighs. " But at that time I didn't really have anyone else to take care of me." More like a mother figure...
13 years ago
felt rather bad for the the other at this point. She just slowly stood up now not sure if she really wanted to hear more.
13 years ago
just shrugs it off. " Anyways, enough with the lame stuff about me." She grins. " I'm sure you're more interesting than I am."
13 years ago
shakes her head. "I'm not that interesting..."
13 years ago
poooouuuuts. " Nej! You seem like a wonderful and beautiful girl when I first saw you. How could you say you're not interesting?"
13 years ago
blushes at that. "I just think that I'm not really interesting..." Everything else seemed so much more interesting than her in her eyes.
13 years ago
smiles more seeing the other open up a bit. " Well, you are different from the other humans like me. That's already something interesting~"
13 years ago
"I guess that is true..." She doesn't think she is anymore remarkable after that though.
13 years ago
chuckles. " If had to list everything, it'll probably take years to recite to you. So instead , why don't I just show you?" She extended_
13 years ago
_ her own hand to the other.
13 years ago
looks at the hand for a moment before taking it timidly.
13 years ago
holds her hand in a firm and secure hold. " I'm sure you've ridden a horse before right?"
13 years ago
nods lightly. "A few times."
13 years ago
looks over to her steed and nods to it. " Time to get used to it then." She chuckles.
13 years ago
blinks a bit slightly wondering what the other means by that.
13 years ago
nods again. " Well, get on the horse then." She stated.
13 years ago
nods before getting on struggling for a moment getting up but manages.
13 years ago
hops on right behind her effortlessly and pats the horse. " He likes to go fast, so hang on tight." She picked up the reins from behind her.
13 years ago
nods again after settling a bit.
13 years ago
smiles, and kicks the flank of the horse setting it off back towards the town.
13 years ago
might be smiling a bit as they set off to town. She rather enjoyed riding horses.
13 years ago
notices it and ends up smiling herself. " The wind feels nice huh?"
13 years ago
nods lightly saying a very quiet 'yes.'
13 years ago
chuckles and nudges the horse to go even faster. " Good to hear~!"
13 years ago
is a bit surprised by the increase in speed, but she just ends up smiling a bit wider.
13 years ago
glances at her momentarily. She was more focused on steering the horse in the right direction with the town in the near distance.
13 years ago
was just enjoying this while she can especially since she had been feeling so upset lately.
Dorthe was
13 years ago
going to make sure the kid was going to have fun whenever she was around~
13 years ago
probably would appreciate that even if she wouldn't admit it nor was she sure it would work at times.
13 years ago
did have a few others to take care of to but for now, her main focus was making this one happy.
13 years ago
is kind of happy that she was being taken care of even if she didn't like the way it happened and does not like it half the time.
13 years ago
never really had much control over what her kings demanded or wanted. She only followed orders for the sake of her people.
13 years ago
understands that (though probably not too well yet). That did not mean she wouldn't dislike what had happened.
13 years ago
tugs as the reins as she slowed the horse to a trot, entering the gates of the city with a quick nod to the guards. " And we're back~"
13 years ago
nods lightly looking around slightly.
13 years ago
smiles a bit as she directed the horse towards a manor closer to the wealthier parts of the town.
13 years ago
stares at the manor as it comes into view still not actually used to seeing it.
13 years ago
stares at the manor as it comes into view still not actually used to seeing it.
13 years ago
sort of expected that. She did hoped the other would get used to it soon since it was going to be her home.
13 years ago
might get used to it at sometime, but for now, it was just a strange place to live to her.
13 years ago
doesn't expect her to adapt immediately. The horse came to a halt as they stopped in front of the house. " Pheeew~"
13 years ago
looks down to the ground wondering if she should get off now.
13 years ago
gets off the steed first before extending a hand to help her out while keeping a hand on the reins.
13 years ago
takes the others hand before getting down.
13 years ago
helps her down, making sure she's fine. " Are you alright?"
13 years ago
nods lightly. "Jah," she replies even though she was not entirely fine but at least she felt a bit better than before.
13 years ago
nods as well. " Why don't you go in and explore the place? I'm going to put this little one away in the stables." She pats the horse.
13 years ago
"Alright," she says as she turns to go to the door.
13 years ago
makes sure she enters the house safely before tugging the horse towards the stable.
13 years ago
doesn't go to far into the place before finding a place to just sit down staring at what she could see from one spot. She didn't feel like_
13 years ago
like walking around right now.
13 years ago
returns not too long after. She was a little surprised to see her seated down so quickly.
13 years ago
looks towards where the other was when she heard the other.
13 years ago
smiles at her with a small wave. " Finished exploring already?"
13 years ago
shakes her head. "Ah, no... I'm just sitting..."
13 years ago
blinks a little. " How about we get you fixed up and into some clean clothes then?"
13 years ago
nods as she slowly stands up. Some clean clothes seemed rather nice at the moment.
13 years ago
nods and leads the way to the room where the other was to be staying in. " It's a pretty big room." She even had to admit.
13 years ago
looks around the room agreeing with that. Maybe she could just pretend the door lead to the outside and then it wouldn't feel as big.
13 years ago
ushers the other into the walk-in closet. " They really pulled out the stops for this one." She chuckles.
13 years ago
doesn't get why she needs more space when a room would just be enough.
13 years ago
would simply assume that the king wanted her to live in luxury rather than something similar to the lower classes.
13 years ago
thinks is a little too luxurious though as she starts looking for some clothes to change into.
13 years ago
watches for a bit. She lets her take her time choosing and goes to get some bandages.
13 years ago
picks out just a simple dress to wear before stepping out of closet.
13 years ago
returns with a box and some water. " Well then, let's get to it."
13 years ago
nods putting the dress down at the head of the bed before trying to find something to tie up her hair quickly so that it doesn't begin the
13 years ago
13 years ago
holds out a ribbon she had found earlier. " Here, use this."
13 years ago
|"Thanks." She takes it before pulling up her hair rather quickly.
13 years ago
chuckles a little as she started to prepare the bandages. " No problem."
13 years ago
sits down on the bed pulling off her top to expose the wounds on her back, which where most of them were.
13 years ago
walks over to take a look after rolling up her sleeves and washing her own hands. " Ah...it's going to scar a little..."
13 years ago
frowns a bit at that. She hadn't had the change to look at her back, but she figured it probably would scar.
13 years ago
nods as she started to clean the wound properly. " But don't worry, it's not going to be as bad as mind if you take good care of it."
13 years ago
sits rather still as the other treated her wounds. "Alright," she says quietly.
13 years ago
smiles a little as she set to work, being as careful as possible as she treated her.
Evelin is
13 years ago
just quiet not exactly minding any pain she might feel as her wounds are treated though she appreciates the other being careful anyways.
13 years ago
checks her once in a while. She added some disinfectant onto the wound before wrapping it up.
13 years ago
might have flinched at the use of the disinfectant but only a little.
Dorthe was
13 years ago
a bit alerted by her sudden movement but kept calm. She finished up the bandaging. " Done."
13 years ago
nods lightly before getting off the bed taking the dress. "Thank you," she says quietly before getting changed.
13 years ago
smiles a bit as she turned to clean up. " I can fix you something to eat after."
13 years ago
nods lightly before noticing the other could not she that. "Sure. ...Could I help though?" she asks meekly.
13 years ago
grins. " Sure. They haven't hired any attendants yet so I'll be taking care of you personally." A nod.
13 years ago
blinks a bit as she finishes getting the dress on. "Attendants?"
13 years ago
nods a bit. " We have to make sure you're well fed and safe." She placed the box in a safe location of the room before going to the door.
13 years ago
nods lightly putting her dirty clothes away. "I understand, but attendants?" Sure, one person to check on her was fine, but that probably_
13 years ago
is enough. Though... maybe a few people would be good to make the place less lonely than it felt with all the space...
13 years ago
chuckles. " I wouldn't want you to be all alone here too. You're a female and a nation after all."
13 years ago
pouts a bit, but she guesses it's another thing to get used to.
13 years ago
nods as she lead the way to the kitchen. She pulled her cloak off and detached her sword from her waist to avoid it from getting in the way.
13 years ago
trails behind slightly finally really looking around.
13 years ago
smiles a little, glad she was taking interest in the home. She places the items she had been holding away and goes straight to the kitchen.
13 years ago
probably would say she had an interest since the moment she saw it but only now did she feel like looking. She gets into the kitchen _
13 years ago
wondering what they will make.
13 years ago
hums for a bit as she checked what was available in the kitchen. She frowned noticing it hadn't been stocked yet.
13 years ago
blinks lightly when she sees that as well. There surely had to be something around here...
13 years ago
rubs her neck as she went over to the basket she had taken to the house earlier. " Thank goodness I brought something just in case."
13 years ago
nods lightly in agreement. "What did you bring?"
13 years ago
shows her the basket as she took some ingredients out. " Some were a bit hard to obtain but there's some veal, fish and_
13 years ago
_ vegetables. I even have some ingredients for some pastries later."
13 years ago
"Alright." She thinks of what they could make with that then.
13 years ago
rolls up her sleeves as she prepared the kitchen. It was quite spacious.
13 years ago
helps out and starts to prepare some of the food.
13 years ago
looks over smiling a bit. " It's been a while since I've cooked with someone else."
13 years ago
doesn't look up from what she is doing but nods lightly agreeing with that.
13 years ago
continues to prepare the ingredients while setting up the oven.
13 years ago
finishes preparing the vegetables wondering where to put them.
13 years ago
puts a bowl nearby her for her to place the vegetables into. She was busy working with the meats on the other hand.
13 years ago
places the vegetables in the bowl before finding something else to help with.
13 years ago
watches her a bit before making some stew.
13 years ago
remains very obvious of being watched. She is very unsure what to do at some point seeing that stew would take a bit to cook.
13 years ago
chuckles a bit. " Have you made Danish pastries before?"
13 years ago
shakes her head lightly.
13 years ago
stirred the stew a bit to make sure it was cooking evenly. " Alright then. I'll tease you how to make them after."
13 years ago
((...Well, that line just made my day. Thank you for cheering me up.))
13 years ago
"Okay." She would just wait then by watching or maybe walking around she really wasn't sure which.
13 years ago
((...Wow. And I'm wearing my glasses too. I always type before I think XD ))
13 years ago
smiles a bit more as she prepared some bowls to serve the stew. " I hope you don't mind my cooking."
13 years ago
"I don't think I will mind." It smelled okay, so it should taste good.
13 years ago
grins as she poured a generous helping into the bowls. " Don't worry. My cooking is better than the Brits." She reassured her.
13 years ago
blinks at that not knowing much about 'the Brit' let alone her cooking, but she guesses it has to be bad or something.
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