13 years ago
[au] Antonio was fed up. Normally he could handle the colorful language that the Southern Italian shouted at him on a daily basis, but for
latest #131
13 years ago
some reason it just irked him greatly. He was having such a wonderful day, him and Lovino just laying around and enjoying the great weather
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of his country. It was times like these that Antonio loved. But it just happened to be ruined when the conversation turned sour. He wasn't
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completely sure just what caused the mood to change. But all of a sudden, the smaller brunette was shouting profanities at him, not giving
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any room to say anything. He would normally just let it go, but this was getting too much. He wouldn't even re-think some of the words the
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Italian shouted in his face. He had to do something quick, or this would never stop...
13 years ago
[[For Lovi~<333]]
13 years ago
"You're such a fucking cum-sucking bastard! Fuck you fuck you fuck you!" he screamed at the other, arms flailing. They had been curled
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happily in the sun, on a thick blanket with a picnic basket in the center. It had been times like that that Lovino was glad he'd worked up
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the nerve to confess his feelings (well... sort of). Until Antonio had to ruin it as usual. He'd started going on and on about how pretty
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each girl they knew was... which was like a thousand flaming arrows to the Italian's gasoline insecurities. Was he not as good? Were they
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not a couple? He just... found himself bursting out, screaming. If Lovino stopped, he knew he would burst into tears instead. "I hate your
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maggot-filled guts! Vaffanculo! Asshole-licker! Go die!"
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He had to close his eyes to keep himself from shouting out (which he never did) for the other to just shut up (no matter how much he wanted
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to). Letting out a shaky breath to prepare himself for the can of worms he was about to open. "Lovi...I don't know what brought this on,
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but are all these...words really needed?" He asked, pretty sure the other could express himself without using such creative language.
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"More fucking needed than your sorry ass!" he screeched, unapologetic, and then, in a tizzy fit of rage, goalee-kicked the unopened picnic
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basket in the center of the blanket. Lovino knew the Spaniard had spent a long time making food for the basket, and even woke up early so
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that way it would be ready by the time the younger brunette wanted to eat. He watched it sail a small distance before crashing and spilling
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its contents onto the grass. He was almost sorry about the loss of the delicious food, especially when he hadn't eaten. Almost.
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Antonio watched the basket sail through the air, a look of longing in his eyes. He thought his lover would enjoy the food he slaved over
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instead of sending it airborne. The sad part is that most of the time, when he did something romantic for the Italian, it wasn't always
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responded to in the way he wanted. Enough was enough; he could either let the younger male walk all over him all the time, or make it known
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that he wasn't very tolerant if the treatment he was getting. "Lovino...that's it. I've had need to be taught a lesson." He
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said, voice a little deeper then normal. He gripped the others wrist and started off towards the house.
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His anger was momentarily stifled by shock as he was suddenly grabbed and dragged towards the house. But it didn't last long; he started to
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twist and stuggle in the hold. "L-let go!" Lovino shrilled, heels digging into the ground and tugging at his arm. He didn't know what the
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Spaniard thought he was up to, but whatever it was, the younger nation was still upset. "Cocksucker! Fucking stop it!"
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"No. You need to be taught a lesson..." He said, pushing the back door open forcefully and dragging him inside. This was a cliche way to
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punish the Italian, but it was the only way to get his point across. He took the angry Italian upstairs and towards their bathroom. "You
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have such a dirty mouth...we have to clean it up~" he said, forcing the other to sit on the toilet.
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He whimpered and protested the entire way, but he wasn't anywhere near as strong as his lover, and he was finally dragged through their
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bedroom and into the bathroom. He wasn't in the mood for whatever game Antonio wanted to play, anger making him oblivious to the darkness in
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the Spaniard's tone. "Fuck. Off," he snarled, eyes flashing with anger.
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He snapped his hand over the Italians mouth, frowning at the words being spewed at him. "Such filthy language shouldn't be used...and you
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won't just stop when I tell you..." He said calmly, trying to keep the upper hand in the situation. He reached over towards the sink and
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grabbed the bar of soap sitting in a soap dish and held it up for his lover to see. "...this us the only way I think could help you with
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His anger flared up when his mouth was clapped over-- how dare that assfucking (he didn't pause to consider the irony) scumbag-- but when
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he held up the bar of soap, Lovino's eyes widened, a pang of shock going through him. W-was he serious? He stared at the soap, imagining not
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only the bitter alkaline taste, but also how dirty the bar must have been. He wasn't some sort of unruly child, either… Surely the Spaniard
Lovino was
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just joking...
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As much as his lover hoped he was joking, he was far from being comical. He let go of he others mouth and turned to the sink. He needed to
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rinse the bar off a little bit and get it soapy before he shoved it into the mouth in question. But then again, thinking back to just how
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much they used said bar, he figured he should use a new bar. Maybe he would make a ritual of this if the other male kept using his dirty
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language. Grabbing a new bar and pulling it out of its box, he turned back to the Italian and placed it at his lips. "Now open up Lovi..."
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Instead of being a reassurance, the grabbing of the new bar sewed a seed of dread in his belly. Surely... he was just... joking...? Lovino
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kept his lips sealed tight when the bar was placed at his lips, hands clenched into fists and brows knotted up. Antonio was beginning to
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scare him. He always swore, even when he didn't have a reason, and this time he definitely did. He averted his gaze, feeling his eyes sting
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but resisting it.
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Antonio saw his lips lock together, keeping him out. He would just have to do something about that. The idea of tugging the sensitive curl
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to open his mouth, but then he would probably not be able to stop the teasing. Using his other hand, he tried to pry his lips open to take
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bar of soap in. " need to learn a open up. It'll all be over if you just do it now." He said, his face completely
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devoid of his normal happy-go-lucky emotions. "Would you rather I spank you?"
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He let out a soft cry, writhing on the toilet seat cover and trying to push the other away so he could make a getaway. His lips pressed
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tighter together, eyes shutting tight and resolutely refusing the soap bar. The question made his cheeks flush, stomach dropping. W-was that
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what this was about? Was... was Antonio going to get off on this?
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It wasn't a matter of 'getting off' on this, the thought never crossed his mind. If anything, he was thinking of the other as his young ward
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again and needed a way to make sure he listened to him. Then again...he hadn't done any of this nature to the other ever in his life. Well,
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wherever this sudden idea of punishment came from, he wasn't about to back down from doing it. "Lovino..." He said warningly, his fingers
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prying his lips open as best as he could, not getting far.
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A soft whimper escaped from his lips, squirming as much as he could. His mouth was pried the slightest bit, but he managed to clamp it shut
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again, jaw getting sore from how tight he was clenching it. He moved his hands up to try shoving at the Spaniard, desperation rising up in
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chest, soap bar still pressed to his lips. Where would he go if he escaped? Call Feli to pick him up? He never thought he'd be run from his
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own house... even if it was Antonio's house first.
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His eyes narrowed more in concentration than in anger, but it probably wasn't perceived as such. He moved his hand away from the Italians
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lips and took hold of his jaw, though he didn't squeeze too hard. He may not always come up with the best ideas for handling small things
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like a cursing problem, but he would never think that anything he did would chase his lover away. He tried to pull the others jaw down,
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hoping that it would get his mouth open faster. He could just Jan the soap against his lips but that would just hurt the other...and he
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want to cause harm. He squeezed just a little tighter and pressed the soap to his lips more.
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He cried out, eyes shutting tight and pricking with tears as the sharp alkaline taste of the soap started to hit his taste buds. He tried to
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resist, but the other's pulling at his jaw slowly caused it to loosen until it was forced open, the soap bar jammed in deep and causing a
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pitiful, resounding cry.
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Smiling in triumph, and not seeing the small tears in the corners of his eyes, he removed his hand from the others jaw. "Now, we'll just
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leave that there for a few minutes until I'm definitely sure you've learned your lesson." He kept a hold on the soap so it didn't go too
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deep but also so the Italian couldn't spit it out. "Now you'll think twice about cursing so much Lovi..." Though, deep down, this was
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probably more about the feelings of disrespect.
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He whimpered as the bitter, stinging taste flooded his mouth, trembling and squirming in the iron grip. The brunette made choking noises,
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more because of the taste than the soap actually going too far in his throat (he might have been used to ignoring his gag reflex). His eyes
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shut tight, stinging with tears, and he squirmed harder when he felt the need to gag flood through him, anything to get the soap out of his
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He hated seeing his love in pain (well, it depended on the situation), but he had to teach him a lesson. "I wasn't joking Lovi. Your mouth
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is too dirty sometimes...and you had no right to call me all those things outside and mess up our nice evening..." He said, looking down at
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the sniffing Italian. "Just a few more minutes until I feel like you've learned from this." Though if he kept the soap in the others mouth,
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refusing to let the other remove it, it would just cause him to be traumatized by it (and him).
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He opened his mouth wide enough to manage a shrieked "Fuck you!" around the bar of soap (even if it was considerably muffled). If anyone
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had no right to do something, it was Antonio! He wasn't a child, a-and the Spaniard deserved the names, and h-he just-- just-- Lovino made a
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choking noise, from frustration and anger. And also the soap suds leaking down the back of his throat and burning.
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His eyes immediately narrowed, knowing just what the other said despite his voice being muffled. When he felt he was being disrespected, he
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became really cross. Just who was in control here? He still had a power issue; the need to be in complete control of the other when he felt
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his power was compromised. "Well...we'll just have to scrub your mouth clean since if doesn't seem to be working..." His voice had deepened
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quite a bit. He started to pull the soap out before slowly thrusting it back in. He grinned, looking at the way the other was taking it. He
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knew that this was going to be entertaining.
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((this is odd, but entertaining /lurks this))
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His eyes went wide with shock, and the male cried out, trembling as the bar of soap began to thrust into his mouth. The soap was causing his
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mouth to foam up with bubbles, and the bitter soapy taste was rubbing on his tongue, body begging him to make it stop. Lovino writhed and
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squirmed, whimpering, eyes stinging with tears. He bit down on the bar in an attempt to stop the thrusts into his mouth.
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[[>//w//> Actually based off of]]
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Biting down was ineffective, because it only caused shavings of soap to peal off. It did become a little tough to thrust the bar in and out,
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but with a little more force, he was moving at a normal pace. He tilted the others head back, thrusting he soap in and trying to make it
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hard for the Italian to pull away. "No biting, or you'll make things worse..." It was slowly occurring to the Spaniard that this motion was
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quite similar to another motion that he loved doing...
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He was forced to stop biting, because the extra force pushing on his teeth made them hurt. Though it didn't seem to be that good of an idea;
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when he stopped biting down, the extra force became too much, and the soap bar was pushed too deep, making the Italian cry out and gag,
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writhing to get away. He was starting to tremble violently, eyes misting up and cheeks flushed bright red. Lovino was already aware of how
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familiar this felt, except it tasted a thousand times worse and burned his throat.
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He figured the Italian got just what the motions looked like to him by the way his cheeks were flushing brightly. It was both exciting and
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upsetting to watch; exciting for obvious reasons, but upsetting because in the end, this was harsh punishment instead of pleasurable
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activities. He reached down with his other hand to wipe some stray foam and bubbles that were trailing down his chin. "Doesn't this make you
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not want to curse at me anymore, Lovi?" He said, a smirk showing through on his face, his eyes darkening slightly with lust.
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Hating the way that that smirk made his stomach drop, he set his jaw and glared at the Spaniard, eyes dark with anger rather than lust. The
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brunette felt both foolish and lewd, and he really, really wanted to curse the other out-- scream at him until he understood just how
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upset Lovino was. And partially as a big slap in the face, saying that the punishment didn't (and wouldn't ever) work. When Antonio felt the
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need to assert his dominance, the Italian usually caved, but this time it had his blood boiling.
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Antonio could just feel the anger radiating off of the Italian, causing him to lose all the excitement he had at first. He still figured
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soap was working, but it would take a bit more punishment before he had the Italian in the palm of his hands. His smirk morphed into a
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frown, his eyes losing the lust they had in then just slightly. "So you don't appreciate all of this...would you rather I spank you until
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you've learned your lesson?" He asked, though he wasn't really giving the other an option. His frustrations were boiling over as well; how
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had he survived so long with a lover that very rarely showed his appreciation?
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His cheeks flushed bright red at the words, and his own anger faded to something akin to fear. Because of the soap, he couldn't reply, but
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Lovino shook his head rapidly, staring up into the other's eyes. His hands curled into fists at his sides, heart beating fast. He couldn't
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keep himself from thinking about Antonio carrying out what he threatened, which made him flush more, squirming and eyes watering up. T-this
Lovino was
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embarrassing and shameful... he couldn't think like that...
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Fear was better then anger in Antonio's eyes; a whole lot better. He held the others head still by gripping his chin and making him look
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straight in his eyes. "But I think you deserve've been really bad today..." He cooed, making the words sound more sinister then
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they were supposed to be. He looked at the lips surrounding the bar of soap with slight jealously. Sure, it was his idea to use it, but now
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that he had a change of plans, he wanted that soapy mess out. He pulled the bar out and took a step back (but standing near the door so
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the Italian couldn't run), allowing the other to clean his mouth out if need-be.
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He whimpered at the words, and shut his eyes as the soap bar was tugged from his mouth, leaving suds behind. Lovino stood on shaky legs,
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face still flushed, and moved to the sink to rinse his mouth thoroughly. He allowed himself a glimmer of hope that the Spaniard would let
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him go now, sneaking a glance at the male from the corner of his eye. He swished and spat until he could no longer taste bitter alkaline in
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his mouth, leaning up against the wall with his eyes shut and taking deep breaths.
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