lulupau says
15 years ago
my benz is burning just now!!!!>.<!!!!! luckily someone saw it before the fire reach the engine! OMG!!!!!! :-o
latest #9
xtinalim says
15 years ago
omg..!! that is REALLY lucky
xtinalim says
15 years ago
thank god
lulupau says
15 years ago
yes lo!!! really really thank god ~ like in a movie just now!CHI KEK
boon says
15 years ago
omgggg.. what happen o.O.... is everyone alright?
lulupau says
15 years ago
yaa..luckily no one is in the car, we just reach my relative hs that time, than suddenly my uncle saw got smoke from the car!!!~
boon says
15 years ago
wah!!! den burning?? omg.. den ur car stil can drive? which car??
xtinalim says
15 years ago
dun use tht car dy.. lucky no one in the car!! then in the end how u all put away the burning?
joanyee says
15 years ago
omg!!!...lucky man
lulupau says
15 years ago
only burn oh..a tiny part infront lo..
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