Dex says
12 years ago
Ok... so today we had a monthly status meeting with my division right and I am one of the new guys
latest #20
12 years ago
They have all these company trivia questions throughout the meeting to lighten the mood I guess and there are prizes. Well...
12 years ago
I payed attention in orientation last week so I got a lot of the questions right and I won this starbucks gift card xD
12 years ago
And I met the head honcho for the first time... can we say good first impression? My director was smiling with a thumbs up
12 years ago
he said "you've been with us for how long? I'm sticking you on our biggest project, put that brain to work" lollol
12 years ago
ah, well that is what I am in right now. on the monitoring team for eCommerce. Using various monitoring tools with the company websites
12 years ago
this desktop I am on right now is one I built :-P
12 years ago
so, another young star on the horizan... smiles
12 years ago
project manager eh, so thats why you were yelling at that DBA... well you would never have to yell at me, I promise :-)
12 years ago
Siobban says
12 years ago
Bubbah I'm so proud of you! I really have no clue what you and Aeri just said but I loves ya both to bits :-D
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