Solace27 is
12 years ago
so im guessin plurk is just another drama thing lol ...hens y i dont do people much lol
latest #10
Solace27 says
12 years ago
thats not ment to anyone im just sayin i keep hearin drama and plurk in same phrase alot lol
Sachi says
12 years ago
yeps and this is why I always told you I didnt reallt plurk much
Sachi says
12 years ago
things always get brought out into opent hat should remain within familes and private
Carli Imako
12 years ago
Carli Imako
12 years ago
speaking of... I need to make my drama plurk :-P
~*Rყʅҽιɠԋ*~ says
12 years ago
I knew I shoulda deplurked today XD no fighting family or you gets the naughty mat.
Sachi says
12 years ago
Carli Ill put you in time out too if do drama polurk
Carli Imako
12 years ago
I'm getting used to time outs, I have a mean Momma :-P
12 years ago
I like to use it to vent if I'm mad, but mostly like it to keep up with my friends
12 years ago
I hate drama plurks I know i had some no to long ago but im thinking of leaving plurk because thats all thats realy here :c
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