13 years ago
> Due to high levels of demand, we are currently restricting access to Pottermore. Please come back and try again later.
latest #7
13 years ago
excuse me would you like to be brutally murdered pottermore people some of us were actually people in the very last email batches
Rose Quartz
13 years ago
unfortunately this is something that's all too common still.... I don't know how they think they're going to be able to let more people
Rose Quartz
13 years ago
sign up at this rate
13 years ago
Yeah they really have to improve this soon!! there are a lot of people waiting for open registration
Rose Quartz
13 years ago
I can only imagine how much this site is costing them... I keep wondering where the funds have come from really.
13 years ago
I wonder if they're just from the profit of Harry Potter itself that Rowling donated? This is pretty much all initially hers I guess
Rose Quartz
13 years ago
yeah I guess so... still, they're going to need more to have this site running well
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