12 years ago
There's going to be a SEASON 4 of Natsume Yuujinchou~! OMFG! does the fangirl dance of joy
latest #6
12 years ago
Season 3 was a little dull... I didn't bother watching it all way through, since it followed the manga really close.
12 years ago
Haha! I just waited until it was all out and then did a marathon. Since there was really no point to stretching it out for the sweet
12 years ago
anticipation of the next episode.
12 years ago
despite following the manga so closely, the animation team did a good job, so I don't mind~...
12 years ago
plus, I love all the protective!Madara moments. And Motoba made his creepy appearance. Natsume is as wishy-washy as ever, but still pretty
12 years ago
LOL, I'm so shallow...
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