Louise was
13 years ago
wearing her dress for Ocktoberfest, waiting for Arthur and Alfred to arrive. She already had a beer mug in one hand, ready to get the
latest #140
13 years ago
_day started and the drinking underway.
England is
13 years ago
standing with them awkwardly, although he is looking forward to the drinking.
13 years ago
smiled and leads them inside, murmuring, " Welcome... to Ocktoberfest..." She led them to the bar and handed them pints of beer, grinning a
13 years ago
_bit at the excitement to get roaring drunk.
13 years ago
looks around at the crowded bar, liking the ambience. He took it with a muttered thank you and held it out as well.
13 years ago
lifted her glass and murmured, " To new friends... and getting as smashed as possible! Cheers!"
13 years ago
clinked his glass with a soft chuckle. "Cheers." He downed his glass in a few breaths.
13 years ago
drains hers fairly quickly too, ordering another round for the three of them.
13 years ago
slams down his empty glass. "Remember that the drinks are on me." He then gave a few teasing pats on America's back.
13 years ago
laughed and handed over the second pint of beer, murmuring, " Hope you boys can handle my kind of drinking."
13 years ago
gave a reserved chuckle. "I am supposing that it is." He took his share from her with a muttered thanks.
13 years ago
laughed and murmured, " To drinking... and seeing if you two have the ability to outdrink me." She lifted her mug and downed it, ordering
13 years ago
_another round.
13 years ago
just shook his head. There was no way he is going to let the two win. And with that, he picked up his second mug and downs it in a single_
13 years ago
13 years ago
threw him a triumphant smirk. "Don't push yourself too hard just trying to keep up." He gave several pats down America's back.
13 years ago
chuckled and decided to pull one over both the boys. She waved and pushed her arms together, asking for a pint of beer filled to the brim.
13 years ago
_She got it and gracefully downed it, not taking a single breath nor spilling a drop of it.
England was
13 years ago
not about to back down so easily, no. He calls for two and without hesitation, drank both down with a short break in between. Here_
13 years ago
_comes the binging...
13 years ago
grins at Arthur and orders another, already feeling the alcohol coursing through her. Oh yeah... she was going to get good and smashed.
13 years ago
threw a smirk over to the German by calling a few more, to get ahead and to share among the three of them. He was definitely feeling it_
13 years ago
_since it had been quite some time. He holds America's shoulder a bit to encourage him.
13 years ago
watches the two of them with a small smile, noting how close they were and turning back to her beer that had been brought and slowly started
13 years ago
_drinking it, quiet and thinking.
13 years ago
looks to her now, an eyebrow raised at how she have seemed to slow down. "Are you all right?"
13 years ago
nodded, murmuring, " Ja... I am fine... wishing I had what you two have." She shrugged her shoulder and kept sipping her beer.
13 years ago
raised an eyebrow, not quite getting what she meant before realisation sunk in and his hand flew from America like as if he had touched_
13 years ago
_hot coal, flushing deeply in embarrassment.
13 years ago
gave a few awkward coughs and cleared his throat before looking away.
13 years ago
chuckled but kept drinking her beer, waving for another round.
13 years ago
frowns just the slightest and remained quiet. He was drinking a lot faster now, it seems.
13 years ago
smiled and murmured, " Good... I'm glad she finally came over... I've missed her."
England has
13 years ago
finished his current glass by now and called for another.
13 years ago
Louise chuckled and waved for another round, murmuring, " She is... but she's very... free with some things."
12 years ago
, in his drunken state, cringed a little at America's choice of words. He downed yet another glass.
12 years ago
gently reached over to pat Arthur's back, murmuring, " Ja... in the right time and place."
12 years ago
frowned at the touch and swatted her hand away. "G't yer hands 'ff me." He slurred.
12 years ago
frowned before realizing that he was drunk and leaving it be. She waved again and drank another pint, not entirely drunk yet. She could
12 years ago
_really hold her liquor if she so wanted.
12 years ago
just slumped onto the table.
12 years ago
swirled the left over dredges in her mug and murmured, " I believe that he is wasted."
12 years ago
abruptly straightened himself up with a glare directed at both of them. "... 'm not drunk...!" Another glass was served to him and he_
12 years ago
_finished it without hesitation.
12 years ago
raised a brow and murmured, " Ja... so I can see." She still thought he was fairly drunk.
12 years ago
laughed and murmured, " Ja... but drinking is the main part. I can show you to the fun."
12 years ago
mumbled something about gits and shook his head.
12 years ago
stood up and moved through the revelers, blushing at a few pinches and slaps. She smiled at a few other girls and joined in with a bit of
12 years ago
_dancing, having fun.
12 years ago
snorted at that, "Uncivilised non-gentlemen, clearly." Against his better judgement, he threw a dirty look over the few girls, silently_
12 years ago
_warning them about coming over to flirt with his American lover. Alfred is a very attractive young man after all.
12 years ago
laughed and murmured, " Do not worry... it is expected at these celebrations."
12 years ago
... shot both America and Louise a glare. He was not jealous, of course. Especially not with the way the American is smiling at the German_
12 years ago
_lady. He grumbled something under his breath and gulped down a fresh bottle of beer.
12 years ago
rolled her eyes at Arthur before dragging Al out on the dance floor, slowly taking her time and teaching him a few dance moves. Or what she
12 years ago
_remembered from a few drunken revels.
12 years ago
seethed when Louise rolled her eyes at him. This was not the kind of attitude he could easily tolerate espeially when he was like this. As_
12 years ago
_much as he knew that one should remain calm and be gentlemanly about all this, he could not help but be pissed. What sets him off even_
12 years ago
_more was that America hadn't even bothered asking him for a dance. When the other two were dancing, he slapped his glass away, barely_
12 years ago
_missing the edge of the table. "Fuck this." Without even bidding farewell, he stood up and left.
12 years ago
sighed and finished the dance with America, murmuring, " Probably not... i think you should go, Al. He's probably pissed of with the both of
12 years ago
_us and I don't think that me going to confront him is a good idea. Send me a text if you're not coming back."
12 years ago
shrugged and murmured, " I'll be fine on my own, Alfred. And I think it was because you were dancing with me. And anyways, if I could handle
12 years ago
_the Berlin Wall and WW2 on my own, this will be nothing. Go, I'm going to be fine."
12 years ago
watched and decided to go back to partying. Might as well.
12 years ago
had just kind of collapsed just beside the bar's entrance on the ground against the wall, having given up on walking.
12 years ago
's knees were just weak but he had sobered up considerably. He wasn't that drunk, maybe just a little more than tipsy. "Yes."
12 years ago
"Too crowded." He shifted away from him. "You should go back. I am just... Out for a few breaths of fresh air before going back in."
England is
12 years ago
. But he is not going to voice that out. "That's just silly." He pushed him away. "Don't leave a lady alone."
12 years ago
shrugged it off. "I will come back later."
12 years ago
"No, I--" He growled before it subdued into a bit of a groan. "Fine. I will head back in once I clear my head." He was very well aware that_
12 years ago
_he had been rude towards Louise.
12 years ago
blinked and stared at him like as if he was crazy. He grumbled a little before pressing a quick kiss to his cheek.
12 years ago
waved him off, "Yes, yes. Now go."
Louise was
12 years ago
getting very close to being smashed, pounding back her beers and thinking that they probably left. She was enjoying being hit on.
12 years ago
looked up and blinked, giggling a bit and slurring out, " Hey Alll... Welcome bback." She giggled as a few other guys hit on her, quite
12 years ago
_enjoying the attention.
12 years ago
blinked and nodded, murmuring, " Ja, getting smashed right now. Want to join in?"
12 years ago
shrugged and murmured, " Not sure... I know I'll wake up tomorrow with a bad headache but..." She accepted another drink downing it to the
12 years ago
_cheers of the men.
12 years ago
had came back in earlier on but only for a brief second. He fulfilled his promise, at least. He had already left the place by then but just_
12 years ago
_sent America a message: "Came back in just now. Saw Miss Louise absolutely smashed. Be a good gentleman and bring her home, little prat._
12 years ago
_Already went home so I wouldn't cause you more trouble. I'll be fine so be the hero you have always wanted to be."
12 years ago
laughed at the attention and raised a brow at Al, noting the torn look on his face.
12 years ago
sighs quietly but knows that she should. " Ja... I would appreciate that." She finished her last glass and walked a bit unsteadily to Al.
12 years ago
Louise shivered and murmured, " Maybe a cab..." She stumbled a bit and giggled softly, very drunk.
Louise was
12 years ago
thankful for the younger male's attention and slid into the cab, softly telling the male where to drop her off. She still had enough money
12 years ago
_to pay the fare home.
12 years ago
smiled in thanks and leant into the seat, fixing her dress.
Louise was
12 years ago
feeling very drunk but smiled her thanks, paying the man and murmuring, " Danke for riding home with me. Be safe when you go back to Arthur.
12 years ago
_Guten nacht." She got out and stumbled to the door before sliding inside, safe in her house.
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