sARLAC shares
16 years ago do it >=o google "baybayin"
latest #27
sARLAC shares
16 years ago it says it's called Alibata, but that's the name for it from a different culture...jus as a side note xP
16 years ago
i don't understand why people in the Philippines (and my parents) don't care at all about who their ancestors were
16 years ago
most of the people in the Philippines don't even know about Baybayin
Nana Yeah! asks
16 years ago
every filipino subculture/dialect writes like that?
16 years ago
i don't know =[ *researches*
Nana Yeah! wonders
16 years ago
what other inscriptions were lost over the years... i wonder how my ancestors wrote.
16 years ago
I remember learning a bit. The only thing i learned how to write was bakla XD
16 years ago
16 years ago
I think alot of filipinos dont know about it is because the philippines has been invaded how many times now? Anyways, I think its because
16 years ago
we've taken in parts of many different cultures, that we tend to forget our own. But I bet the natives way in the untouched places of the PI
16 years ago
still know how to read and write baybayin.
Nana Yeah! says
16 years ago
it's still cool that even with being culture invaded so many times, you can still know your culture. My culture can only go so far back
Nana Yeah! says
16 years ago
as ... you know... bessie smith, and picking cotton.
Nana Yeah! says
16 years ago
my ancestors (that I can trace) only knew how to say "yes massa" and "oh lordy" lol
16 years ago
I remember at one point I wanted a baybayin tat lol. Went into it a lot while I was super active in PYC... wow that was like.. 10 years ago
Nana Yeah! thinks
16 years ago
you should still get one.
16 years ago
breyana: I don't remember what I was gonna have it say haha
Nana Yeah! says
16 years ago
write something new that means something to you now... most likely the you now will be accepted by the you later in life.
Nana Yeah! says
16 years ago
I'm sure you've evolved in a decade.
16 years ago
I know I've evolved, went from Rae-mon to Che-mon! *joke drum goes here* >.>
Nana Yeah! shares
16 years ago
a *ba-da-ba-TCH*
16 years ago
*drum roll solo for Cheche* o_o!
16 years ago
wooth I has drummerz
Nana Yeah!
16 years ago
(woot) (dance)
16 years ago
ha ha ha...silly people
Nana Yeah! says
16 years ago
hella changed the subject lol
16 years ago
lol fereal
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