pheffer says
12 years ago
I don't understand planking... Really.
latest #164
12 years ago
12 years ago
they think its cool. I don't know why, either
12 years ago
certainly the slaves who were "planked" didn't see it that way
12 years ago
I don't understand it either. It's like "Nakadapa ka. now what?" Pero kanya-kanyang trip lang, I guess.
[Mommy Ching] says
12 years ago
shrugs i don't get it either.
©RandyBau says
12 years ago
have you seen owling? (LOL)
[Mommy Ching] says
12 years ago
say Batmanning. accordingtoadrian.files....
[Mommy Ching] says
12 years ago
i find this way better. planking isn't so challenging na eh
12 years ago Ito kasi ang totoong planking, at para challenging, do for 2 minutes straight.
[Mommy Ching] says
12 years ago
ay... masubukan nga mamya yan
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
rallyists planking is utterly idiotic and irresponsible.
12 years ago
^the oil price hikes are more idiotic imho
12 years ago
at least that's planking for a cause, not just planking for the sake of planking.
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
ito yung isa sa mga 'wala lang' activities na pinagtatakhan kasi sikat at nakikita sa internet e_e
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
wala naman nagtatanong kung ano yung point ng pagbabasa ng label ng shampoo habang umeebak
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
ang point nya lang, plank, take pic, post on internet. wala nang kung anong kalaliman pa.
12 years ago
^hindi mo naman pinipicturan sarili mo pag binabasa mo yung label ng shampoo habang umeebak.
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
ang hindi ko gets e kung bat andaming namamansin sa planking e as if hindi tayo gumagawa ng 'wala lang' activities.
12 years ago
at inuupload sa Fezbuk.
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
oy ha. naka priv lang.
12 years ago
... ಠ_ಠ
12 years ago
"Planking" in that sense used to be called "Die-ins"
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
point ko lang, 'shenanigans' lang yan. kung ano man yung 'social relevance' sa mga slaves sa sinauna o ano man, tingin ko naman hindi
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
iniisip nung mga plankers yun. at kung iiisip man nung iba, sariling kakupalan na nila yun
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
ang social commentary ko lang, mga tao talaga ang hilig mag social commentary sa mga bagay na trip-trip lang naman.
12 years ago
sakin naman kasi, nakakabadtrip lang na basta ang usapan pagdating sa mga rally atbp., lagi ang tingin eh ang pagkahassle lang ng sarili...
12 years ago
dahil natrapik, hindi na bumababa dun sa tanong na "ba't may rally?"
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
well isa pang social commentary yan. 'paki ko ba sa anak ng driver na hindi makakain? kelangan ko pumunta sa mall!'
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
di naman ako nagmamalinis. wala akong keber sa kung anong concerns nila most of the time
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
pag nilalapitan ako nung mga nagrarally para i-explain yung cause nila, naiinis lang ako kasi isip ko nasa kung saan ako papunta
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
cause or no cause, i think planking is a really idiotic medium to show one's opinion on a topic. why is it irresponsible?
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
because its dangerous! there are more effective ways to do a rally than an internet meme.
12 years ago
mawsi: actually, the fact na pinaguusapan natin 'to eh ibig sabihin na effective sya sa pag-grab ng attention.
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
but what kind of attention has it received?
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
does it matter?
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
of course it does
12 years ago
baket, sa isang araw ba na me rally kinocover pa ba 'to ng media at pinaguusapan natin? Eh kung sabihin ko na a few weeks ago may...
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
i mean, when people rally 'traditionally', what kind of attention does it usually receive?
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
the thing is, i am not for the price hikes. but there are better ways to do this.
12 years ago
...rally sa may tapat ng PNP re: political prisoners. May nakapansin ba dahil nag-sindi lang sila ng kandila?
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
the planking is a short term gimmick and im afraid that its consequences on the younger generations can be very dangerous
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
there will always be people who will think that certain causes are beneath them--as with the methods to advocate these causes
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
i hope ur not saying that an oil hike is a cause beneath me, because thats not what i said.
12 years ago
...bago pa man ginamit ang planking sa protest dito, me namatay na sa planking sa Australia dati. Didn't stop anyone from doing it, right?
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
lol even the 'normal' rallyists have trivial people in their ranks. may nagrarally nga lang para walang pasok e.
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
kaya nga.. me namatay na nga. yun yung point ko. buti na lang tumitigil mga kotse at di sila nadidisgrasya
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
a no of course not. not you. i'm just saying, i don't think we should trivialize what people do for what they believe in.
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
we can't really say if they 'really' believe in it. if they're really out to make a change.
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
but what if impressionable children suddenly find this action cool. :| this is why im saying its dangerous.
12 years ago
^kung ganyan lang, edi i-ban na rin nating lahat ng eksenang nagbabarilan, nagsasaksakan at kung ano pa man sa pelikula.
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
there will always be impressionable children. when i was in college a few of my batchmates went to the mountains and signed up.
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
im not sure ur seeing the point alquanna , sure violence is available everywhere. but why add to more things that can get people into
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
direct danger? yes, these things are sometimes unavoidable. pero bat pa kailangan dagdagan.
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
truly, they got the attention but their action needs a follow up or processing
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
that's just as dangerous and imo stupid as well ('specially in the context of them 'throwing their futures away'), but they thought it was
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
the right thing to do at the time.
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
looking at the other side, its also the media's fault but upon hearing some of the news about the gimmick,
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
it's the media's nature to sensationalize, and it's also the reason why the planking protest came to be.
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
mas pinansin ung dangers rather than the rallyists cause. (at least sa mga napanood/narinig ko).
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
just rallying isn't exciting anymore, and it's sad that people who want to stand up for something need to resort to 'cheap gimmicks' to
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
be heard.
12 years ago
^kasi hindi rin naman makikinig ang mga tao otherwise eh.
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
that, i understand. sadly, sadly. kelangan minsan gumimik (though as i said - very dangerous) pra pansinin
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
i mean this issue doesn't just speak of the shallowness of this isolated incident.
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
it speaks of how everyone's become so calloused to issues of social reform.
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
but.. i still think its (planking on the road) really dangerous. considering how impressionable people are.
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
maybe that deserves more debate than the 'validity' of one form of protest over the another.
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
it IS dangerous. if it's not, who would give a damn?
12 years ago
mawsi: tangentially, may ilang barkada na rin akong namundok at may ilang friends of friends na ring namatay para lang sa paniniwala nila.
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
it's not 'making a stand (ironically)' for nothing.
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
^ i lol'd (LOL)
12 years ago
at marami din sa normal na rally ang nababato/na-water cannon/nabubugbog. So tbh minor risk na nga ang planking kung iisipin.
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
i respect people who are willing to die for what they believe in. yes, may dangers to "normal" rallying din. yung
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
^ ang 'issue' ata is how planking is a stupid way to make yourself heard.
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
which i disagree with by virtue of this very exchange.
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
objection ko is, impressionable youth may take this otherwise good-willed action into something and turn it into a
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
i believe that impressionable youths will find ways to kill themselves one way or another
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
if it's not this, it'll be drugs or some weird cartoon.
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
a way to be cool or popular. ok lang sana kng di extreme planking
12 years ago
saka kung titingnan ang mga pangyayari, naunang nauso ang planking (extreme or otherwise) as is, nung sumikat lang sinama sa rally.
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
it's not like i'm being cold to people who died but PLEASE, if they put themselves at risk, katangahan na nila yun
12 years ago
so may rally man o wala, people will still end up planking. (Me pinsan akong nag-plank sa harap ng monumento ni Rizal for kicks.)
12 years ago
alquanna: it's not even planking per se. It's your typical die-in/lie-in, only renamed
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
if it's so necessary to prevent impressionable youths from doing stupid things,
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
we should outlaw sky diving or idk BASKETBALL
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
that doesnt make sense. basket ball is stupid? o_O
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
heaven knows 99.99% of people who take up the sport did so to be popular [citation needed]
12 years ago
Wobbiekun: ...actually. Though dati, sa unang rally na ginawa ang planking, kasama nila yung unofficial planking org sa UP. Hmm.
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
well, if basketball wasn't a global phenomenon (like, incidentally, planking), can anyone actually make sense of it?
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
anyway, the whole point in my opinion is, there must have been a more appropriate way to get themselves heard.
12 years ago
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
i get that, and my point has been, 'being appropriate' has never been the concern of people who want to be heard
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
idk what the more appropriate way is, but i sure do feel its not planking.
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
i can understand that point jylichan
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
because 'being appropriate' is acknowledging that no change has to be made.
12 years ago
appropriate is conforming to the status quo itself.
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
no srsly hindi ako tibak. i'm actually quite the hypocrite for voicing out my opinion in this way
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
i'm just sayin', for whatever reason, these people have made themselves heard, and it may not be in a way that everyone approves of
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
but gaining approval has never been on the menu.
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
i just hope they've been heard because of their cause and not their gimmick. :|
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
kasi mawawala rin if they end up being remembered as the road plankers rather than the people who are against oil price hikes (did that make
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
well, why are those two different things?
12 years ago
mawsi: tangentially, parang Carlos Celdran din lang yan. He'll forever be remembered as the Damaso guy, BUT at least medyo mainit pang isyu
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
i mean, if person A is inclined to be concerned over the oil price hike and he finds out via this activity, the activity has served its
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
thats the positive outcome and that;s what we're all hoping for. pero me negative effects lang din like,
12 years ago
...ang RH bill - at nalaman ng mas maraming taong me ganun pala.
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
... nawala ung example ko sa isip ko.
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
meanwhile, person B just marveled at the novelty of it, planks along, and gets run over by a truck. he devastates his family
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
CHANCES ARE, person B is just the kind of person who'd stupidly get himself killed one way or another anyway.
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
^ yan.
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
if we wanted to 'keep kids safe' from doing stupid stunts, there's a very long list of stupid stunts and planking is safer than most.
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
point taken. planking is not as crazy as lets say blood letting in public (maybe?)
12 years ago
^Mas historical pa nga yan, tipong sandugo nina Sikatuna at Legazpi.
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
and what of it?
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
if they want to keep the planking thing up, then whoever is representing them should find a way to get interviewed and explain their
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
actions thoroughly and maybe put a disclaimer "dont try this kids". :-P
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
i apologize for sounding idk fatalistic, but people do what they do to feel alive, regardless of 'sense' or even self-preservation
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
even if lessay we think it's misguided and even deluded
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
which has been my point during the entire discussion. i mean screw the adults. they can think for themselves.
12 years ago
mawsi: wala pa ngang self-immolation dito, kung iisipin. Yun ang mas lalong mahirap magpaliwanag pakatapos kasi patay ka na talaga nun.
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
^ now im not sure if ur being morbidly humorous or being serious. or both.
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
lol sometimes i feel that the current shitstorm that is the philippine society deserves extreme acts of activism
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
yung isang kasama ko dto sabi dapat nag owling na lang daw sila... amf. (LOL)
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
no srsly. i may not care, but then i guess that's the problem. NOBODY cares.
12 years ago
^exactly. Tapos maiinis na hindi pa umuunlad ang bansa, eh wala namang ginagawa.
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
^ actually there are a LOT of good people in the world. good in small ways, but these add up din naman
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
yun nga lang marami ding masama na natatabunan ung kabutihan ng ibang tao
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
:-( which is sad.
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
^ this is mainly why i don't really care about social reform, but maybe i'm just blindly optimistic.
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
also, ang hassle kaya mag-rally
12 years ago
kaya minsan dapat itranslate yung small ways into bigger ways eh.
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
jylichan u mean pessimistic?
12 years ago
saka yung good na tipong short-term lang, walang long-term good, ganun
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
no no
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
i mean, i really am ok with how the philippines is
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
di naman, long term din ung good. like paying taxes or something... yun nga lang binubulsa ung kabutihan ng tao. so meh wala rin.
12 years ago
^sakin kasi hindi pa "good" yang taxes, default pa yan (LOL)
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
like, there are lots of fucked up shit but hey i can find my happiness and that's enough for me.
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
lol good yan dapat! pero sa atin hindi ramdam kasi epal gobyerno. if taxes were properly places (like SG?) gaganda buhay natin lahat
12 years ago
mawsi: good is supporting a cause by donating time or resources (at hindi lang pag-rally, though it's also a valid way for some people)
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
and besides, no matter what i do, i'll either be branded an extremist or an attention-whore, just like those plankers
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
jylichan ahh ok gets. well PH is thankfully not in dire situations. but it could be better
Stinky Diver says
12 years ago
que sera sera
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
indeed. :|
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
(correction sa isang reply, its "properly placed";-)
12 years ago
mawsi: hindi sya good, kasi it's your responsibility as a citizen of the country. :-P
12 years ago
whether you're in SG, PH or even the US (na mas contentious ang taxes because they're fighting too many wars that many also oppose)
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
(LOL) responsiblity is good too. its an obligation but its for the good of the people. cguro bad example lang ung taxes hahaha
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
anyway, i shall concede for today (me ganon?) work beckons :| the discussion was much interesting :-)
12 years ago
.GT. says
12 years ago
interestingly . . . may natutunan ako sa discussion nyo ^_^
12 years ago
i wonder how much karma Peps got out of this plurk. (lmao) No need to reply. You guys said most of what's to be said for both sides. XD
12 years ago
But, I'll just quote Randy: verydemotivational.files...
[Mommy Ching] says
12 years ago
antherion: oh yeaaaaaah
ಠ_ಠ says
12 years ago
pahamak plurk ni pheffer
12 years ago
nu ba yan. sabi ko lang di ko siya maintindihan eh. >_> nagpaplank kasi sila dito sa office when i plurked that.
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