Who Is Darion?
12 years ago
I totally hate the cold, I am going to start a campaign to bring back summer :-)
latest #13
blipvert says
12 years ago
Yeah! Occupy the NWS!
12 years ago
its a weird cold too.. like humid cold
12 years ago
my hair was a frizzball today!
Who Is Darion?
12 years ago
omg right????
Who Is Darion?
12 years ago
lol mine too and it's totally making me ache too :-(
12 years ago
Who Is Darion?
12 years ago
I am cold from the inside lol
12 years ago
I must have used about 5 hair products today to tame this bitch
12 years ago
but on the upside.. its almost hot chocolate time!
Beyoncé Enjoyer says
12 years ago
It's like Labor Day came and went and the temperature dropped 20 degrees.
12 years ago
It's not quite cold here yet..but it's cooling off. I'm dragging around a sweatshirt.
Who Is Darion?
12 years ago
omg dude I so want some tea now
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