most levels are fine. lab left out thyroid so still gotta check that..
MRI to rule out spina bifida today. severely, massively anemic. 700mg of iron sulfate daily..
and no blood infection, which is very good.. so, get rid of the infection, up iron, and hope it works.. he says it'll take a long time.
If you lived near me, you could drink well water that has iron in it & eat out of iron skillets.
I think my kids have red hair because of all the iron here. Or as Alfred E. Neuman said when asked where he got his red hair...
His mother was a pink flamngo.
yeah, we suspect though, that it isn't that I'm not eating enough iron, it's that my body isn't processing it? gotta be on these a while and
test again. I guess the alternative is IV injections? heh.. I've always been anemic, just didn't realise how much it mattered...
You could eat eggs & drink OJ...have food high in iron - tomatoes are complete because the vitamin C helps your body absorb the iron.
Study up on a better diet for adding iron plus vitamin C.
spina bifida?

I had no idea that was linked to anemia.
Take care of yourself, please.
I can't have vitamin c, anything citrus, and especially not oj :/
spina bifida isn't linked to anemia, I just have several things going on
Vitamin C is what helps your body absorb iron. What to do?
ima: I meant that no matter how much iron I put in my body, my body isn't doing what I need with it? I don't know if it wont absorb, or what
I don't know :/ that may be part of the problem..

I mean, I can have vitamin c I guess, but no citrus juices and no extra vitamin c..
Hope you find some solutions & answers soon.
me too hugz I just wanna stop getting so weak, and faint every day. makes it hard to do anything..
I know what you mean & don't want to bore you with my problems. Just know I have lots of empathy.
oh yeah, I am always borderline anemic. I used to have a hard time donating blood because of that. Plus everytime I was pregnant I had to
take iron supplements along with the prenatal vitamins ... iron supplements taste icky