sparx104 wonders
16 years ago
anyone here got any medical training?
latest #12
samiam says
16 years ago
You mean the legitimate sort? (unsure)
sparx104 says
16 years ago
i could do with knowing if a cut should have stitches.
samiam says
16 years ago
If you have to wonder, the answer is probably "yes".
sparx104 is
16 years ago
not sure. i've managed to improvise by cutting a plaster into small strips and it's holding. i suppose i'll just see what happens.
sparx104 has
16 years ago
to get some steristrips. i have some medical tape - could have used that i suppose. is quite deep but i think it will be ok. thx
ginajellybean says
16 years ago
other than watchinh House, Casualty, Holby City and a bit of ER, you mean?
sparx104 says
16 years ago
probably not ;-) it seems ok with what i've done. i'll buy some steristrips tomorrow, i think i may be needing them for a while...
sparx104 says
16 years ago
apparently you can. or so i read, i will ask at the chemist.
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