Katharine is
13 years ago
saying hello after being away for a very long time :-)
latest #6
lizit says
13 years ago
wow - it is a long time - how are you?
Katharine says
13 years ago
Hi lizit I'm good thanks. I start my PhD this week at Glasgow.I'm so pleased,as it was the only place I really wanted to study.
srdawes says
13 years ago
Do you have to move up there or can you do the PhD as a distance learnning student?
Katharine says
13 years ago
It is only 2hours to drive,so meet face2face regularly&use Skype.I did the research methods at the OU&now 6 yrs part time PhD.
Katharine says
13 years ago
hit the wrong key *3 hours drive...
srdawes says
13 years ago
long day then for a day trip :-( - welcome back here katharinejewitt
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