Feeny says
15 years ago
whats your opinion on this strange happening.
latest #25
Feeny says
15 years ago
a work friend of mine was doing a delivery to a regular customer last week
Feeny says
15 years ago
the girl on reception tells him she's going to the US on scholarship for a couple of years
Feeny says
15 years ago
she then invites him over for dinner, wine and tells him he can stay the night too
Feeny says
15 years ago
she tells him that as he's been flirting with her for the past few months, they may as well have sex and get it over with
Feeny says
15 years ago
bizarre or what?
Feeny says
15 years ago
he says he wasn't flirting, just being himself
Feeny says
15 years ago
yep, he felt really odd about it
Feeny says
15 years ago
I would feel funny about anyone telling me that I've been flirting when I haven't. bit nutty don't you think?
15 years ago
wait, I don't get it...was he bragging or complaining?
Feeny says
15 years ago
he was stunned, he couldn't believe what had just happened
15 years ago
...but did he stay?
Feeny says
15 years ago
she asked him for this weekend and he said no, so she's hinted at next weekend
Feeny says
15 years ago
he wants an excuse not to go...i told him to tell her he's not interested
Feeny says
15 years ago
yes, that is a good question..
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