ummmm all of them i guess :|a i miss them all for different reasons
i miss playing cloud because he's cloud ;A; i miss guy because he's guy
cloud could do humor, drama, action, and he could fuck up just about every convo he had
guy was really good for being friendly and outgoing and asking tough questions
although i think sometimes i played up his darker elements a bit
the art of versatile social fail
but he was just so INTERESTING because of them
i miss playing bass like WHOA
he's my favorite- actually
i think he's my ONLY villain
he's so. SO fun. but SO MUCH FANON goes into his personality i feel a little guilty playing him places
outside a musebox/elegante
ummm i really miss playing bumblebee
i wish i didn't periodically lose interest in him, because i would SO app him again
i really only get interested in link and bee when i've just recently played/watched their canon
although tf3 just about mutilated my bee muse so i'm doing my best to forget it
i miss caboose despite him being so hit-and-miss
i loved being absolutely off-the-wall ridiculous with him
ditto with what little i've played the director
i really wish i'd apped him somewhere and gotten to play with a church
but them's the breaks i guess
my only lady muse whose really stuck around
i love that nana. so much
and loupe was such a bang-up sigmund and akai's edward pretty much made playing her awesome
throw in kukki's kratos and how that pairing developed OUT OF LEFT FIELD and she ranks up there with one of my fav muses
ummm i really enjoyed playing sephiroth, especially with zero's nina and that weird chemistry they had going on
and they were a family ;A; kind of
that was really, really sweet and awesome
let's see...akutare from disgaea 2 i've thought about picking up again every so often
but only because he's hilariously fun
i wouldn't be able to keep going with him for long periods of time
i miss playing goten SO MUCH
samuel-034 more specifically
i'd wanted to play him for YEARS, ever since i first read the halo book(s)
and roy's john is fucking fantastic, i couldn't have found a better chief if i'd searched my entire life
i cannot tell you the times i've been tempted to pick him back up
i really, really love sam. really miss sam too
i loved played yamamoto also, like A LOT, but i actually don't remember the actual THREADING i did with him now
i think he's a little too simple a character for me
i wanted to complicate him
one day you will play them all again, baby
i kept finding reasons to go "WELL BUT IT'S NOT THAT SIMPLE HE COULD REACT THIS WAY...."
he would react the way he always does
because he's same old yamamoto
oh my god i miss playing mikey and leo like burning
i LOVE playing leo because
he's such a hypocritical, uptight jerkface sometimes
especially the one i played, from the 2007 movie
and mikey, because he's mikey. from the 2k3 series
god DAMN that was a really good series
i do miss playing atem/yami also, but i only miss the way i played him
i personally think yugioh had a decent chance to be good, if they'd just told the card games to fuck off instead of
because in the manga he was just going to do a ton of puzzles and games, but he did the card games and apparently audiences
loved it so much he made it permanent
anyway the card games are stupid
and obviously there was little to no research on ancient egyptian stuff
but i think if they had really TRIED it could have been actually pretty fucking awesome
dark magic, egyptian gods, soul-mutilating penalties and a dead pharaoh? COOL.
so i play yami in a way that probably is completely ooc from canon
so yeah i'll never app him somewhere again ahahaahahahaha |D
oh and i miss kagawa for his epic linefaces.
Yeah, it would have been a better series without them.