13 years ago
tripped at the top of the stairs and sent his phone flying.. It was no longer functioning..
latest #107
Declan has
13 years ago
been trying to call his mobile all day, and he then, irritated, calls his home phone.
13 years ago
had been fussing over his phone, he almost jumped a mile when the house phone rung. He went and picked it up. "Hello..?"
13 years ago
'Why are you ignoring me?' He starts off demanding, then his voice turns scared 'Are you seeing someone else?' It now turns pleading._
13 years ago
'Don't leave me for someone else, Art'r, I love you!'
13 years ago
looked confused. "D-Declan?!" He heard how his voice changed. "I love you too, please calm down. I wasn't intentionally ignoring you, I
13 years ago
tripped on the rug and sent my mobile down the stairs into the wall. It broke in two. I would never leave you for someone else, please don't
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speak like that.. I hate hearing you so upset."
13 years ago
stops panic-breathing at the explanation. 'O-oh, okay...' He looks around, people in the shopping centre which he was in were staring_
13 years ago
at him. 'Im sorry...uh...s-so you broke your phone?' He immediately heads to Englands house.
13 years ago
nods to him, glad for a cordless phone as he went to unlock the door, he was sure Declan was on his way now. "Yes, bruised my knees too..."
13 years ago
gasps and checks his wallet. Yes, he had a range of plasters. 'Are you alright? Do you want me to bring you anything? Chocolate might help?'
13 years ago
laughs quietly. "I'm fine, my knees are just sensitive, so I can't be on them. I don't need anything, love."
13 years ago
hears him laugh and is relieved he's alright. 'I'll see to yer legs, I'm just coming up your path.' He tries to hide the fact he's running.
13 years ago
"Please stop running, you needn't worry so much." He opened the front door, leaning against the door frame, he waited for him.
13 years ago
, the second Arthur leans against the doorframe, pounces on him and pins him against the frame. 'S'ok, I'm here now.'
13 years ago
gasps as he was pinned. "Yes.. I see that." He blinked. "You needn't be so worried like I said."
13 years ago
picks him up and carries him into the livingroom. 'You don't understand. You are way more fragile than you know.' Silly breakable Englishman
13 years ago
gasps wrapping his arms around his neck. "I am not. I was a pirate I think I am pretty stable."
13 years ago
chuckles. 'A that what you called your little game?' He looks at the nation he considers to be less experienced as him. _
13 years ago
'You were cute in your little outfits back then.'
13 years ago
scoffs. "I was! Don't you dare call that a 'game'!" He was insulted and hated that he blushed at that. "I'm not cute. Neither were my
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clothes." Not to say he still didn't posess those outfits.
13 years ago
laughs at his response. 'Shame you probably threw them out when our colonies ended. I'd have loved to see you in that little hat again.'
13 years ago
looks away at that. "I still may have kept the hat.." And the jacket. "I didn't want to get rid of them." His red coat uniform was a
13 years ago
different story.
13 years ago
tightens his hold on him. 'You still have them?' He pulls him in. 'They still fit, right? Would you....model them for me?'
13 years ago
blushes and nods. "Yes, they fit still." If anything he had gotten a little smaller since then. "I guess I could.. Why do you want me to?"
13 years ago
bites his bottom lip in excitement. 'Because you looked sexy in them, and now I get to have a close up look of it.'
13 years ago
nods a little. "Ah... Fine I'll show you, they're in the basement though."
13 years ago
stands and shuffles them along to the basement door. 'Have you got other 'hidden treasures' in there?'
13 years ago
frowns at him, following. "I'm not telling you what I've kept and what I haven't." he headed to the basement, to a different room than his
13 years ago
spell casting room. this one had a few boxes and outfit bags on the walls, his other things in the attic. He looked to his hat right away.
13 years ago
goes to the spell casting area and chuckles at the thought of Arthur getting his magic on. He then pulls boxes down and ruffles though them.
13 years ago
sputters a little. "NOT THAT BOX...!" That box had the nurse dress from that one April Fools. "L-look! my hat!" His face was red.
13 years ago
pulls up the nurse dress and stares at it before cocking his head to the side and gazing at Arthur. 'Art'r, baby....?'
13 years ago
shakes his head quickly, going to grab that. "G-give me that!" He blushed very darkly at that.
13 years ago
pulls it out of reach and then pushes it against Arthur's frame. 'Why do you have this?' He cries.
13 years ago
flushes angrily. "Francis forced me into it a few years ago on April fools! I hadn't gotten around to throwing it out." He had pretty much
13 years ago
just taken it off and tossed it into a box.
13 years ago
arches a brow. 'Francis? I have to thank him one day. C'mon, put it on!' He grins.
13 years ago
goes blank faced as his face paled. "W-what?! No!" He was sure the stockings and shoes were in there as well, so he was trying to get the
13 years ago
box away from him.
13 years ago
frowns at him, not actually angry but trying to guilt Arthur into it. 'So you're saying you'd wear it for Francis but not for me?' He_
13 years ago
keeps the box out of reach, figuring there must be more in there.
13 years ago
groans. "Declan, that's not fair! I wore that bloody thing once I don't want to wear it again." He knew he would eventually.
13 years ago
shakes his head. 'What isn't fair, Art'r, is that you will let the Frenchman get a look at you in it, but your very own boyfriend who loves_
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you just gets a plain no?' He pouts.
13 years ago
heaves a sigh. "Give me the damn thing." If Declan was going to pout he would just give up arguing.
13 years ago
immediately grins and holds out the shoes and stockings. 'Can't forget the rest of the set, my love.'
13 years ago
groans quietly, quickly taking the stockings and shoes. "How did it go from my pirate clothes to this?"
13 years ago
leaves him a minute to get dressed, and uses this opportunity to search through more boxes for other sexy outfits.
13 years ago
leaves the room to change, he went to the bathroom and changed into the outfit, shoes and all. He came back to the basement. "There.."
13 years ago
looks up and his jaw drops. 'Fffff-eck..' He stares unblinkingly,
13 years ago
blushes at him. "W-what? Does it look bad?" He was embarrassed as hell at this moment.
13 years ago
makes grabby hand gestures at him, willing him to come closer so he could touch him. 'M-ine.'
13 years ago
takes a few steps toward him, still blushing. "Is me in a pink dress really that big of a turn on for you?"
13 years ago
already has his head poking under the skirt of the dress. 'Uh-huh!' His hands run up and down his body, loving the feel of the material.
13 years ago
blushes and shoves his face away. "At least try to leave me with some dignity!"
13 years ago
grins up at him from his kneeling position on the floor. 'I'm sorry, you just look so good right now. Makes me want to...well, you know.'
13 years ago
blushes at that. "I think I could wear a potato sack and you would want to do that."
13 years ago
tips his head to the side. 'Maybe, but still. I like you like this. It's sexy.' He runs his hands up his legs and winks at him.
13 years ago
gasps and shiver, bringing his knees together slightly. "How is a man in a dress sexy?" He knew he had a feminine figure but it was still
13 years ago
very embarrassing for him.
13 years ago
shakes his head. 'Nothing. But this man is you. With your tousled hair, your flushed cheeks.' He stands and pulls him in. His hands rest_
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around his rear, fingers rubbing the dress hem.
13 years ago
blushes quietly still. "Ah.. that's good. I'd be worried if you wanted to see me in dresses more often." Not worried, just embarrassed.
13 years ago
leans in and kisses his neck . 'Maybe next time you could be a French maid?'
13 years ago
stares at him. "Y-you mean one of those lacy frilly... Oh bloody hell.." His mind...
13 years ago
's hands sneak under the hem and plays with his underwear. 'I'm just thinking you'd look really cute in it. You can clean me up.'
13 years ago
blushes at that. "But that means I have to own another dress.. And shoes and other things.." He tried to ignore the hand on his underwear.
13 years ago
's fingers slip under the underwear and he strokes his butt cheeks. 'So? I won't tell anyone. And if you want, I'll go buy them for you.'
13 years ago
jumps slightly feeling his finger, only pressing himself closer to Declan. "If I let you do that.. What's the odds you'll come back with
13 years ago
more than just a dress?"
13 years ago
presses his lips together to hide the knowing grin. 'Maybe a little high.'
13 years ago
sighs and frowns. "I don't trust you to not get something embarrassing..."
13 years ago
rolls his eyes, still grinning. 'You don't trust me, full stop!'
13 years ago
sighs angrily and shakes his head. "That's it. I'm going to go change."
13 years ago
'No, no, no, no, no-' He takes his hands and pulls him back. 'Don't do that, you should stay dressed like this the whole day.'
13 years ago
stares at him. "You're bloody insane! I don't want to stay like this all damn day!" He had worn a kilt... But this was different.
13 years ago
arches a brow and folds his arms. 'Is it uncomfortable? Is it ugly? No, so there is no reason not to wear it and make me happy.'
13 years ago
frowns a little more at that. "You are not fair..." He sighed, why couldn't he say no to him?! "Fine. I'll stay like this. But my boxers are
13 years ago
staying on."
13 years ago
sighs. 'Compromises are what makes a relationship work, I guess. So. Am I your first patient?' He leans back against the wall, arms folded.
13 years ago
nods to him. "I guess you could say that. Francis just made me wear the bloody thing. That's all."
13 years ago
smiles wickedly. 'I think we should go to the bedroom and test your nursing skills, then.'
13 years ago
looks him over, blushing. "I don't see anything wrong with you though."
13 years ago
'Oh, there are many t'ings wrong with me. But you'll have to examine me to find them all.' He laughs and races upstairs to lie on the bed.
13 years ago
sighs and unwillingly follows him up to the room. He paused outside of his door, he was convincing himself to actually 'act' like a nurse._
13 years ago
A few moments later, he had fully convinced himself, and he stepped into the room, looking at Declan with a coy smile. "Now, Mr. O'Byrne, I
13 years ago
need you to strip down to your knickers."
13 years ago
had been lying down on the bed, toes wriggling in excitement, and at hearing his words he looks stunned and - if possible, even more_
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excited. He blushes at the smile. It was coy and very unlike Arthur. He stumbles up and shimmies his clothes off apart from his knickers._
13 years ago
'Whatever you say, Nurse Art'r.'
13 years ago
looks him over. "Lay down, please." He could barely keep himself from already touching Declan.
13 years ago
kicks his clothes off the bed and then stretches himself over the bed. 'I hope whatever it is isn't serious, Nurse.' He winks.
13 years ago
walks over to the bed, he reached out. "I don't think this is too serious, sir." He touched his chest, as he knelled on the bed. "Nothing, I
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can't handle, that's for sure." He smiled a little. "Is there anywhere that I should check first?"
13 years ago
shivers under his touch. He looks down at his own body. 'I guess you could check my heartbeat. Maybe my temperature. Although my_
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ass has been feeling a little sensitive lately...' He smirks.
13 years ago
tries not to blush. "Well, I suppose I could give you a nice rub down to relax any.. tight muscles."
13 years ago
puts on a sickly face. 'They are real tight right now.' He nods. 'And if that's what you recommend...'
13 years ago
hums a little. "Well.. I guess I could, as long as you promise that I wont get into trouble."He couldn't believe he was saying these things.
13 years ago
grins naughtily and presses a finger to his lips. 'I won't say a word. You can do whatever you think is necessary. A-ny-thing.'
13 years ago
smiles a little teasingly. "Well, that's good, I would hate to get in trouble for doing my job.."
Declan wants
13 years ago
to lean up and grab that face into a demanding kiss, but knows as the patient he can't do that...yet. 'Do you think you'll have to do a_
13 years ago
thorough examination?'
13 years ago
nods to him. "I would think so, sir.."
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