that sunset are always beautiful.
agrees. "Would you like to sit with me?" he didn't know who the boy was, but why not?
"Sure", he needs a new friend to talk too.
curls his legs to his chest. "Do you watch the sunset a lot?"
"Yes, everyday, there is always sunset in Sealand. I was never bored to watch them. It explained that all living beings needs to rest"
thinks 13 years ago
that's rather poetic for someone that young. "That's a very nice way of putting it," he smiled.
"I like learning new things, especially poetry and art. I like to paint. How about you?"
further taken back. "Ah well I like those things too," he barely knows what to say.
"Maybe, someday, we can paint together?"
nods and slowly smiles, "Sure, that would be fun."
"What kind of things do you like to paint?"
"I like to draw portraits or animals, what about you?"
"Painting beautiful views like sunset, the beach, the mountain many more, what animal do you like to paint?"
"Usually like rabbits or squirrels, but sometimes I like to paint things like bobcats and wolves." Sure, wolves were scary but they were
looking scared, "Wol..Wolves?, I don't really like them.
smiles sheepishly, "In person they aren't so nice, but I like them in pictures."
sigh with relief, taking a deep breath and replied, "Wolves, I wonder if I can paint them, my paintings aren't so good, even though I like_
looks at him. "I'm sure they're better than you think."