Launa Fauna
12 years ago
Bowie is sick. He's not eating or drinking.
latest #22
Launa Fauna
12 years ago
Apparently now everywhere wants you to use a special credit card to pay for vet bills if you cant afford them.
Launa Fauna
12 years ago
Im worried he ate something he shouldn't have. and his stomach is obstructed.
Launa Fauna
12 years ago
He likes to chew socks... and blankets
12 years ago
how old is he and how long has it been since he ate or drank.. and is he peeing?
Launa Fauna
12 years ago
he's 4. He ate yesterday but hasnt been interested since then. I got him some kitty junkfood to try to entice him since before that it
Launa Fauna
12 years ago
had been like another 24 hours.
Launa Fauna
12 years ago
I gave him hairball treatment to see if I could lubricate things a bit which he ate yesterday.
Launa Fauna
12 years ago
I took him to the vet this morning. I got him checked out. They wanted to give him fluids under the skin, an enema, and xrays
12 years ago
(cozy) :-(
Launa Fauna
12 years ago
his temp was normal, she felt his abdomen. It wasnt hard. She thinks that the food I switched him to last month has dried him out
Launa Fauna
12 years ago
but I dont know how to force fluids in him
this happened to my cat. We give him wet food twice a day now, as it forces fluids, switched him to a dry thats easier to digest.
But sadly it was 3 vet visits to figure out what was going on.
Launa Fauna
12 years ago
I put down wet and he isn't interested right now. Hopefully he will be soon.
12 years ago
I agree with Fleur... i give mine wet once a day and dry out all the time
12 years ago
and water is always available
12 years ago
(cozy) watch closely to see if he pees... that means he MAY be drinking when you don't see him
Launa Fauna
12 years ago
hmm thats reassuring. Now if I could only get him to eat.
LilElfinAnnie says
12 years ago
They didn't rehydrate him while you were at the vet? They usually do that as a matter of course.
12 years ago
really Launa, he won't starve if he does not eat for a couple days... but drinking is key... even if you get an eyedropper and just drop
12 years ago
some water on his tongue
12 years ago
sometimes cats like dripping water... maybe keep the water on a drip in the tub or sink in the bathroom....
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