Hungary is
13 years ago
walking home from school, when it starts to rain. She sighs because she's still a ways from home and is bound to get soaked. {Event}
latest #63
13 years ago
just so happens to be walking when he spots Hungary. Noticing that she is without an umbrella, he walks up next to her and holds his
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umbrella up to cover both of them.
13 years ago
Looks up to see him, quite surprised. "I-Ice! Hello...and thank you." she smiles, shaking off her surprise.
13 years ago
nods in response. "Hello, and don't mention it. I figured you'd rather not get drenched in the rain so..."
13 years ago
Giggles, "Yeah, this is a lot better than that. So how are you Ice--may I call you that? I don't think we've ever really gotten acquainted "
13 years ago
"You can call me Ice. Seems like it's everybody's nickname for me anyway..." He extends his free hand towards her, offering a handshake.
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"We can take this time now to get acquainted, if you want."
13 years ago
"I'd love too." She clasps his hands and shakes, in a friendly manor. "So...where do we begin...well to start with, what your general
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Iceland thinks
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for a moment. "General interests... Well, I enjoy reading as well as watching old movies - Icelandic or not. And..." He pauses. He's never
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actually thought about this before. Usually, he just lounges around the house and does whatever seems entertaining at that specific time.
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"I guess I don't really have many interests." he shrugs. "Yourself?"
13 years ago
"Well I have a hobby of reading, er, some of Japan's works," she tries to remain tactful. "And I like a few active things like badminton,
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and skiing, etc." She pauses for a moment. "I suppose I don't really have a long list of hobbies either, but I find it's more fun to focus
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on just a few anyway." She says, smiling.
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nods in agreement. "I think... it's better to have a few interests than a broad variety. Gives you less to keep track of." He says before
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managing a small smile in return. "Next question, I guess, how is school going for you so far?"
13 years ago
"Pretty well," She answers. "Its a little busy but it can be fun too. I tend to like learning new things." She makes eye contact with him,
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"And yourself?" She asks, curiously.
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"Fine, for now at least. There are a few concepts in some of the classes I don't really understand, but that comes with the whole school
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package, doesn't it."
13 years ago
"That's good to hear. And it's the same for me, there's always a few things I don't understand, especially in Algebra, math really isn't my
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specialty." She laughs lightly.
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"Looks like we're on the same page. I don't get half the stuff that's covered in my math class..." He sighs. "I just hope I don't end up
13 years ago
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Giggles. "I'm glad to see someone's in the same boat as me, but you shouldn't worry, I'm sure you won't fail." She pauses to think.
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"Perhaps we could have Monaco help us sometime, she signed up to be a math tutor..."
13 years ago
"Monaco? Oh, yeah. I talked to her recently, and she said she's available pretty much everyday." He adjusts the bag on his shoulder a bit.
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"We should go talk to her and get help soon."
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"Yeah, that would probably be good, we have a test coming up..." She trails off, thinking of all the things she has to do...
13 years ago
"Well never mind that topic of responsibility, I'd still like to get to know you better." She raises her head and smiles towards him. "How
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do you get a long with your family? And is your brother alright, I heard about what happened..." She thinks sadly of the natural disaster...
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frowns and focuses his gaze downwards. "I haven't... I haven't managed to speak to him in quite awhile." he says quietly. The topic of his
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brother right now is sensitive. The sudden long period of not talking, no surprise visits, no pestering from Norway about calling him
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'brother'... He has yet to get used to it. Or stop worrying. Realizing he's remained silent for a bit too long, his head perks up. "Ah- Well
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I'm sure he's alright..."
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Senses that his relationship with his family, especially his brother is tense, to say the least. This causes her to worry, but she doesn't
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feel like there's much she can do about it--yet. "I see." Well I trust that he's doing much better, he has a lot of support and people to
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help him." she starts thinking for a second about her own family...she doesn't really have a specific family of course...just many important
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people, who were...her world--literally.
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nods slowly, and finds himself thinking more and more about Norway and what he could possibly be doing. In a way, he begins to feel a bit
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guilty. Everybody is helping Norway but him - or so it seems. Maybe it was time to make a trip down there soon? No... he'd probably just be
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a burden. He sighs quietly before turning his attention back to Hungary and giving her a small smile, trying to distract her from the topic.
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"I'm sure you're probably right. I'll hear from him soon, I think."
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Looks worriedly at Iceland sensing she just touched a rather sensitive topic a little too hard. "Perhaps..." She begins, taking a gamble, "I
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might visit Norway myself, I'd like to pitch in...but then I don't really know him, I wonder would go with me? Then we could give
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some support together..." She looks towards him, hoping desperately for a positive reaction...but wonders if the suggestion was too
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far fetched...
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wasn't expecting the sudden suggestion. His eyebrows raise in surprise and he looks directly into her eyes - as if trying to find any proof
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that she isn't serious. Alas, he can't find it, and that makes him happy. "Actually, I'd love to accompany you." he says offering her a
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genuine smile.
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she lights up, relieved and overjoyed that he accepted her idea. "Excellent, perhaps I'll call you sometime on the weekend and we can go
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visit him." In her mind she's plotting all the possible ways to get the two alone and....well, maybe she should just quit while she's ahead.
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can easily tell she's received the answer she was looking for. And frankly, that's fine with him. He's been wanting to go see Norway for
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quite sometime now, but didn't want to go alone necessarily. "Sounds good to me."
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"Excellent." She beams. Getting into people's business is a bad habit of hers, but sometimes, it manages to make a positive impact. Pushing
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away her excited thoughts, she notices that the rain has started to slow a little and that the sun is coming out. "Oh, the sun's coming out!
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Maybe there's a rainbow too..." She starts searching the sky as it becomes more and more blue.
13 years ago
As the rain begins to stop, he moves the umbrella. The last few drops of rain hit the top of his head, but then soon it completely stops. He
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finds himself looking around the sky and trying to spot a rainbow as well. Finally, he points over to the right of them. "Look, there's one.
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It's starting to show up."
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"Oh it's beautiful!" she cries happily. The rainbow is slightly faded but stretches far over their heads somewhere into the forestry. "This
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means we have good luck I think." She winks at the white haired boy, grinning in a silly but cute sort of way.
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