Francis feels
13 years ago
alone ;~; Ah~ the single life.
latest #54
Madeleine is
13 years ago
sorry...! Being alone isn't fun...
Francis thinks
13 years ago
it's no one's fault but his, so Madeleine shouldn't apologize. But she is right~ being being alone.
13 years ago
would gladly spend some time with him. S-so he's not all alone.
Francis thinks
13 years ago
that's a wonderful idea!
13 years ago
Well, then! Shows up for a visit. And she brought some cookies with her. Maple cookies.
13 years ago
welcomes her upon her arrival, giving her a soft smile and a kiss on the back of her hand.
13 years ago
flushes slightly. "Ah... you're... um... very suave." Just a note.
13 years ago
smiles up at her handsomely, "its the proper way to greet such a gentlelady." he takes the cookies from her hands, "how
13 years ago
thoughtful," he smiles with his eyes. "I'll put these on a plate," he says before disappearing into the kitchen.
13 years ago
"I... oh. Okay..." Mostly she's just really curious about how this male France acts. He seems really nice so far...!
13 years ago
comes back a few moments later with a plate of the cookies Madeleine had brought. He places them on the small table and takes a seat.
13 years ago
goes to awkwardly... sit on the edge of the chair next to him. "So, um... It's ... nice to finally meet you?"
13 years ago
smiles softly, turning to her, "A pleasure to finally meet you as well and must I say, you look much cuter in person."
13 years ago
turns all red. "A-ah! Merci..." He's too good at this! She should be used to it, but she isn't. >_<
13 years ago
chuckles softly at her adorable reaction and offers a cookie to her lips, "Cookie?"
13 years ago
hesitates. Then takes a bite of the cookie. And immediately she lets out a soft moan. It's her natural reaction to maple flavor.
13 years ago
blinks, slightly surprised at the sound that came from her mouth and chuckles, "Is your baking that delicious?" He tries it as well.
13 years ago
blinks. "Huh? Oh! Um... I just really like the maple flavor. It's my favorite." She doesn't realize it makes her moan though. XD;
13 years ago
nods softly, liking the taste. "It's very good. Do you like pastries? I know how to make a few myself."
13 years ago
nods vigorously. "It's my favorite thing to do with my... um... with my France. Baking."
Francis is
13 years ago
confused, he points to himself with a cocked eyebrow, "I...belong to you?" He smiles amusingly, "Since when/ chérie?"
13 years ago
"N-non! Not like that! Um... the female... version of you..." That makes sense, right? >_<
13 years ago
blinks, nodding once slowly, "Ah... hm, she isn't around these days," he frowns slightly.
13 years ago
"Oh, does that mean the male version of you is mine?" he asks playfully.
13 years ago
goes a little red. "Um... I... I wouldn't say that...?" Well, that was awkward.
13 years ago
tilts his head slightly, "And why is that? Afterall, I, your big brother looked after the both of you!" he sighs, "I can still remember when
13 years ago
you were très tiny~" he chuckles to himself.
13 years ago
frowns a tiny, tiny bit. "...but ... I mean... he's grown up now...!"
13 years ago
's brows scrunch together as he pouts, tears appearing in his eyes. "But...but..." his bottom lip shivers, "You're my babies!"
13 years ago
Inward flails. "I... I'm sorry! Please don't cry..!!"
Francis wants
13 years ago
his babies to stay with him forever! "Small colonies grow so fast..." he pouts, "Before I knew it, you were bigger than me!"
13 years ago
(J-just... um... curious... It seems like you're playing this like he's known Maddie all her life, but the genderbends only just
13 years ago
arrived in this world...?)
Francis says
13 years ago
((oh :-o i thought gender bends have 'always' been there in the game :x i'm sorry ^^; ))
13 years ago
(It's okay...! They're just something that's shown up out of nowhere... XD;; )
13 years ago
"I'm sorry he's grown up... but... you, um... have to be strong???" She's no good at this. OTL
13 years ago
bursts out crying, "Tell me, is my Canada doing okay? He's not getting beat up these days right?" He grabs Madeleine's hand.
13 years ago
Her eyes go extremely wide. "N-non! He's not getting beat up!! H-he's fine...!"
13 years ago
sniffs, calming down a bit. "You have to take care of him, oui?" he nods. "He can be a push-over because of America," he sighs.
13 years ago
... huffs slightly and her face darkens just a touch. "He's... he's not a push-over! He's very strong and self-sufficient!"
13 years ago
blinks, tilting his head at her. "Oh? Oui?" he nods softly, "Seems like he's not being mistaken for America any longer!" he smiles happily.
13 years ago
"Well... s-sometimes... but... still..."
13 years ago
chuckles, "Ah~ well, in time he'll be recognized as himself and no one else. I'm sure you'll be able to help him," he smiles. "Do you get
13 years ago
mistaken for the female America?"
13 years ago
runs her fingers through her hair and tugs on her pigtail softly. "Oui... sometimes..."
13 years ago
frowns softly, "Ah...Je me demande pardon, cherie. But perhaps if you and Matthew are always together you won't be mistaken for America!"
13 years ago
"I don't know... maybe?" More tugging on her hair. "It would be worth a try..."
13 years ago
smiles, patting her hand gently. "Well, if the two of you decide to become laverz~ zen," he nods, "I will give you my blessingz."
13 years ago
((*ze two of you
13 years ago
turns bright, bright red. "A-ah... Merci... um..." AWKWARD.
13 years ago
chuckles, "I caught you, did I not?" he smiles.
13 years ago
"I... well... um..." Keeps making awkward noises.
13 years ago
smirks, "So~ are you dating or not dating?" He loves these sort of chats.
13 years ago
"... oui? And... um... non, as well." That's an awkward question, ugh.
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