Aloys was
13 years ago
mistaken for a girl again... what should he do with this phone number? He stares at it.
latest #77
Mitzi thinks
13 years ago
he should rip it up and throw it out... or she'll take care of the guy for him.
13 years ago
doesn't want Mitzi to hurt that guy but doesn't want to call him either... He starts to tear it, feeling guilty.
Mitzi will
13 years ago
gladly take him out to dinner if he wants, to make him feel better. She can afford a dinner out.
13 years ago
would like that. He's glad he didn't give that guy his phone number...
Mitzi is
13 years ago
glad he didn't as well, other wise she would have had to hurt the guy.
13 years ago
frowns and looks at Mitzi. "D-do you think I look like a girl...?" He asks. He feels really insecure right now.
13 years ago
blinks at that before she shook her head and smiled a bit. "Not at all. You look like a cute guy to me."
13 years ago
smiles a little and blushes lightly. That makes him feel better. "Thank you. Maybe I should try to look tougher so other people don't make
13 years ago
that mistake..." he muses.
13 years ago
(-added you on Skype- >3> )
13 years ago
smiles a bit at that and shakes her head. "I'll just teach them otherwise if they do make the mistake."
Aloys is
13 years ago
comforted by that. "But I don't want to burden you all the time over something like that, I know you have a lot of work to do..."
13 years ago
shakes her head again and moves to take his hand. "You're like a brother to me, I'll take time off work to help you out."
13 years ago
nods and holds her hand tight. "Thank you..."
13 years ago
nods a bit, feeling slightly awkward now as she looked around, "well where do you want to go for dinner?" It wasn't often she let someone
13 years ago
else pick. She'd been feeling kind of weird lately.
Aloys thinks
13 years ago
about it for a moment, he feels kind of awkward too but not for the same reason. "How about a grill?"
13 years ago
nods, she didn't know he was feeling awkward and wouldn't understand why even if she did notice it. "Okay."
Aloys is
13 years ago
at least a little glad that she doesn't notice. "Hmm do you know where a good one is?"
13 years ago
he swings their arms a little
13 years ago
looks around a bit as she thought about that. "Hm... there's one not to far from here." She didn't go out, how she knew there was on close
13 years ago
she wasn't sure.
13 years ago
smiles, "Okay let's go to that one, then!"
13 years ago
smiles and nods a bit as he started towards it. Content with this, it was nice to get away from work.
13 years ago
follows along happily. "So what have you been up to?"
13 years ago
shrugs a bit as walked. "Work mostly... I feel like I've lost someone too but..." She shrugged that off.
13 years ago
looks at her concerned, "What do you mean?"
13 years ago
doesn't really know what she means. She shrugged again. "Don't worry about it." She opened the door to the place for him.
13 years ago
lets it go but is concerned for Mitzi. He walks in to the place, "Thank you... oh it doesn't look too busy."
13 years ago
nods as she looked around before the host asked where they wanted to sit. She asked for a window seat and glanced to Aloys. She didn't want
13 years ago
him to worry over her. She was perfectly fine.
Aloys is
13 years ago
naturally prone to worrying about her since he loves her. He is glad about the window seat though.
13 years ago
took a seat as she looked up at him and smiled a bit, she ran her fingers through her hair lightly before fixing the bow. "So what have you
13 years ago
been up to?"
13 years ago
sits down across from her and laughs nervously, "You mean aside from attracting bikers? I built a couple of bird houses~"
13 years ago
nodded a bit at that, "ah that's good to hear."
13 years ago
smiles thinking about it. "I wasn't sure how to make them at first, but once I got a little help, I ended up making another."
13 years ago
couldn't help but smile a bit as well, she picked up the menu and looked through it. "You'll have to show me them." She was always pretty
13 years ago
proud of everything Aloys did.
13 years ago
's smile becomes even more genuine when she says that. "Okay, I will." He begins to look through the menu himself. "I wonder what the
13 years ago
specialty is here."
Mitzi was
13 years ago
glad to see him smile like that. She nodded with that as she flipped through the menu. "I think you might have to ask for that."
13 years ago
nods, "Right." When the waiter comes, he orders water for his drink and after asking about the specials he go with a grilled chicken special
13 years ago
ordered a glass of water as well and the chicken caesar salad. She looked over at him and smiled a bit. "So anything else new?"
Aloys thinks
13 years ago
about it, "Not really... what about you?"
13 years ago
shakes her head as she folded her arms on the table. "Nothing."
13 years ago
remembers something, O-oh um... actually a book you lent me got a little... scuffed up..." he said sheepishly.
13 years ago
blinked a bit at that, a book? she didn't remember... "ah it's okay."
13 years ago
may have not explicitly asked to borrow it in the first place. "A-alright, I-I don't think it's that bad anyway"
13 years ago
shrugs a bit as she leaned back in the chair. "It's really okay. Don't worry about it." She shrugged a bit.
Aloys is
13 years ago
glad she isn't mad at him. He stares at the table in front of him for a moment. Just as he's about to add something else, the waiter comes
13 years ago
back with their water. "Th-thank you," he says as he takes a drink.
13 years ago
thanked the waiter as well, taking a sip of her own water before she glanced out the window. "You can keep the book." He nodded.
13 years ago
13 years ago
blinks, "oh okay thank you," he said with a smile. The book was actually kind of weird but it was still nice to get gifts.
13 years ago
nodded, she still didn't know what book he was talking about, but she didn't mind either way.
13 years ago
' confidence dropped a little, but he tried to keep smiling despite himself. "Mitzi..? Are you going to be very busy tomorrow?"
13 years ago
smiled a bit with that and lightly shook her head, she had some work to do, but she could make herself free if he asked. "Would you like to
13 years ago
do something tomorrow? I could miss another day of work."
13 years ago
shook his head, his face thoughtful. "No... you don't have to miss work, just maybe once you're done... I could show you something?"
13 years ago
blinked a bit at that and shook her head, "it's fine. I don't want to do work tomorrow anyway."
13 years ago
nods, that could work too. He'd have to be sneakier though. "Okay, great," he smiled.
13 years ago
tilted her head a bit curiously as she watched him before she shrugged it off and took another sip of her water.
Aloys is
13 years ago
excited and nervous as their food comes. "It smells so good!"
13 years ago
smiles and nods, "em hm. It looks good to."
13 years ago
nods back. He sets up his silverware and napkin in the proper places so he can eat.
13 years ago
set her own up before she picked up the fork and took a small bite of her salad. Enjoying it.
13 years ago
starts eating his chicken. "Mmm it's very good~ How's yours?"
13 years ago
smiles a bit, "it's good." It was pretty good, worth every penny.
Aloys was
13 years ago
glad, he didn't want her to feel like she had wasted any money taking him out. "He took a few more bites, "They give good amounts too"
13 years ago
nods as she ate, it was actually pretty good. "Yeah," she didn't think she could waste money on him.
13 years ago
continues to eat, not really having too much to add.
13 years ago
looked up at him and smiled a bit. "So what do you have planned for tonight?"
13 years ago
looks up at her and thinks. "I'm not sure, I could try out a game I got... or... I dunno," he said, not having planned ahead. "What about
13 years ago
13 years ago
shrugs a bit, "probably going to do some work. Vash hasn't been around much so."
13 years ago
actually should do some work too. "Oh, yeah, I should probably get some of that done too..." He wasn't sure if he'd be able to focus, though
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