13 years ago
[Event] finally decides to retire for the night. He took off his top hat and jacket, starting on his shirt next as well as his pants
latest #230
13 years ago
to change into his night clothes. He had some annoying paper work for Wonderland before he could actually sleep.
13 years ago
used one of the secret passage ways into the castle and is dressed as a guard. So far so good, but as he approaches the more private_
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quarters he has to hide in shadows. Only special guards were allowed here.
13 years ago
quietly hums a little tune to himself as he did up the shirt of his night shirt. He walked over to the large desk to sit at it.
13 years ago
managed to distract the guard stationed outside Arthur's private room long enough to knock him unconscious. It takes him less than 10_
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seconds to steal his uniform and he hides the guard in a darkened corner. He then approaches the door and knocks firmly. 'My leige-I have_
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news.' He says, trying to mask his unique voice with a boring one.
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looks up from his desk with a frown. "What is it?" He called back, not recognizing the voice at this moment.
13 years ago
opens the door and keeps his head bowed - partly because he doesn't want to be recognized behind his disguise and also because seeming too_
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confident could make Arthur want to take his head off. 'The revolution group. They appear to be disbanding.' He wants Arthur to think he's_
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winning against them so he'll back off and give them time to recruit new members.
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begins to smile at that. "Fantastic... Thank you." He said with fake sincerity. "How did it happen?" He asked quickly after, watching him.
13 years ago
didn't expect him to start asking questions so quickly, and he tries to remember what he had prepared to say. 'Uhh...disagreements.' He_
Declan thinks
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harder. 'After you executed that spy from the resistance last week, they have fought among themselves. Low morale, and such.'
13 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "It was that simple? Hm.." He started to think that over. "How are we sure that someone wont step up and raise their
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morale once more?"
13 years ago
wasn't expecting that question. He sneaks a glance at the door-he should really be escaping before he's found out. But leaving so soon_
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would only bring suspicion... 'I gather the spy was a leader of sorts. They are running around like headless chickens without him, no one_
Declan is
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confident enough to take his place.' He hopes Arthur doesn't know it is he himself who is head of the resistance, and the poor lad from_
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last week was just a mushroom grower in the wrong place at the wrong time
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nods, he started to look at him a little more closely. "Hm.." He got up, not caring he was just in his night shirt. "You..What's your name?"
Declan thinks
13 years ago
'Feck-feck-feck-feck....' There was probably a name badge on him somewhere. Probably his chest. He bows deeply to avoid Arthur seeing. _
13 years ago
'Uh...Hatton, Y'Majesty.' He curses himself for such a stupid name.
13 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "Hatton..? Look at me." He purred out, he wanted to see the others face. There was something off about him.
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nervously raises his head and only part of his body. He was now very aware this is a similar position he'd be in if he was about to lose_
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his head. 'S-sir?'
13 years ago
steps closer and looks over his face, a small smile on his lips. "Oh, good boy." He stated quietly. "But you're not Hatton, are you?" He
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shut the door behind him, smiling slightly.
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smiles back, a mad thing to do at the time. 'But of course I am, your Majesty. Why...Why would you say-' He glances back at the door, smile_
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falling. 'that?'
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notices the smile. "Because. I remember you.. I'm sure I do.." He started to smile. "You've caused me problems 'Hatton'. And you know how
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I deal with those problems..?" He forced him against the door, leaning in to whisper in his ear. "Off with your head..."
13 years ago
stares at him, partly shocked and partly terrified. But he is not one to voice his fear. He leans back against the door and wishes he had_
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stolen the guard's sword when he had the chance. His neck tingled horribly. 'I got in here with your guards barely noticing me-what makes_
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you think I can't get out the same way, your highness?'
13 years ago
"I would think the fact that you're trapped in my bed chamber would mean you are pretty stuck." He looked toward the door. "And the guard
Arthur will
13 years ago
be switching in a few moments. What did you do with the guard outside of my door?"
Declan feels
13 years ago
his blood run cold. 'I knocked him out...hide him in the dark...' He says numbly. He stares at Arthur more and then grabs the front of his_
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nightshirt. 'Open the door or i'll kill you.' He will not die for this! The resistance needs him to come back!
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looks down at the hand on his nightshirt. "How will you kill me? You have a lot of gull to sneak in to my palace, especially to my chamber..
13 years ago
Are you thick in the head, young man?" He smiled, biding his time.
13 years ago
looks around desperately and shoves Arthur away. He couldn't kill him. He wanted to-even with his bare hands-but part of him couldn't even_
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think about it. He races around the room, searching for a secret passage way out of the chamber. 'You won't win against us, you know.' He_
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calls back, voice cracking.
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stumbles back, laughing at that. "Really? I've stopped many more than you. All of your head will role, all off with your heads!" He knew
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that he would not be able to find the secret passage way in this room, he had it blocked. "GUARDS." He called.
13 years ago
panics and grabs a nearby glass vase. He smashes it and holds it out as a weapon. 'I'll escape this, you know. Your guards won't feckin'_
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hold me!'
13 years ago
stares at the red roses that now were on the floor, then up to the man with the vase. "Do you intend to use that to kill me?" He smirked
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laughing more. "You're like a scared animal, aren't you?" There was the sound of many footsteps in the hallway.
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stalks up to him and grabs him. He holds the broken glass to Arthur's neck. 'Maybe I can't kill you, but maybe I can persuade your mindless_
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drone-like guards to back off to save you.' He prepares himself to meet the guards. If they thought he'd kill the king, surely they would_
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let him go instead?
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gasps as he was grabbed, he dug his nails into his arm. "Unhand me!" He yelled as his guards came into the room, swords drawn, they had no
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idea what to do. "Let me go you uncultured swine!" He growled, trying not to seem afraid.
13 years ago
backs away from the door, and ignores the King's orders. 'Get back!' He shouts, 'Or I'll cut his throat!' This was not the plan at all...he_
Declan was
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going to die and he was going to have to admit it or have a stroke of good luck.
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struggles against him, growling a little. "He wont kill me! What are you waiting for?! GET HIM!" He screamed, not liking being threatened
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like this. The guards hated to ignore an order, but the king couldn't die.. They all took a nervous step back. "NO!" He roared at them.
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senses his chance and he pushes past them and drags the King into the corridor. He looks around wildly, trying to remember which way he_
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came. 'I told you I'd get away, didn't I?' He says, the mad side of him already celebrating when he was certainly not in the clear yet. He_
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couldn't let go of him, either. He told himself it was because Arthur, in his position, would be better protection.
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elbows him in the stomach as he was dragged, he was getting more nervous the farther away from his chamber he was. "Let me go!" He then
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screamed at the guards. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! YOU USELESS LOT, GET HIM NOW OR IT'S OFF WITH ALL OF YOUR HEADS!" They all responded to that
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and sprung into action, the had to get the king back, they wanted to live!
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sees them coming and drops the glass as he is elbowed in the stomach. He turns and runs down the hall away from the King and his men. He_
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searches desperately for a place to hide, seeing as his escape route was blocked.
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gets out of the guards way before the guards could trample him. They chased after the man as they were told.
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finds the library area and uses the precious moments he had before the guards caught sight of him again to climb up a bookcase ladder. He_
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hides on the top of the bookcase until the last of the guards have passed. He hears them shout and they separate to search for him. He_
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jumps down, planning to double back on himself but instead he is met with a sole, but armed guard. 'Feck...
13 years ago
|The guard raised his blade to him glaring. "Don't try anything." He stated confidently.
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didn't. Instead he slowly starts backing away from him, hands raised so they could be seen. 'Come now, I'm just a hatter! What harm could_
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I have really done?'
13 years ago
|He stepped after him. "You held a weapon to the king's throat.." He stated again, getting close enough to grab him.
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laughs. 'Just a little-it was all just a joke! The King probably thought it was hilarious! We are old friends, you know!' He backs up_
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against a wall and begins sidestepping away.
13 years ago
|He pressed the blade to his throat. "No I don't think he thought it was funny." He pulled a pair of iron handcuffs out with one hand,
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getting one wrist quickly, he went to grab the other.
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waves his other hand around madly, and he tries pulling away but fails. 'H-he did! He loves a challenge-he'll be angry if you hurt me!'
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|He held the cuff, quickly putting his sword away, struggling to grab his other wrist. "Stop fighting!"
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'Never! Resistance till the end!' He begins charging down the hall again, unknowingly towards Arthur's chamber again, and drags the guard_
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with him, hoping to shake him off.#
13 years ago
|He yelped a little, running with the other trying to stop him. Arthur had been in his chamber again, but he held out a metal pan when the
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hatter got close as to have him hopefully hit his head.
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sees it but the only thought that occurs to him is 'What a strange place for a pan!' and he heads right into it. He falls to the floor,_
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half concious.
13 years ago
13 years ago
dropped the pan right after, glad that he ran into it. "Finish your job!" He barked at the guard, who quickly cuffed him. "Off with his head
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, sir?" Arthur thought for a moment. "Not yet.. To the dungeon first. Come and get me once he wakes."
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can hardly focus on anything after that knock to the head. He is dragged away and is only vaguely aware of going down stairs. By the time_
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he regains himself, he is in the dark, chained to a wall with no idea how he was going to get out of this.
13 years ago
|After the guards had noticed he was awake, they went to get the king. Moments later, there were footsteps of clearly expensive shoes
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coming toward the cell the Hatter was in. He cell door opened, Arthur stepped in, taking off his top hat, hanging it up first. He stood
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before the Hatter in a well tailored red suit with black hearts on it. "You thought you could escape me..? Hm?" He held his chin with a
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gloved hand, forcing the other to look in his eyes.
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'It's still on the agenda,' his tone is one of amusement, but he is far from enjoying this. With each footstep, his heart skipped a beat_
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and a cold drop of sweat formed above his brow. 'Not a very nice place to house your guests, you know.' He wondered how mad must he be now_
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to be cracking jokes.
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faintly smirked. "Are you you sure now is the best time to make jokes, Hatter?" He stood up slowly, watching him quietly. "What made you
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even think you could get into this castle and leave?"
13 years ago
'I've done it many times before.' He admits before he could stop himself. *Feck, now he'd know to increase security!* 'Anyway, if you're_
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going to kill me, what better time to make jokes? It annoys you and it lifts my spirit.' He shifts his body away from the King's feet.
13 years ago
shrugs. "Who said I was going to kill you right away, oh simple hatter?" He chuckled. "No. Not so fast right now." He had made a mental
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note to increase security.
13 years ago
eyes him warily. 'So you're in torturing mode? Want me to give information? I warn you, Art'r-boy, you'll get frustrated. I won't crack.'
13 years ago
's eye twitched slightly. "What did you just call me?" He started to glare. "There is more than one kind of torture, you know?"
13 years ago
leans forward, for some reason grinning. 'Art'r....boy. After all, that's all ye seem to me.' His smile once again falters. 'Getting_
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inventive, are ye?' He pauses, now nervous.
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crouches down with a small smile. "Well, just maybe, oh Hatter." He didn't like being called 'boy'. "That is 'sir' to you." He stated.
Declan is
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sorely tempted to kick his foot out and knock the royal over, but he was sure the moment of gratification would be killed from the_
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repercussions. 'I say sir to those I respect. You're just a spoilt, selfish card of soggy deck cards all in one.' He glanced towards the_
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door. He'd take a beating from the guards instead of this...feck...
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had told the guard to leave, and not come until he called. "I might be offended, if it were coming from someone more threatening than a mad
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Hatter." He smirked and trailed his hand down the Hatter's chest, abruptly cupping him with a gloved hand.
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'I assure you I'm not fully ma-Ah!' His entire body jerks up at the cupping and his expression becomes alarmed. 'U-unhand me right now!' He_
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demands in a very uncharacteristically shrill voice. He realised what Arthur perhaps meant by a different form of torture.
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smirks, not letting him go. "You believe that you a lowly hatter can tell me, the King what to do?" He was happy to hear the difference
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in his voice like that.
13 years ago
's feet slide up the stone floor and try to push his body up and away from Arthur's grip, but his feet slide uselessly only making things)
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worse. He resorts to glaring at him, fire in his eyes. 'You're no *feckin'* King! I'd sooner kneel before a dungworm than you. Hatter or_
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No-Hatter, I am not that lowly!'
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grips him a little harder. "Now stop moving. Or it's off with a more important head." He threatened trying to keep his temper.
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looks horrified and his eyes shoot downwards. That head was far more important! He tries to not show just how painful the grip was and_
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shows the fact he's willing to comply by freezing his body. 'If you wanted me dead, you'd have done it long before now,' He says, voice_
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quivering a little. 'But you haven't. So therefore, you must want something from the Hatter. If you wanted to see me in pain, then_
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well done. You got what you wanted.'
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hums quietly at that. "Oh, I want you dead, I'm just going to prolong it because you're handsome." He smirked and rubbed him.
13 years ago
bites his lip and his ears darken at the comment. He wasn't sure if he should feel even more scared that the King was still going to see to_
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it that he will die, or hopeful that maybe he could somehow turn this into his advantage. 'I'm more than handsome.' He tries his hand at_
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taking things less seriously again. 'but maybe...' He hides a gulp, 'maybe you could find a better use for me than simply having my head_
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rolling around the floor.' He looks at Arthur and licks his lips slowly.
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raises an eyebrow. "And what would that be?" He was intrigued at the offer, wondering what it was.
13 years ago
's eyes-although still somewhat nervously shifty-runs down the King's frame. 'I've been known to rock a couple of bedframes apart, if you_
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catch my drift. And I'm guessing royal headboards are sturdy things.' He can't believe he is coming on to the guy he hates the most. Sure,_
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he was undeniably attractive and pretty much had Declan under his spell when he worked for him a while ago but still...
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chuckles. "And what? If that happened, do you think you would be the one in control? I'm sorry, I don't think so."
13 years ago
looks confused. 'Me...not in...control?' He asks, voice failing a little. This made no sense to him. He shifted nervously once again in_
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his chains.
13 years ago
nods, rubbing him again. "Like I would let you inside of me." He was royalty, there was no way he would let a hatter. He leaned in and
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kissed his neck, he kept rubbing him through the fabric.
13 years ago
lets out a moan by mistake, and doesn't realise when his waist shifts upwards into the hand. 'Are you In me?' He breathes_
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in, inhaling the scent of the delicious king.
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smirks when he hears the moan. "Yes.. I am." He didn't stop rubbing him, bringing his other gloved hand up under his shirt.
13 years ago
shakes his head. 'I won't allow it! It's a bad, terrible, mad-as-a-hatter idea!' His expression of pleasure and excited fear betrays him_
13 years ago
13 years ago
chuckles quietly, biting his neck. "I see the expression on your face, and feel between your legs.. You do find that a good idea, Hatter."
13 years ago
bites his lip to hold back another moan. Feck, what's the use? 'You...don't fight fair, you know.' He breathes out. 'Then again, I'm not..._
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surprised. Why have a resistance against someone who's fair?' He pulls his legs apart and nudges himself into Arthur shamefully.
13 years ago
smirks quietly. "But I just need to crush the leader of this resistance, yes? And I am assuming it would be you.." He had a pleased lookin
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his eyes as he felt the other push back against his hand.
13 years ago
look in**
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licks his lips and his eyes half close. 'I'd never admit to my comrades that I was crushed, and they'll just think you're lying. I may_
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be the strikingly handsome leader but the resistance is far more than just me. You have no idea what we have up our sleeve for you..'
13 years ago
hums to himself. "No.. Not yet at least.. But people will say things when they are getting.. fucked that they normally wouldn't."
13 years ago
flushes and frowns, knowing the truth in that. 'D-Do you really think I believe a stuck up prat like you would 'lower' yourself to fuck_
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someone like me on a floor like this?' He hopes the dirty floor comes to his aid here.
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may be the king, but he didn't mind the dirt. "I don't have to pull my pants off." He squeezed him once more while rubbing him.
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suddenly smirks. 'Ahh, my dear king, how exactly will you have me when I am like this?' He regretfully pulls away from the rubbing and_
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presses himself against the stone wall behind him. 'Can't get to my arse now, can you?' He wondered why the feck he was trying to stall_
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this. If it was going to happen, he should want to get it over with, but his pride still didn't allow him to just give himself.
13 years ago
watches him move away, frowning. "Well.." He looped his arms under the Hatter's knees and jerked him foreword. "I'm not as weak as I look."
13 years ago
jerks forward with a yelp. He looks at him in disbelief. He wasn't as weak as he looked. 'O-okay, okay! Look, come on, I used to be your_
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favourite hatter! I made you things! I used to feckin' worship the ground you walked on, so just...stop and think about what you're doing!'
13 years ago
smiles to him quietly. "I know who you are, I remember what you've made me.. It is much too bad you left me you know? I liked you very much
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and even more so how you worshiped me.. But then you left.." He shrugged. "Do you think I'd ignore such a chance, even if you don't want to
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be here anymore?" He wouldn't ignore such a chance to keep someone he had liked.
13 years ago
's fingers claw at his cuffs helplessly. 'S-so you're going to keep me here? Forever? I-it won't work! What, you want me to worship you_
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again? Is that it?'
13 years ago
nods to him. "I would love that. Though I doubt that you would so easily." He leaned in and kissed his neck lightly, his hands going to his
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shirt to feel the others chest.
13 years ago
breathes in sharply, puffing his chest out so it is firm to the touch. 'I...don't know if I could, even if I wanted to.' He says quietly,_
13 years ago
wanting Arthur to press himself up against- No! He squeezes his eyes shut, hoping this-and his desires-will all just feck off.
13 years ago
brings his hands down, making sure Declan's legs were flat on the ground, he got into his lap straddling him. "Why do you say that?"
13 years ago
's breathing deepens and he shifts himself so Arthur is pressing down on him. He groans a little at the feeling and cautiously opens his_
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eyes. 'I-I've seen too much. I'd be worshiping you out of fear, and not like before when I was doing it out of lov-something else.'
13 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "Were you about to say 'love'? You.. loved me?" He hadn't had anyone 'love' him before, normally it was fear, he did have
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a very bad temper.. And liked to see heads roll, but that was besides the point.
13 years ago
's face flushes and he shakes his head violently. 'I don't know what I was going to say, okay?! B-besides, whatever it or not,_
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it was wrong. You did terrible things and I...was too busy feeling those feelings to do what was right and stand up to you.'
13 years ago
looks down at his lap for a moment quietly, before looking back up at him, a smirk on his lips, but he wouldn't meet his eyes. "Haven't you
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ever wanted something so badly, even if you weren't supposed to have it? In this world, you have to take what you want." And he wanted
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Wonderland. "I didn't think anyone would love me anyway."
13 years ago
stares at him, seemingly blankly, as he asks him that. His eyes then glance to his lips and suddenly he leans in and steals a kiss from_
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him. He makes it a firm and meaningful one, allowing his tongue to run along his bottom lip to taste him. When he pulls away just as_
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quickly, he says 'I've wanted that badly for a long time....hope you don't mind me taking your advice.'
13 years ago
sits there dumbstruck throughout the kiss and even after. "Y-you wanted that..?" his voice wavered accidentally. He was in slight shock.
Declan is
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surprised the king reacted like that. 'Of course I did. I may hate what you do and strive to stop you but I still have eyes and a heart of_
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my own. And hearts, no matter if they belong to a mad hatter or a murderous King, will always have an unrequited love to show.'
13 years ago
breathes out quietly, he tried to regain himself. "You are probably the only person in all of Wonderland that wanted that.." he leaned
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forward, into the other, slipping his arms around his neck. "And I am a little shocked..." He pressed his lips against he Hatter's next.
13 years ago
's hands pull forward as if going to pull him in more but the shackles stop him. He groans, partly in want and party from restricted_
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desire. 'Well, when opportunities present themselves...' He moves his head a bit so Arthur can have more room. 'I just thought you'd have_
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socked me one by now.'
13 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "Why would I do that?" He wouldn't often sully his hands in a fist fight.
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nudges noses with him. 'I stole a kiss from you. Stealing from royalty is an offence, is it not?'
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looks away quietly. "I don't think it's stealing if I liked it.." He fell silent after that.
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blinks. Normally he'd jump on hearing something like that, but the little sane part of him held him back. 'If you liked it...why not_
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return the favour?'
13 years ago
"That may be fair." He leaned and pressed his lips against the hatter's lips.
Declan is
13 years ago
very happy he took the suggestion, and welcomes the kiss by gently sucking on his lower lip as he closes his eyes.
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almost pulls away at that feeling on his lips, his face was going red. He pressed his hips down against him.
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gasps at the feeling and instinctively rolls his hips up to meet him. A leg wraps around Arthur's waist and he uses this as leverage to _
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grind them together. Feck, why was the King wearing so much effing clothes?! He finds himself demanding.
13 years ago
gasps at the feeling, a blush on his cheeks again, a smirk coming to his lips not too long after. "What's the matter?"
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growls against his smirking lips 'You're kingly attire is getting in the way of my attempt to institute skin on skin contact, your majesty.'
Arthur feels
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a small shiver run down his spine at the growl and being called 'your majesty'. "Well.. what do you suggest then, Hatter?"
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'What do I suggest?' He looks up meetinghis eyes 'I suggest you kindly remove the offending clothing or unshackle me so I can rip them off.'
13 years ago
hums slightly, leaning back, he started to slip off his suit jacket, vest, and button down shirt, leaving his gloves. "Well, I don't think I
13 years ago
can un chain you."
13 years ago
pouts a bit. 'It was worth a shot. You're actually killing me, not letting me touch you.' He accuses. But he then brightens up at seeing he_
Declan was
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removing clothes.
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leaves himself shirtless, running his fingers down Declan's chest. "Maybe I like the torture.."
13 years ago
licks his lips. 'Maybe I like it too. But sooner or later I'm going to need you give in.' His eyes stayon his fingers as they drag down him.
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starts to pull at his shirt to pull it up. "Hm... I might have to rip this."
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nods quickly. 'I think you'll have to. And don't forget the trousers-they're bastards!'
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smirks to himself on that. "Yes, of course, but remember, you're the one getting it." He pulled out a small blade, cutting his shirt away.
Declan is
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slightly alarmed at the blade and swallows hard. 'I get it, I get it...' His chest heaves with heavy breathing, and his eyes follow Arthur's
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movements. 'I guess I should be honoured.'
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nods to him. "You should be.." He carefully cut the shirt away, not bringing the blade near his flesh. He ran his gloved fingers down his
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chest smiling a little bit.
13 years ago
'Forgive me if I'm not kissing your feet, then.' He smirks and takes in a deep breath as his chest is touched. 'You'll be gentle won't you?'
13 years ago
"As gentle as I can be, Hatter." He shifted off of him to work off his pants.
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sighs a little nervously and kicks off his own pants. Sadly his underwear band was a little too secure on him to do it himself. He knows_
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he shouldn't feel ashamed at the reason they are a little too secure-the king had been rubbing him a lot!
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sees the bulge and smirks at the size. "Maybe you should fuck me..." He teased as he pulled his boxers down as well.
13 years ago
groans, the sight of them both together in front of him becoming too much for him to sit still. 'A-as much as I'd love to-and believe me,_
13 years ago
I do-I can't help but feel you'd still make me feel like the one without any control...' He eyes him in want.
13 years ago
((PP soon me's thinks ><;-))
13 years ago
(I agree~ Shall you do it, or shall I?)
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