Sakura is
13 years ago
bored on the train, playing games on her phone.
latest #141
Felicita is
13 years ago
pressed against the window nearby, staring out at the scenery. She had been on her way to visit Sakura.
13 years ago
sighs when she loses her game, clicking her phone shut and leaning against the pole support. She's not aware Felicita was coming to
13 years ago
visit today.
Felicita has
13 years ago
her hands against the glass, and is not holding on while standing up. The train makes a rather sudden turn, causing the Italian to stumble_
13 years ago
into a nearby person. "V-Ve! I'm sorry! ...Ah...How does Sakura say it? G-Gohan na....nasan!" She couldn't remember.
13 years ago
gets a little squished as it started a bit of a chain reaction, though she's quick to right himself, used to it. She looks up in surprise
13 years ago
at the apology though, glancing around. She recognized the voice.... "...Felicita..?" She asks hesitantly, trying to step over to see.
13 years ago
perks up a bit when someone calls her. She recognized that voice! "Sakura?"
13 years ago
smiles a little with the reply, glad she wasn't calling out to a stranger. She squeezes her way through to see her. "Ah, hello...!"
13 years ago
smiles brightly upon seeing her and grabs her into a hug. "It is you~!"
13 years ago
blinks at this, blushing red. "Y-yes..! Hello mis Felicita..." she pats her back a little awkwardly, still unused to hugs.
13 years ago
pulls back from the hug, still smiling cheerfully. "I was coming to visit, but I thought I got on the wrong train! I guess not~!
13 years ago
pulls away too, clinging back to another support bar. "Ah nope, this is the one I usually use," she smiles.
13 years ago
hums happily, also taking a hold of a support bar. "I did not expect to run into you. This is great~" Now she didn't have to get lost worse.
13 years ago
nods a little. "I didn't know you were coming to visit, otherwise I could have sent a car to retrieve you..."
13 years ago
shakes her head. "I forgot my phone at home when I was rushing over."
13 years ago
sighs softly, thinking she should have expected that, but nods. "Ah well, that is okay. Why did you rush, though?"
13 years ago
tilts her head. "Ah...well things were different and there were weird people in my house. I tried to find Louise but there were weird people
13 years ago
in her house too and I didn't see her...s-so I came here to find you!"
13 years ago
blinks at this, confused until she clued in. Ah, that's right.. she hadn't seen miss Italy around since she had gotten here. "Ah.. I think I
13 years ago
know what happened, but I am not sure how to explain it, really...."
Felicita is
13 years ago
looking at her like a worried puppy. "You do?"
13 years ago
nods a little. "Perhaps we should wait until we get to my house to discuss it though..." She worried about people on the train thinking her
13 years ago
to be crazy.
13 years ago
tilts her head a bit, curl bouncing. "Ve? Well, if you say so...that is fine."
13 years ago
hums a little. "Ah yes.. my stop isn't very far.."
13 years ago
returns her gaze to the window, excitedly. "It has been a while since I've been to your place!"
13 years ago
smiles a little. "It's... a little different, but yes. It's been a while since I've seen you at all.."
13 years ago
looks back to her. "Yeah...I know. People were disappearing lately. I am glad I found you! I wonder if those guys have anything to do with_
13 years ago
it!" She seemed worried. Louise might have gotten kidnapped!"
13 years ago
blinks at this. She hadn't quite considered that part of it. "Ah.. no, do not worry. Louise is here and safe," she smiles.
13 years ago
seems relieved to hear that. World meetings had gotten so small. It was a real crisis. "A-Ah I am so happy."
13 years ago
would hope that everyone back home isn't panicking too bad... "Ah yes, I am sorry if we have made you worry..."
Felicita thinks
13 years ago
it's pretty bad. No one knows what's going on. "I am just glad you are all rght!"
13 years ago
.wishes she could send back something to reassure them, but she still had no idea how they got here. "Ah yes... well, we have been
13 years ago
good." She blinks up when her stops announced, leading Felicita off the train.
13 years ago
follows behind her like a little duckling. "I am relieved. I thought the worst!"
13 years ago
shakes her head. "I can see how.. I apologise. Ah, we have... learned of something new, coming over here.."
Felicita has
13 years ago
more of a bounce in her step. "Oh yeah? What is that?"
13 years ago
hums softly. "We are not the only representation of our nations..." she glances up at Felicita to see her reaction. "I have a
13 years ago
male counterpart..."
13 years ago
seems not to have a reaction before she laughs. "What, really?
13 years ago
nods a little. "For every woman nation in our world, there's a male here, and vice versa...."
Felicita is
13 years ago
not sure she is serious. "So there's a male Louise? That would be interesting to see if it's true!"
13 years ago
nods again. "I haven't met him yet, but I asume so... I have met a male Japan too, which was of course a little weird..."
Felicita thinks
13 years ago
he'll be a very pretty man! She would be in for a surprise. "Oh! I wanna meet him too!"
13 years ago
smiles a little. "I haven't seen him around very much lately, but I am sure you will meet him at some point.."
13 years ago
pads alongside her companion, taking in everything. "But this world doesn't seem so different than ours..."
13 years ago
nods, leading her along. "Ah yes.. well, the only major difference is that the genders of everyone is switched, it seems..."
Felicita thinks
13 years ago
this is difficult to grasp. "So there is a guy me too?"
Sakura has
13 years ago
been here long enough that it no longer seemed too odd. She nods. "Ah yes, I believe his name is Feliciano..."
13 years ago
seems surprised by the name. "Wow, even our names are kind of similar~"
13 years ago
nods, smiling a little. "Yes, it seems most of the nations counterparts have similar names.."
Felicita thinks
13 years ago
a bit for a moment. "So Male Japan is Saku?? Sakky?"
13 years ago
laughs a little at that, shaking her head. "He is Kiku, so similar in the sense we are both types of flowers..."
13 years ago
seems to accept this answer. "Oh, I see! What kinds of flowers?"
13 years ago
smiles. "I am cherry blossoms, and he is Crysanthemums."
Felicita wants
13 years ago
to paint that now...They were pretty flowers. "They suit you!"
13 years ago
laughs softly, smiling at her. "Well, I am glad you think so...?"
Felicita is
13 years ago
excited when she sees Sakura's house come into view. "Can we take a bath?" She loved those hot spring things.
13 years ago
blushes lightly at that, but nods. "Ah yes, if you would like to we certainly can."
13 years ago
sees nothing to be embarrassed about. "Si! Please~~"
13 years ago
nods, letting her into the house and motioning for her to go on ahead. "You can go change, I will set it up then..."
13 years ago
nods to her andbounces in to get changed. "Okay~"
13 years ago
goes out to make sure the bath was prepared and ready for them when miss Italy runs off.
13 years ago
returns completely nude. "Is it ready?"
13 years ago
glances up at the voice,face going bright red quickly turning away. "M-miss Felicita, I-I think you forgot a swim suit...." ///////
13 years ago
tilts her head. "Ve? It's a bath right?"
13 years ago
flusters still, hesitantly nodding. There was just something about the way miss Italy carried herself that made it seem terribly obscene.
13 years ago
"S-some people prefer to wear their swim suits, though..."
13 years ago
throws up her arms with a grin. "Oh so it's optional! See? I am prepared then!"
13 years ago
flusters still, looking away again. "I-if you say so miss.... y-you can get in then.." >////> the water would at least hide her obscenity.
13 years ago
nods and eagerly plops in. "Ahh~ It's so nice!"
13 years ago
"I-I will be right back," she says, slipping off to change, herself.
Felicita is
13 years ago
waiting for her, splashing around happily.
13 years ago
returns in a bathing suit and slip into the water as well, trying to ignore the fact Felicita was splashing..
13 years ago
dog paddles over to her. "Hey..."
13 years ago
flushes a little, settling into a seat as she looks up at her. "..y-yes?"
13 years ago
looks to her chest and then to Sakura's. "We're a bit..." Different. Yeah. That was a good term. She never realized how small Sakura was!
13 years ago
blinks at this, blushing red in embarrassment. She knew she was small! "...y-yes, I suppose we are..."
13 years ago
can't help but smile. "Must be nice!"
13 years ago
flushes, glancing up at her questioningly. "E-eh...?" Personally, she envied a larger chest than hers. Which was... pretty much everyone's.
13 years ago
sinks into the water a bit, rolling her shoulders. "It makes my back hurt!" She didn't have a particularly large chest, average. But she_
13 years ago
definitely was curvaceous. "So I was thinking it must be nice to have smaller ones!"
13 years ago
sinks too, covering her chest now with her hands. "O-oh, I am sorry to hear that.. I do not have that problem, no..." She flushes still. She
13 years ago
had envied miss Italy's figure for a while now, but she hadn't considered that.
13 years ago
leans against the wall, cocking her head towards Sakura. "I am happy you don't then! Very happy, it's a good feeling!"
13 years ago
hums softly, still embarrassed. "W-well, thank you, I suppose..."
13 years ago
nods to her cheerfully. "But Sakura is so beautiful! I bet you would look amazing in anything."
13 years ago
blinks at this, shaking her head. "Ah, n-no, not really..." she laughs it off.
13 years ago
shakes her head! "I mean it! Ahh, I wish I could!"
13 years ago
glances up at her. "Y-you are quite beautiful in everything, though...."
13 years ago
wrinkles her nose. "Some clothes aren't flattering on me."
13 years ago
shakes her head. "I have never seen you in anything that didn't look good..."
13 years ago
hums happily. "That's because I only buy things that look good!" She was something of a fashionista.
13 years ago
smiels at that. Of course. "Ah well, I still stand by my thoughts."
Felicita is
13 years ago
all smiles at the compliments. "Grazie! Now, do tell me about your life. We need to catch up!"
13 years ago
smiels a little. "Ah, well.. not much is new that you wouldn't already have heard about, though..." she hesitates, blushign a
13 years ago
little. "I-I am dating miss Alicia now..."
13 years ago
stares at her dumbfounded for a moment before she gives a excited grin. "Really!?"
13 years ago
nods, blushing a bit. "Y-yeah..."
13 years ago
giggles now. "I am so happy for you!"
Sakura feels
13 years ago
a little embarrassed. "T-thanks.." she smiles.
Felicita thinks
13 years ago
she should pay Alicia a visit next. "I should get you a present!"
13 years ago
blinks at that, laughing a little. "N-no, that's not necessary..."
13 years ago
pouts a little. "But isn't that what you do?"
13 years ago
shrugs. "I didn't think so...?" Not until a wedding or something...
13 years ago
seemed to have put the two together.
13 years ago
isn't getting married... >//3//<
Felicita thinks
13 years ago
that's next though, right!?
13 years ago
flushes darker. "I-I don't know..."
13 years ago
hums. "Well I am cheering for you!"
13 years ago
nods a little. "W-well, thank you then...."
13 years ago
lets her hair down. "I wanna find someone to marry too."
13 years ago
blinks up at her. "Are you not dating anyone?" She generally assumed the Italian was always with one person or another.
13 years ago
tilts her head. "Ve? Nope~!"
13 years ago
nods. "Ah, sorry to have assumed then."
Felicita is
12 years ago
confused. "You thought I was?"
12 years ago
hesitates a little, but nods. "Y-you just.. always seemed to have much luck wooing people..." After all, Italian lovers were supposed to
12 years ago
be top notch, right?
12 years ago
suddenly laughs at that. "I don't have all that much luck!"
12 years ago
blinks at that. Well, she had always taken the Italian girl's freedomwith touchyness and attitude the wrong way.. "O-oh... I'm sorry..."
Felicita was
12 years ago
a flirt, that much was for certain. But when push came to shove, she was actually a little shy. "Oh! What for?"
12 years ago
shakes her head. "For assuming... it was rude of me to do so."
12 years ago
shakes her head. "It's okay, you did nothing wrong~!"
12 years ago
ndos a little. "Ah, if you say so..."
12 years ago
splashes a little in the water. "So have you and Alicia had sex yet?" She asks rather casually.
12 years ago
sputters on her breath in surprise. "F-Felicita!" she protests, scandalized.
Felicita is
12 years ago
confused by her. "Whattt?"
12 years ago
flushes red, embarrassed. "T-that is not polite conversation..."
12 years ago
smiles a little cheekily. "It's girl talk!"
12 years ago
shakes her head. "I-I am not used to talking about that sort of thing..."
12 years ago
wets her hair a bit. "It's good to let it out."
12 years ago
flushes darkly still, looking away. She was still so unused to westerner's openness. "....w-well, yes we have. B-but I still don't think
12 years ago
this is polite conversation material..."
12 years ago
giggles at this, "Was it good?" She was going to prod until Sakura opened up.
12 years ago
flushes a bit darker red, only managing to nod weakly in reply to that.
12 years ago
pats her on the back, looking satisfied. "Then, I will happily accept this arrangement." She wouldn't have otherwise?
12 years ago
"U-uhm, I am glad..." she replies, obviously quite out of her element.
12 years ago
thought Sakura only deserved the best. "Si! Hey, hey...will you wash my back?"
12 years ago
would be glad she was thought highly of then, at least... She blushes lightly still, nodding a little. "Ah.. I-I can, yes.."
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