Mei wishes
13 years ago
everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, and has yummy mooncakes to celebrate!
latest #56
Hong Kong
13 years ago
knew she would make mooncakes and comes to with her a happy Mid-Autumn Festival too.
13 years ago
sees him come from her tiny balcony and waves down at him!
Hong Kong will
13 years ago
spot her too and wave back before hurrying to her front door and knocking on it, even if at this point this was an unnecessary action.
13 years ago
opens it fast! She already has all kinds of 'cakes on the dinner table. "Happy Mid Autumn!"
Hong Kong
13 years ago
looks off to the side. Is this where they hug? Okay, he will stretch out his arms to do that.
13 years ago
laughs and hugs him. Hey, he's offering the hugs, so let's not be rude huh?
Hong Kong is
13 years ago
giving her something rare so she should take advantage of the opportunity. He pats her back softly. "So should I say hello or is the hug
Hong Kong
13 years ago
13 years ago
chuckles at her brother, hoping he won't pat her head. "That's good enough, I say!"
Hong Kong
13 years ago
seems like he is only hugging her although he is beginning to lean his weight on her. "Really now?"
Mei feels
13 years ago
him leaning on her, vaguely hopes he hasn't put on weight... still. "Really, really! Isn't Hong Kong's stomach growling already, huh?"
Hong Kong has
13 years ago
more or less stayed the same or so he hopes. "Only if it means Taiwan will feed him."
Mei will
13 years ago
know sooner or later, so eh. She keeps the teasing, still. "I have all kinds of mooncakes here, so let's eat as any as we can today!"
Hong Kong
13 years ago
stands up straight now so she is free of his weight. "So you are inviting me. That's great." He wants to have a look now. "I am allowed
Hong Kong
13 years ago
inside, right?"
13 years ago
rubs her shoulder a little. "Yup! You're in! I was wondering if I could barbeque a little, but my neighbors already booked the common--
13 years ago
-- barbeque grounds in the last floor so mooncakes is it!"
Hong Kong
13 years ago
nods once before picking her up and heading inside with her. He closes the door with his foot before setting her down. "I am like in!" He
Hong Kong
13 years ago
doesn't mind not having a barbecue. "Maybe next year we can beat the neighbors and anyway this is not bad."
13 years ago
stretches her arms. "Yeah. I still got quite a lot of different mooncakes, and they're very much ready to eat so it's good enough for me!"
Hong Kong
13 years ago
for a moment he wonders if to ask her if they should see China but maybe that would upset the friendly atmosphere. "We can sit out on the
Hong Kong
13 years ago
balcony too?"
13 years ago
doesn't seem to notice his second thoughts, but hey. "Yep! The moon is shiny and all so we can see it clearly from there."
Hong Kong
13 years ago
that was his idea which is why he asked if they could sit out there. "It would be nice. We have hardly spent some quiet time together."
Mei is
13 years ago
glad in any way, life is so hectic after all. "So we'll need some trays... fine! Help me gather them and the mooncakes, please?"
Hong Kong will
13 years ago
do just that. He helps her gather things. "So, have you been alone most of the evening."
13 years ago
places the most colorful cakes on a cute cat-shaped tray. "Well, with the cats here I'm not really alone! But if you--
13 years ago
-- refer to nations or people, then the reply is yes."
Hong Kong is
13 years ago
seeing a pattern here. Mei was into cats, Yi into rabbits. He better keep those straight. "That is true. Maybe they might be better company
Hong Kong
13 years ago
at times than some people."
13 years ago
still hasn't met HK's fish! "They're sweeties, as you know. But sometimes it's also good to talk to people or other nations, too!"
Hong Kong
13 years ago
's fish are at home. He can't really take them places and so when they had to attend that high school he had left them with a neighbor. He
Hong Kong
13 years ago
came back to find they had become fat but he would work on getting them to a healthy weight. "I guess. Some people are fun to talk to even."
13 years ago
kinda wonders how come a fish can get fat! Then again, Sa-Rang might be a little pudgier than he used to be... "Not just some people--
13 years ago
-- I have fun talking to almost anyone! Even with laoshi, when he's not trying to be so "radical" and "cool" and "hip"."
Hong Kong
13 years ago
thought China was usually trying to do one of those things while dressed rather badly. "Taiwan might just be much more kinder than I am if
Hong Kong
13 years ago
she can find fun in everyone."
13 years ago
just chuckles at that, taking one of the cakes. "I at least try to do it, whether it works or not."
Hong Kong thinks
13 years ago
about what she says for a moment. "Maybe our methods of working these things out are different."
13 years ago
munches one her cake, replies after she swallows the bite. "Of course! You're different from me, so it can't be the same..."
Hong Kong will
13 years ago
pick up a cake himself now, he couldn't let her do all the eating. "That's right."
Mei hopes
13 years ago
neither of them will get fat. "Yeah... as long as they work it should be fine!"
Hong Kong is
13 years ago
not worrying about getting fat on a day like this. "We probably make our own methods work but yes." He glances over at her. "You made a lot
Hong Kong
13 years ago
of food."
Mei is
13 years ago
kinda embarrassed at that. "Yeah... got carried away since I don't cook that often lately. Or maybe I miss everyone... I don't know."
Hong Kong is
13 years ago
starting to think she wanted to see everyone together. "It could be nice but it is not like before. We have all grown up."
13 years ago
does sorta want it. "I know that! Doesn't mean I cannot wish for such things once in a while, though."
Hong Kong
13 years ago
knows wishing won't hurt but then sometimes wishing only got people so far. "If you want us to get together then all you have to do is ask."
13 years ago
knows that too, she's not that naive! "I will remember. When even laoshi's sermons are kinda missed, you know you really want it."
Hong Kong is
13 years ago
sure when the time comes to hear China's sermons they would certainly not miss getting together as much. "Maybe we just might just feel this
Hong Kong
13 years ago
way now."
13 years ago
doesn't really disagree, to be honest. "Yeah.. maybe it's the day. Maybe it's something else. I don't think I know."
Hong Kong
13 years ago
sighs. "It really must be the day. Although there is no reason we can try. It won't hurt terribly."
13 years ago
nods and nibbles again on her cute little 'cake. Mmmmm, tastes so good. "Yep. Whether day or not..."
Hong Kong
13 years ago
can nibble at his cake too but he would call delicious rather than cute. He nods slowly.
Mei is
13 years ago
happy right now! Nibbling on nice cakes is gooooood. :-D
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