dexie says
13 years ago
eeee? how come haven got the newest episode of xing guang one? :-(
latest #20
dexie says
13 years ago
i want watch neh, tis week one is 摧泪 one (okok)
siuwy says
13 years ago
dexie says
13 years ago
yerr dear, apa macam make it
siuwy says
13 years ago
emo there "my emoticon"
siuwy says
13 years ago
can add new emo urself if u got the pic
dexie says
13 years ago
uii it says my profile is not complete? (doh)
siuwy says
13 years ago
anno u need fill up o
siuwy says
13 years ago
:-& i oso filled up all detail niao bcoz there said wont show our details in public geh
dexie says
13 years ago
huh everything?
siuwy says
13 years ago
u see lo, once u fill one then it complete few % like this de (okok) very ma fan
dexie says
13 years ago
siuwy says
13 years ago
(LOL) det han I help u simply fill (tongue)
Kien says
13 years ago
siuwy says
13 years ago
siuwy says
13 years ago
siuwy says
13 years ago
Wuar.... Need me memorize the emo name o (thinking)
lingling says
13 years ago
gt niao...i watch niao 2parts...
siuwy says
13 years ago
林牛牛Pussyla says
13 years ago
dexie says
12 years ago
help me eh dear
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