13 years ago
{Event} It's after school, and she casually walks up to the roof. Not that he'll actually be here, she thinks, It's just for the heck of it,
latest #113
13 years ago
Preußen is
13 years ago
lying on his back in the middle of the roof with a magazine over his face, muttering darkly to himself into the pages. "Of course
13 years ago
not. It's the end of the day. She's got homework... ugh."
13 years ago
"Gilbert?" She calls out, just to see if he's really not there.
13 years ago
startles and gets to his feet pretty quickly. "... you came!" Crap, he sounded excited. Clears his throat. "I
13 years ago
mean. Duh. I'm awesome. Who wouldn't want to spend more time with me?" Smirk!
Hungary is
13 years ago
surprised that he's actually still hear and backs up for a second, then she sees the look on his face, and starts giggling uncontrollably.
13 years ago
"haha, yup I," pauses for breath, "came. Guess you're just that awesome." She says, only slightly sarcastically.
Preußen is
13 years ago
a little pink in the face at the moment. "Ja, I am. And you know it better than anyone." Awkward. "So..."
13 years ago
"So...?" Looks curious, Prussia's awkwardness has not yet gotten through to her.
13 years ago
"So... did you ... want to do anything?" Very vague question, aw yea.
13 years ago
"Do anything? As in play a game or something?" She smiles, half coy, half oblivious.
13 years ago
tries to stop being so pink. "Something like that.." Come on, man up! You can do it, Gil. >_<
13 years ago
Looks at him curiously, trying to figure out whats going on inside his head. She grabs his sleeve and looks up at him, "Hey Gil, are you
13 years ago
13 years ago
Deep breath! "Ja, I'm fine." Pause. "... I was dreaming about you." See, and now he can't look at her. Bah.
13 years ago
"Dreaming about me?" She smiles, then on tip toes, whispers in his ear, " *what kind of dream?* "
13 years ago
Now he's very red, but he actually manages to reply! "You know how dirty my mind is, Liz..."
13 years ago
Blushes, and doesn't look at him. "Yeah, I know." She sighs and lets go of him.
13 years ago
swallows hard. "...I'm guessing that's the, 'Gil you're so disgusting' sort of sigh..."
13 years ago
Laughs slightly. "I suppose, if I wanted to be honest though..." she trails off.
13 years ago
O_O... "What? Dammit, Liz, that's not something you stop on." Grabs her shoulder.
13 years ago
13 years ago
Shivers under his touch, but turns her head up to him. "If I were to be would be a sigh of 'why do I only matter that much to
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you in dreams'?"
13 years ago
blinks. "You don't." That was an auto-response. Woosh. "... I mean. I just... look, you're my friend! And I don't wanna fuck that up."
13 years ago
Smiles again. "Yup, I get it." And this is exactly why we argue so much she thinks. "Anyway, what did you really want to do? Cuz it
13 years ago
obviously wasn't this."
13 years ago
"I wanted to..." ... Fuck everything. Lets his hormones take control for a moment and just kisses her.
Hungary is
13 years ago
startled, almost scared at first, but returns the kiss. She feels pained, yet overjoyed, and way over ridden with hormones.
13 years ago
pulls back fairly quickly though and just... gulps. "... That... about sums up what I wanted to do."
13 years ago
Blushes a lot, and looks the other way. "O-ok..." Then in a reaaaallly quiet voice, "S-same here, I guess."
13 years ago
pauses... and then laughs a little. "You guess? Come on, Liz. You've gotta be certain with someone as awesome as me!"
13 years ago
Sighs, smiling. "Definitely 'guess'. That was probably the worst decision I ever made." she pauses, "...But I'll never regret it."
13 years ago
*mostly never, at least.*
13 years ago
snorts. "Of course you won't. And..." Pause. "It's... not really the worst decision you could make..."
13 years ago
Laughs, "No, I suppose it's not." She pauses to stare into space, "What am I going to do now though..."
13 years ago
"... if I said you're going to make the worst choice, you wouldn't, would you?" Pushing his luck, what?
13 years ago
Looks confused. "Going to make...the worst choice?" then the connections form in her head..."Gil, I have my moments, but I'm still a smart
13 years ago
girl. I'll make my mistakes one step at a time." She smiles, eyes glinting.
13 years ago
sighs. "Ja, I know." Clears his throat and rubs the back of his head. "Okay. Let's go... see a movie or something then.
13 years ago
13 years ago
Taken aback at his normal approach to dating. "O-ok...sure." She starts blushing. It's still weird for her to imagine the as a couple.
13 years ago
smirks and grabs her hand, dragging her towards the staircase to go downstairs. "Maybe you'll change your mind halfway through the movie."
13 years ago
Laughs her nerves away, "Right then, do you best, or worst as it stands." She follows him to the stairs, smiling.
13 years ago
(ooc: have to go to bed now, i won't be able to reply during the day tomorrow, but I will as soon as I can)
13 years ago
(Oh! No problem. I'm probably be head to bed soon myself.)
Hungary says
13 years ago
(am back! whenever you want to continue is fine...unless we need to start a new thread)
13 years ago
13 years ago
drags her all the way to the theater. He is way too excited about this. "What d'you wanna see?"
13 years ago
Catches her breath. "Um...well what's playing?" She doesn't care much what it is they watch, if he'll just stop dragging her around.
13 years ago
"Uh... lots of action movies... that one's a scary one!" Points. "... ugh, a romance." Makes a face.
13 years ago
Grins. "An action movie is fine with me, or a scary one. I'm not really one for romance films either." unless it involves two guys
13 years ago
"Action. I think action's best." Because then there's no plot to get hung up on. Goes to the counter and pays for two tickets.
13 years ago
"Fine with me." She waits off at to the side while he pays. Again, she feels awkward in the normal-dating situation.
13 years ago
comes over with the tickets. "Alright. Want some.. popcorn or something?"
13 years ago
Looks up. "Oh, um...yeah sure. Should..I pay for it?" She wonders if Prussia can really afford all this, he's not usually money smart...
13 years ago
"Nah, I got it!" His wallet is currently loaded with money he took from West and his parents. Aw yea.
13 years ago
"Ok..." She feels suspicious of his over confidence, but leaves it at that. She can't solve all his problems.
13 years ago
"Well, I'll wait for you then
13 years ago
I guess, if you're buying."
13 years ago
pays for some popcorn and drinks then. And some chocolate. Bitches love chocolate. "Alright. Let's get to the movie!"
13 years ago
"Right, looks like it's that way." She says pointing to a sign. She smiles seeing Prussia act like the loud idiot he is.
13 years ago
"I see it." Heads into the theater... and makes sure to get seats WAAAY at the back of the theater.
13 years ago
Follows, and sits down next to Prussia. "You do realize you can see the movie better from the front right?" She asks, casually.
13 years ago
"No you can't. It's more fun in the back. Besides..." Lifts the arm between them then leans in to brush his lips over her cheek softly. "I
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can do this back here."
13 years ago
Resists the urge to squirm, and starts blushing, just a little. "Figures." But she smiles, turns and bites his ear, hard but not too hard.
13 years ago
And she licks ti, saying, "But thats not all bad."
13 years ago
His eyes widen and... fuck. Swallows hard. "...biting, huh?" Smirks.
13 years ago
"Yup." She grins, mischievously. Afraid and anticipating what will come next.
13 years ago
"That's a little dangerous. Just... as a warning." Leans in and nibbles on her bottom lip.
13 years ago
"Tell me about it." She says nibbling back, and she reaches up to touch his hair.
13 years ago
smirks and moves a hand to rest on her stomach as he moves in for a full kiss.
13 years ago
Smiles at the feeling of his hands on her and returns the kiss with some force.
13 years ago
"Mmff..." Quickly probes her mouth with his tongue, slowly moving his hand up her stomach.
13 years ago
Traces his tongue with her own and then dips hers into his mouth. She moans, just slightly, and grips his hair in her hand.
13 years ago
moans right back at her, tasting her and... THERE. Rests his hand on her breast lightly.
13 years ago
Smirks slightly as he touches her breast. She wraps another arm around him and keeps kissing him, letting his hands do as the please.
13 years ago
starts kneading her breast softly, groaning at the feeling as he bites softly on her tongue.
13 years ago
Tries not to lose composure, but just a little water forms at the edge of her eyes as he touches her more. She closes her eyes, and bites
13 years ago
him back, just a little.
13 years ago
moans and finds her nipple to pinch it, pushing closer to her.
13 years ago
Starts to really feel it and moans again, just a little louder than she'd wanted to.
13 years ago
suddenly pulls back and curses softly. "C-c'mon, Liz... I thought you were gonna be the sensible one here..."
13 years ago
Embarrassed, she replies, "You're right, I forgot, because this isn't usually my problem with you. I'll make sure to stop you with a frying
13 years ago
pan next time."
13 years ago
flushes. "... you don't need to use a fucking frying pan..." Stops touching her altogether for the moment. Because he has a raging hard-on
13 years ago
from that, dammit!
13 years ago
Grins. "We'll see." She's rather glad, now that they stopped, because she had felt so out of control, of him, and even of herself. "So maybe
13 years ago
we should just watch the movie now." She notices it has started.
13 years ago
"Ja... good idea..." Think unsexy thoughts, think unsexy thoughts. Uuuugh.
13 years ago
Tries to follow the plot, noticing in her peripheral vision that He's squirming somewhat. Probably not used to sitting still she thinks.
13 years ago
folds his hands over his lap in an attempt to hide the fact that thinking unsexy thoughts isn't working. Though the movie is helping a bit.
13 years ago
Notices his odd position. "Are you ok?" She asks in a whisper.
13 years ago
nods a little. Doesn't look at her. "I'm fine."
13 years ago
Turns back to the movie. It has a slightly thin plot so far but it's fun, she finds herself rooting for the main character inwardly, even.
13 years ago
takes some deep breaths. And after a time, he's able to reach out and touch her hand without it causing him too much pain.
Hungary feels
13 years ago
his hand touch hers and smiles, still paying attention to the movie. She grips it very lightly, in what she hopes is a comforting manor.
13 years ago
hesitates... then threads his fingers between hers, sighing softly.
13 years ago
Clasps his hand in return, still gently. In an effort to keep the atmosphere from getting to what it was before.
13 years ago
Alright. This is okay. Maybe she'll let him... kiss her again when they're not in the theater.
Hungary thinks
13 years ago
this atmosphere is a lot more pleasant. Maybe she should...try and make it go a lot slower from here on out.
13 years ago
When the movie ends, Gilbert gets up and stretches. "That was a good movie."
13 years ago
Stands up feeling an urge to move. "Yeah, it was." She smiles, and this time she's the one dragging him as she starts running.
13 years ago
blinks! But follows after her easily. "Hey, why are we running?"
13 years ago
Laughs, "I don't know, but doesn't it feel good to move after sitting for so long?"
13 years ago
She starts to slow and realizes what time it is. "It's kind of late, maybe I should go home now."
13 years ago
His breathing is a little heavy as he slows down. "Oh... I... I guess you probably should..."
13 years ago
"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow though right?" She smiles
13 years ago
"Of course." Wait, did he just agree to go to school? DAMMIT.
13 years ago
Tries not to giggle seeing that he walked right into her trap. "Well tomorrow then, viszlat!" She kisses him on the cheek and turns to go.
13 years ago
stands there like a fish for a few moments and then fumes as he stalks towards home.
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