someone said she missed me a lot... (blush)
latest #14
Bypasser says
13 years ago
wah!! onion is back!!! thought u said u giv up on plurk liao??
Bypasser says
13 years ago
da hot mama n at fish missed u woh
d fish even sms me to express her feeling of missing me~ ureshii~ (blush)
Bypasser says
13 years ago
onion: u bcareful when walk out these days... who knows there will b a penang plate car waiting for u outside~~
retardedly_cute says
13 years ago
u bcome onion rings while u were away?
Bypasser: to pick me up~? :-))
RC: no, i go bungee-jump, so become spring onion LOL
Bypasser says
13 years ago
onion: 兄弟!!你回来了就好!!没你在的日子俺就一个人孤兵作战的背负那重如泰山的使命。。。那滋味。。。可不好受啊!现你回来了,我可以把那‘气死@nicole笨鱼‘的接力棒交给你了~~~~
冤冤相報何時了,我…… ==lll
yea la...!
i still got charming kuk..can pull onion roll back to plurk...
sei bypasser damn u!
Bypasser says
13 years ago
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