13 years ago
took in a new stray today. A Russian Blue kitten.
latest #58
13 years ago
would like to visit... to see this new kitten.
Greece thinks
13 years ago
Japan should come over! He's just playing with her on his front porch.
13 years ago
accepts the invite, and hopes he won't be bothering Greece. It is a little sudden, after all.
13 years ago
Greece looks up, eyes brightening as he watches one of his favorite people approach. "Japan. I hope I didn't disturb you from anything
13 years ago
important." He smiles up at his friend, picking up a gray furball and holding her in his palm. "I found her near my mother's ruins.
13 years ago
Isn't she cute?"
13 years ago
bows politely to his friend, smiling softly. "No, you didn't. I was thinking of paying a visit anyway." He settles down next to Greece, and
13 years ago
reaches to stroke the kitten. "Yes, she's very cute. Have you decided on a name yet?"
13 years ago
places the feline on Japan's lap, blinking. "Name?" Oh right, normal people named their pets."Hmm..." he trailed off, pausing for far too
13 years ago
13 years ago
waits..... wondering if... maybe he should just check.
13 years ago
looks over at Greece, trying to see if his friend fell asleep.
13 years ago
Finally, after quite some time of deliberating, Greece looked at Japan, shaking his head. "Nope."
13 years ago
"Ahh... I see." He looks back at the kitten in his lap now, pondering. "Well, how about... 'Kin'? "
13 years ago
reaches down to scratch behind the feline's ears. "I like it." He watches them both, finding the sight adorable. "It
Greece is
13 years ago
a short name, so perhaps she won't forget it." More like he himself probably wouldn't forget it.
Nihon gives
13 years ago
a small smile. "I'm glad you like it. I thought it'd fit her, because 'Kin' is metal or steel in Japanese... and her coat reminds me of
13 years ago
the glint of swords." He looks up to meet the Grecian's gaze. "Maybe she'll be a little warrior cat when she gets bigger."
13 years ago
watches as the kitten curls up to take a nap. He scoots closer to Japan, leaning back to rest his weight on his palms.
13 years ago
"What would cats fight over? Food, perhaps?"
13 years ago
suddenly feels warmth beside him as Greece moves closer. He blushes a little. "Hmm, probably food... hunting rights and territory..."
13 years ago
"...and perhaps mating rights too.. ah-" He realizes his slip of tongue, and falters, turning pink.
13 years ago
blinks, tilting his head as he watched Japan blush. He couldn't help but smile a tiny bit. He hid the amusement in his voice. "That's very
13 years ago
true, Nihon. I've seen them get quite aggressive." He says, and his smile grows wider. "Would you fight over mating rights?"
13 years ago
blinks uncertainly. "A-ah?"
13 years ago
"I don't think humans have to fight for mating rights, we're civilized enough to talk things through."
13 years ago
coughs nervously. "Besides, w-why would I fight with someone over yo- over such a thing like that?"
13 years ago
watches him speak, and notices that he's growing even more flustered. "But what if we did? Only the strongest and most cunning would be
13 years ago
allowed to mate." He decides to ignore Kiku's slip of the tongue, not wanting to make him so flustered that he changed the subject. He
13 years ago
grins. "I think you would win in such battles, Kiku. I know you are quite strong."
13 years ago
gazes at his friend, unsure how to respond. Despite the Grecian's blunt words, he feels a slight rush of pride at it.
13 years ago
"You think too highly of me sometimes, Girisha-san." He smiles anyway. "I don't like to fight, but if I must.. to protect what I care for.."
13 years ago
He trails off, leaving the words unsaid. "You would make a formidable warrior yourself too."
13 years ago
Now it was Greece's turn to tease Japan. He wouldn't let him get off that easily. "I don't think I would be as formidable as yourself, but
13 years ago
since mating rights are involved, I cannot afford to be anything but the best. These rights are important."
13 years ago
He reaches down to pet one of his other cats that had found its way to his lap.
13 years ago
tilts his head, considering Greece's words. He wonders if the other man was serious... no, he must be just musing because he's Greece.
13 years ago
"I guess you're right." An idea occurs to him then. "Who... would you fight for?" Wait, did just asked that aloud? Oh..... crap.
13 years ago
looks at Kiku, trying to read his expression. His own is kept neutral. "My mate, of course. Did you have someone in mind for me?"
13 years ago
tries to keep his face as neutral as possible, though he wasn't sure if he managed as well with the blush. "N-No... I was just curious..."
13 years ago
nods idly, picking up the kitten from his knee and placing it on Japan's shoulder. "Would you be my mate if we were cats?"
13 years ago
blinks.. and then blinks again. "I... well..."
13 years ago
coughs nervously. "Even as cats, it would be nice to have a companion beside you all the time..." He was sure by now he was flushing as
13 years ago
bright as the sun.
Greece thinks
13 years ago
Japan is the king of ambiguous answers. He looks at him carefully, eyes warm and teasing. "Is that a yes?"
Nihon wishes
13 years ago
that Greece-san wouldn't be so blunt at times. "I-I... Well..." He huffs, looking down instead. "I-It's not something I would oppose to... "
13 years ago
's thoughts may or may not have been on the same page as Japan's. "I would enjoy it very much," he says, petting the kitten once more.
13 years ago
"We wouldn't be able to have kittens, however." He paused. "But I wouldn't mind, I enjoy your company."
13 years ago
chuckles softly. "We might not have kittens, but even so, I doubt we would be short of it." He reaches to stroke the kitten too, only to
13 years ago
accidentally brush against Greece's hand. "A-ahh.. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.."
13 years ago
It was difficult to tell if Greece was just teasing Japan on purpose now. He blinks at the other's apology. "It's alright. I don't mind. Do
13 years ago
13 years ago
strokes the kitten, not responding immediately. Did he mind? He wasn't sure... maybe if people were around, he would. But they were alone
13 years ago
with only the cats so, maybe it was allright to admit it...? He looks again. "...No, I think so.." He manages a tiny smile somehow.
13 years ago
smiles as he places his hand on top of Japan's cautiously. "Touch is reassuring and comforting in my culture." He was careful not to
13 years ago
overstep his boundaries. "But I know that you place much more value in your personal space."
13 years ago
stiffens when he feels Greece's touch, but only for a few heartbeats before he relaxs again. He doesn't pull away.
13 years ago
"That's true," he says. "But only because touch is sacred, to be shared between intimate friends, or lovers..." He trails off, blushing.
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