Heracles is
13 years ago
laying in the grass, tracing out the shapes of the clouds with his index finger.
latest #51
Sakura has
13 years ago
gone for a walk, blinking when she saw a figure in the grass. He seemed kind of familiar...
Heracles is
13 years ago
so engrossed in this activity that he doesn't notice Sakura at first, unfortunately.
13 years ago
steps up to him timidly, glancing at the sky, then back to him. "...a-are you okay, sir..?"
Heracles is
13 years ago
drawn out of his cloud-induced trance and widens his eyes in surprise. He blinks at the girl above, thinking she looked awfully familiar.
13 years ago
Like a... prettier version of someone he knows. He smiles gently. "I'm fine, why do you ask?" He looks back up at the
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sky, pointing at a cloud towards the horizon. "Don't you think that one looks like a dolphin?"
13 years ago
blinks down at him, trying to decide who he reminded her of."...n-normally I do not see people laying with their hand in the air unless they
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require help.." she answers, blinking at the question, and glancing up to the sky, trying to see. "...u-uhm, I am not sure I see...."
13 years ago
sits up, hugging his knees. His smile, though faint, is friendly. "Thank you very much for your concern then, Miss...?" He looked back up
13 years ago
at the cloud, tracing out the tail. "Unfortunately, this dolphin is quite fat. There must be an abundance of cloud fish in the sky."
Sakura is
13 years ago
slightly confused by him, but can't help but smile back. "Ah, Sakura Honda.." she replies, offering her hand for a handshake. "And you
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are..?" She watches the sky again, eventually finding the whale. "..ah, I think I see it. Yes he is a bit fat..." She blinks, recognizing
13 years ago
that sort of logic. Was this.. Greece..?
13 years ago
takes her hand and shakes it warmly, eyes slightly widened at the mention of her last name. But then again, it was a common last name,
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wasn't it? "Heracles Karpusi," he said after a moment. Now that Japan was on his mind, he realized that Sakura reminded him of Kiku.
13 years ago
"Would you like to sit and join me for a bit?" He asked, wondering if Sakura had something important to do.
13 years ago
blinks at the name, obviously surprised as well. She hesitates a little, but nods, taking a seat beside him. She shifts a little, debating
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asking, but decides she might as well. "...s-sorry if this sounds weird, but.... are you, by any chance, Greece...?"
13 years ago
frowns as the fat dolphin slowly dissipates into the atmosphere. He is caught off guard by her question, but her knowledge of
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the countries would explain a lot. "Yes. Are you the female counterpart of Japan?" He asked curiously.
Sakura is
13 years ago
glad that she hadn't asked a random human that question then. She smiles and nods. "Ah yes I am. Pleased to meet you then."
13 years ago
's smile is much brighter now. "He and I are good friends." He had heard about their counterparts wandering around,
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but had yet to meet any until now. "Have you met him?"
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smiles softly and nods. "I am good friends with the female Greece as well, it's good to know these relationships carry on to this
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world." She hums sofly. "I have, but I haven't seen him around very often.."
13 years ago
The thought of himself and Japan being friends as girls was quite cute, and it made Heracles smile. "That is unfortunate. I imagine you have
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have much in common." Oh, now there was a unicorn in the clouds. He looked back at her. "Can you tell me about your
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Greece? What is she like?"
13 years ago
smiles a little and ndos. "Yes, we seem to. I suppose it is bound to happen, considering who we are.." She hums at the question,
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glancing at the sky. "Ah... my Greece? She's a lovely woman. Long dark curly hair, the sort of skin tone as you, of course. A philosopher at
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heart... though she has a hard time keeping awake sometimes." She was also of course a bit of a sex god, but Sakura wasn't about to
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mention that.
13 years ago
A quiet smile remained on Greece's face as Sakura spoke. He wondered if this girl looked anything like Mama Greece, and if so, she sounded
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lovely. "Please give her my regards when you see her next. If she is as lovely as you are, I would like to meet her." His gaze slowly
13 years ago
moved over the sky again. "Tell me, Sakura, what do you see in that one?" He asked, pointing.
13 years ago
nods a little, smiling softly at him. "I will be sure to do so." She flushes a little at the compliment, but looks up to the sky, finding
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where he was pointing. "Ah.... a..salmon?"
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nods. "Yes, I think so. It's even swimming upstream." He wondered if Sakura liked his salted fish as much as Kiku did. "Do you like salmon?"
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smiles a little at that and nods. "Ah yes, I agree." She blinks, looking over at him. "Oh yes I do, it's one of my favourites..."
13 years ago
leaned back, resting his weight on his hands. "Salmon are amazing creatures, making such a difficult journey every year, only to willingly
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die soon after. I wonder why they give up on life after spawning."
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nods, considering that and staring out over the grass. "I suppose it must be because it's in their genetics... it seems like a sad
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life though..."
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felt a little melancholy now. "It's like their only purpose in life is to reproduce." He pauses.
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“But our lives are so long. What gives you purpose, Miss Sakura?”
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hums softly. "Ah well.... some would argue that is the purpose of most mortal beings.." She looks at him, debating a moment. "How can we
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not live on, though, when ourselves are so intertwined with culture and our citizens?" She shakes her head. "Other than that, it is the smal
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*small things. Being proud of my country, but also good friends, quiet moments... all of that..."
13 years ago
thought about this for a moment. “Well, yes, but living for our people is a purpose we didn’t get to choose.” He smiled at her next
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statement. “Few people would mention quiet and peaceful moments. They are underappreciated.”
13 years ago
nods. "But it is still a purpose we must fulfill," she replies. She smiles softly at that. "The quiet moments are my favourite moments."
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