France wonders
13 years ago
mildly why a majority of flag colours are red, blue and white.
latest #25
13 years ago
thought that each country had a particular reason for the use of each colour-- and it is merely ironic that a lot happen to consist of those
13 years ago
13 years ago
just thinks that of all the colours in the world, it had to be those. Huh.
13 years ago
inquires why Mr. France did not think about using other colours, then.
France was
13 years ago
totally there earlier so he has rights. And besides, he would, but his boss will not let him.
13 years ago
would give him a pat on the shoulder, only that would be weird. There, there, Mr. France. Maybe someday.
13 years ago
someday. He wonders when that "someday" is, urgh. Maybe he really is an old man now. Though even if your flag consists of the
13 years ago
aforementioned colours, he would like to thank you for having a tasteful design and not tacky. ... Like a certain North American flag. Yes.
Iceland is
13 years ago
sure that old people can live forever. Look at England. He is shaking his cane at children to get out of his water. So as long as England
Iceland is
13 years ago
around, France still has a chance. And, well, the design was sort of nabbed...but it's a fine enough compliment.
France is
13 years ago
... not quite if that was supposed to feel better, but he'll take it. Seeing as how it was ridiculing England, which is a chance he'll
13 years ago
always take. Still... he thinks you're lucky to still be so young. Who knows how long he's going to last. And he doesn't mind how the
13 years ago
design came to be... as long as it's, as he said, not tasteless.
13 years ago
does not like England too much. It is not necessarily good to be young seeing that means childhood was many centuries long. Not that he
13 years ago
would actually say so. And his flag is sort of his business, he supposes.
13 years ago
finds that interesting, and wonders why that is so. Though... he's not surprised seeing as how England has ticked off quite a fair amount of
13 years ago
people... but he's always willing to gather more information on his less-than-gentleman-ly adventures. He also thinks that that may be
13 years ago
true, but at least that means you'd be more open to adapt to... current issues, whereas he, old as he is, would be harder to bend. That
13 years ago
aside, now he wishes his flag had some sort of cool design on i.
13 years ago
Iceland is
13 years ago
sure that England is a selfish old man who needs to get knocked down a few pegs. He should sneak into that guy's house and cover it in
13 years ago
chocolate or something. His thoughts suddenly became more real. And, it's okay, France. Not everyone has a cool flag.
France will
13 years ago
be more than glad to accompany you on that little trip, since he knows that guy's house like the back of his hand. He still just wonders
13 years ago
what he's done to you in particular. And his flag is plenty cool. Just simplistic, is all.
Iceland is
13 years ago
sure the Cod Wars and the IceSave count for something. Just, England is lame.
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