Career appraisal failed.
Not detailed enough? How detail is detail? Not sufficiently broad emough? How broad is broad.?
latest #7
it will bring you what result??
“Your Report/Development Objectives/CPD Record/CPD Plans presented were lacking specific evidence of detailed personal involvement in a
in a sufficiently wide range of aspects. Some statements are too general, and further detail is required. Additional H&S training is
training is required.
Please resubmit your, Experience Report, Development Objectives and CPD records providing detailed evidence of the
evidence of the additional experience and information., plus your developed CPD”
下...即係要再交野比佢 ??? training ?佢比你 ?
係。他收了25xx hkd 就只有一段不足五百字的comment和要求我重新寄過一份report 給他。
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