13 years ago
[event 1] is relaxing in the hot springs, trying to forget about her current dilemma. Though of course, stripping down to a bathing suit, in
latest #106
13 years ago
hindsight, was not the best method of forgetting whose body she was currently in.
Ann has
13 years ago
come looking for Japan. She was trying to find her body. "Hello, is anyone home?"
13 years ago
flusters a bit when she hears the voice, turning towards it at first. She nearly answers the call before realizing whose
13 years ago
body she was in... and she was sure Japan would not take pleasure in finding a Korean in the spring. She instead stays quiet,
13 years ago
sinking into the water a little less gracefully than she had hoped.
Ann feels
13 years ago
guilty just entering like this, but she did have the key and this was kind of important. "Sakura? Kiku?"
13 years ago
blinks in surprise, hearing Kiku call out his own name was a little weird... "....h-hello...?" she calls out timidly.
13 years ago
bursts into the bath area as though she was scared the person was going to run away. "Saku----- Soo Yeon?"
13 years ago
startles at the sudden entrance, ducking to hide against the wall again. "...y-yes...?"
Ann is
13 years ago
embarrassed now. "Ah...I am...oh. Terribly sorry. I was looking for Sakura or Japan. I-I mean. I'm Japan but..."
13 years ago
hesitates a little. Well, obviously there was something wrong with Kiku too... "U-uhm... I am Sakura...." she tries, wondering if
13 years ago
he'd believe her.
13 years ago
's eyes instantly light up. "Sakura! Oh thank goodness, this is Ann!"
13 years ago
blinks up at her, coming up from her hiding spot. "...m-miss Ann...?"
13 years ago
nods. "I am looking for Kiku...I think he has my body."
13 years ago
hums, trying to think. "....I-I do not think I have seen him around lately... or you, for that matter. I'm sorry..."
13 years ago
's shoulders drop. "I see..."
13 years ago
's expression falls too, feeling bad for her. "I-I am sorry miss could join me in here if you would like to relax a little
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though...?" After all, of course she would fit in Japan's swim clothes like this.
13 years ago
flushes. "Would that be appropriate, with how I am now?"
13 years ago
blushes a little too, but nods. "...w-we do have integrated bathhouses too..."
Ann is
13 years ago
not comfortable in this body though. "Ah...well, all right."
13 years ago
nods a little. "I-it is up to you..."
13 years ago
had to get used to this body anyway...she wasn't sure when she was going back to her own. Nodding, she stepped out to change before_
13 years ago
Sakura has
13 years ago
moved back to her original seat, smiling a little when she sees Ann come back changed. She knew the hot springs were a good way to
13 years ago
relax, and Ann looked a bit stressed.
Ann is
13 years ago
terribly stressed. She was hungry and in a man's body. None of her favorite foods tasted good and she couldn't cook for herself. She_
13 years ago
slowly entered the hotsprings, and sighed lightly. "This is nice, thank you."
13 years ago
smiles gently at her once she's in. "I hope it does you wel, you look like you need to rest." She could cook for Ann if she knew all that..
Ann is
13 years ago
all ready asking too much of her. She offers the other a smile. "I haven't been sleeping well."
13 years ago
would not mind. She blinks at this, looking concerned. "That's never a good thing... is it because of this body swapping nonsense..?"
13 years ago
nods a bit. "I am nott used to this body. And I can't eat right."
13 years ago
frowns a little at that. "Oh miss Ann, that is not good... I will make you something when we get out of here, okay? You can also stay here
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if you would like..." She knew Japan sometimes complained about beds in other countries being too soft and hurting his back, so perhaps
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that was part of it..
Ann wonders
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if that's true. She appreciates the offer. "Ah...his stomach is really sensitive. I tried to eat some roast beef and I could barely_
13 years ago
swallow maybe some mild food would be better. I appreciate the offer..."
13 years ago
nods a little, though she wonders if it was... miss Ann's cooking that she tried to swallow. That could explain it.. She smiles. "I will be
13 years ago
happy to do it. I do hope you feel better afterwards."
Ann feels
13 years ago
guilty asking, but she was so hungry. "You at least got a woman..."
13 years ago
would tell her not to worry about it. She blinks at this, frowning a little. "...t-that's what Alicia said as well, but I highly disapprove
13 years ago
of this..." Especially of the part where Soo had control of her body.
13 years ago
looks to her. "Might I ask why?"
13 years ago
sighs softly. "...m-my sister is a pervert... and she currently has control over my appearance. I worry for my reputation..."
13 years ago
suddenly feels bad for her. "Ah...I'm sorry." At least she could feel confident Japan wouldn't do anything to her body.
13 years ago
nods a little. "That is why I am not happy with this.." she didn't care as terribly much about having Soo's body. It was nice being able to
13 years ago
reach the top shelf...
Ann wonders
13 years ago
if that's the only thing she's happy about. "Ah...well hopefully she'll be a little respectful."
13 years ago
would wonder what else there is good about it. She wasn't the type to go and pull pranks like this. "....hopefully," though she knew
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she wouldn't and hadn't been already.
13 years ago
sinks into the water a bit more. "Do you think we'll ever go back to normal?"
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sighs softly. "I certainly hope so..." She didn't like the thoughts of being like this forever...
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agrees with those thoughts. "It would be unconvenient."
13 years ago
nods, sinking into the water a little more. "Quite...."
13 years ago
looks over to her. "How is Alicia handling this?"
13 years ago
purses her lips a little. "Well, she's not too adverse to me... still thinks I'm cute like this..." she makes a bit of a face.
Ann thinks
13 years ago
that sounds like Alicia. "How about you? What do you think?"
13 years ago
hums. "About me? Or her..?"
13 years ago
| "Her."
13 years ago
nods. "Ah... it's quite weird, her energy in that body..." Not to mention the attire, of course. "...also to see mister Arthur without
13 years ago
eyebrows is... a little amusing, admittedly," she smiles.
13 years ago
seems a little surprised. "S-She plucked his eyebrows?"
13 years ago
blinks a little and nods, having had assumed Ann had seen. "Ah yeah. It's very strange.."
Ann feels
13 years ago
a bit bad for England. "Ah...I sort of liked his eyebrows."
13 years ago
nods again, smiling a bit. "I am sure they will grow back.." They seemed too thick to stay down for long.
Ann thinks
13 years ago
that's true. "He did say something about them growin back quick."
13 years ago
hums softly. "I could see that..."
Ann is
13 years ago
staring at Sakura now. ""
13 years ago
blinks up at the sound, a little confused at the staring. "...y-yes..?"
13 years ago
flushes a bit. "T-This might sound strange but may I...touch the...curl?" She was fascinated.
13 years ago
blinks at that, glancing up and blushing a little. "...a-ah.." she hesitates, of course not knowing how it feels but.. having seen Soos
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reactions a couple times. "..a-a little, if you want..." she answers, a little curious herself.
13 years ago
hesitantly reaches out to tug the curl, lightly.
Sakura feels
13 years ago
a shiver run down her spine, letting out a soft surprised sound.
Ann is
13 years ago
lightly petting it, thinking it had a weird texture. "Ah, this is truly fascinating!" She always had wanted to touch one.
13 years ago
trembles a bit as she continues, blushing red. "U-uh yeah... i-it's a bit weird..." she manages.
13 years ago
lightly pinches it, thinking it's just a regular hair.
13 years ago
nearly cries out at that, managing to keep it to a gasp. She shifts in her seat uncomfortably, blushing red still. "U-uh.... m-miss Ann...."
Ann is
13 years ago
still groping at the hair. "Yes?"
13 years ago
whimpers softly, squirming a bit and trying to pull away slightly, though that only resulted in the hair being pulled on more.
13 years ago
"A-ah... p-please...." she can't finish her sentence, having to bite her lip to hold back a moan.
13 years ago
doesn't know what she's trying to ask, so she doesn't let go. "Pardon?"
13 years ago
tenses up a bit and trembles, letting out a long, embarrassing moan as she can't hold it back any longer, gripping desperately at the seat
13 years ago
for an anchor to keep herself from getting the hair pulled too much.
Ann is
13 years ago
taken aback by that and is now staring at the other with wide eyes. "...S-Sakura?"
13 years ago
whimpers a little in pleasure, face bright red and shifting in her seat still. "M-miss Ann....." she pants, trying to pull back a little
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but of course only succeeding in sending another round of shivers down her spine.
Ann is
13 years ago
beyond confused. What was this. "W-What?"
13 years ago
trembles still. "P-please... let go....." she mumbles, entirely embarrassed by this point of course.Did this count as cheating on Alicia...?
Ann is
13 years ago
confused, but she fondled the curl a little more, relishing in the softness before she complied. "Ah...all right."
13 years ago
cries out in pleasure again as Ann continued to fondle it, tensing up. She flushes a deep red as she's finally freed, quick to hide her
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face in her hands and pull away a little from Ann.
13 years ago
returns her hand to her side. "W-What's wrong? You're acting weird."
Sakura is
13 years ago
too embarrassed to speak now, keeping her face hidden and just shaking her head.
Ann feels
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awkward now. She dips into the water, looking away.
13 years ago
takes a deep breath, calming herself down before finally dropping her hands, though she's still too embarrassed to look Ann in the eye
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now. "S-sorry....."
13 years ago
looks back to her. "What happeneD?"
13 years ago
bites her lip a little. "...w-well, I know not to pull on it anymore...."
13 years ago
flushes a bit. "You mean..."
13 years ago
blushes still, nodding a little and looking down.
13 years ago
goes red from head to toe. Oh god. Oh god. She could never tell Alicia.
13 years ago
bites her lip a little, feeling awkward. "....y-yes, sorry...."
13 years ago
covers her face. "I-I am terribly sorry!!"
13 years ago
flushes darkly too. "U-uhm, it's okay... y-you didn't know....."
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