CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
So there is this guy on American Idol...
latest #68
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
He's cute....really cute.
ClearHunt says
15 years ago
*rolls eyes* Not Cody Sheldon again....
ClearHunt says
15 years ago
Spare us... already heard about him from koby.
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
Oh Cody Sheldon? yeah I mean He's good lookin' really goodlookin'
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
grr...well you can click it . But anyway....
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
This is pushing it.
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
Cody Sheldon
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
People are stalkers!
ClearHunt says
15 years ago
Ah! that's creep.
ClearHunt says
15 years ago
ClearHunt says
15 years ago
Geez people don't even know if he made it passed Hollywood.
ClearHunt says
15 years ago
I do like the song though... The let it heal song.
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
That's what I mean! He's cute but damn.
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
He's not a nilla cakester! lol
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
depending on how far he gets, It will be mainly based off his looks.
ClearHunt says
15 years ago
poor kid, I mean but I guess that's what he wants. To be stalked. He can't help that people care about looks more then his voice.
ClearHunt says
15 years ago
Not saying he sounds bad
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
Yeah I know what you mean
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
That he kinda is picking that life for himself.
ClearHunt says
15 years ago
exactly! but I'm late! Holla at you later!
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
Okay, By
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
Oh my ?
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
RIght where? Oh them stalking him already ?
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
People have no respect for privacy.
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
exactly, Its sad.At least wait till he's in the top 20 people lol
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
He might get to Hollywood and choke.
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
He is but people take it too far.
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
If you put his name in google he became one of the top googled people on jan 14.
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
That makes no sense. Usually I only watch American idol to see the people audition. That is fuckin' hilarious!
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
haha I love you! that's awesome.
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
Only reason I know who this guy is, is because Koby is like in love with him *rolls eyes*
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
In less your a music artist I like or cartoon I'm totally unaware of your existence.
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
I was talking to Missy one day and we were like what would the world be like if famous people were just average people.
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
Just everyday joe's who just work in movies.
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
I mean they are always talking about how they wanted privacy right? so If we started to ignore ever star. It was no biggie if you had their
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
cd or not . I bet they would freak a bit.
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
The lack of attention would drive some of them mad.
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
I think our world would be so much better if we eliminate all the small g-o-ds.
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
So what you got money, big whoop. More Money= More Problems.
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
That's why my step dad left the business. He got sick of Hollywood.
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
He was a agent.
CandyShop85 says
15 years ago
No Hollywood isn't that great. I'll Take Stewie Griffin over Brad pitt anyday.
Chansan says
15 years ago
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