13 years ago
[Event 1] sees that the crime rates are going up, but the arrest rates are going down. What is this.
latest #62
13 years ago
It's called corruption. Sometimes the police are paid more by the criminal than they are by the government...
...and I never said that.
Im Yong is
13 years ago
a bad guy. Damn, right! He's a super cool mafia bad guy. Which is why he's currently whistling nonchalantly as he slowly pockets various
Im Yong
13 years ago
sweets into his sleeves at a local Shell store. He glances for the cameras and finds there to just be that lame mirror, and the shop
Im Yong
13 years ago
keeper's not even looking. Pftttt, too easy.~
13 years ago
puts a hand on Yong Soo's shoulder. "Sir, please put that back where you found it."
Im Yong
13 years ago
jumps. "Eh?" He decides not to turn around, since she hasn't seen his face, and he hasn't seen hers, so this should be good. He slowly
Im Yong
13 years ago
reaches for a nearby cap and places it on his head. "Joesong haeyo~ I don't know what you're talking about. c: "
Im Yong
13 years ago
(BTW are they related or know each other or what? >O)
13 years ago
(I assume they know each other, but haven't seen each other in a while??)
Im Yong
13 years ago
(Alright! but how about relations? Siblings or just acquaintances?)
13 years ago
(;u; Erm...Oh dear. Erm... ;u; Are you related to Kiku?)
Im Yong
13 years ago
(.... I... do not know. Er. Maybe a cousin? =3=)
13 years ago
(Okay...because I think me 'n Kiku are leaning towards non-relatedness..)
Im Yong
13 years ago
(okay, that works too~ I don't mind either way. xD Just friends or acquaintances is kewl~)
13 years ago
frowned and tightened her grip. "If you're going to play dumb, sir, I'll have to escort you to the cashier. He might not be too happy."
Im Yong
13 years ago
grins; this should be fun. "Eh...? I'm not playing anything.~" With the shoulder that wasn't being held, he twisted his body and raised
Im Yong
13 years ago
the free arm up, twirling to hit the officer roughly on the shoulder and force her off. "Agassi, I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry.~" He attempts
Im Yong
13 years ago
to shake her hand off again, and if successful, runs away.
13 years ago
wasn't expecting that and lets go, but not before catching a glimpse of the face underneath the hat. "Yong Soo?"
Im Yong
13 years ago
takes a few steps back, surprised at the sudden call of his name as he looks up, his cap half-off his face. The familiar face in front of
Im Yong
13 years ago
him makes him smile, and he grins. "O!~ Mei." Winking, he tackles her to give her a hug, before quickly releasing her and running outside.
Im Yong
13 years ago
"Sorry, got to run.~"
Mei is
13 years ago
bewildered, but soon gives chase. "Get back here, Soo! You stole a crapload of candy!"
13 years ago
can't believe that he still does that...he hasn't changed since when he was a kid :|
Im Yong
13 years ago
giggles. Yep, that was Mei, alright.~ Those were her curves, no doubt about it. Snickering, he keeps running away, dropping a candy or two
Im Yong
13 years ago
in the process. "Ani! Make me.~"
13 years ago
quickens her pace and tackles Yong Soo to the ground, and brings out a set of handcuffs. If only he would stop wriggling!
Im Yong
13 years ago
"*Aya!* That hurts, Mei!" He won't stop wiggling, and he tries to push her off - he didn't want to get caught yet! Not when he hadn't had
Im Yong
13 years ago
any of the candy yet! "Mei... let me go, let me go!" He gives another hard push.
13 years ago
"Soo, hold still!" she slips and the handcuffs go flying. Crap.
Im Yong
13 years ago
"No!" He sees the handcuffs slip from her hand, and with a final shove, pushes her off as he rolls over to the side, quickly getting on his
Im Yong
13 years ago
feet and dashing off towards a dark alley, where he could be all ninja-like and camouflage. c:
13 years ago
dashes after him, being boring and police-woman-y. And oh for the love of hell where did he go
Im Yong
13 years ago
pants as he presses himself against a wall, pretty confident that the darkness would hide him and that the echoes would make it difficult
Im Yong
13 years ago
to find him. "Mei~ Long time, no see, ippeun agassi. You're not being very nice to me. >: "
13 years ago
whipped around. Where was he? "Soo, you weren't being very nice to the guy who owned the shop."
Im Yong
13 years ago
chuckles. "I don't have to be nice. Besides! It's just candy.~ He won't miss it. and I'm hungry. You know how I get when I'm
Im Yong
13 years ago
hungry.~" He pauses. "Oh! Maybe you want some?"
13 years ago
face-palmed. "No, Soo. Look, if you go and give the candy back to the nice man I'll buy you lunch."
Im Yong thinks
13 years ago
about it for a sec. Yeah, that could work! Plus, from what he remembers, Mei's a fair cook. But... "Eh, Mei's trying to trick me!"
Im Yong
13 years ago
He sounds sad. "You're gonna arrest me when I come out! ;-; "
13 years ago
shrugged. "Okay then, eat candy. I know this resturaunt that serves awesome kimchi~"
Im Yong
13 years ago
does not hesitate. Dashing out of the corner, he waves around excitedly and drops some candy on the floor. "Where? Where! I want kimchi!
Im Yong
13 years ago
Now, now now!~"
13 years ago
picks up the candy and steers him towards the shop. "Apologies first, fermented cabbage later."
Im Yong
13 years ago
whines but lets himself be pushed around. "Can't I just give him back the candy and go? I mean... he already doesn't like me. =3="
13 years ago
shakes her head firmly. "He'll like you when you apologize. I'm in the police so he'll let it slide."
Im Yong
13 years ago
won't tell her he's taken stuff from this store more than once... or she might really be mad. He walks into the store and crosses his arms
Im Yong
13 years ago
pouting childishly, unable to make eye contact. "H-here's your candy back, old man. =3="
13 years ago
smiled at the cashier. "I'm sorry about this. He won't do it again!" Not while she could help it.
Im Yong
13 years ago
or so Mei thinks! No one can stop a boy and his candy! Impatiently, he tugs on her arm. "Hey, can we go now? I'm bored and really hungry!
Im Yong
13 years ago
D: "
13 years ago
lets herself be dragged off. "Very well, to the restuarant!
13 years ago
(Also, I'll be offline for two hours at least. Seeyathen!))
Im Yong
13 years ago
(timezones suck~ xD)
Im Yong
13 years ago
adjusts his face into a smile and leads her off. Whoo, free food! Maybe he should do bad things more often. "So how is Mei these days?~"
13 years ago
shrugged. "Aah, I'm fine. People keep stealing things, so that sucks."
Im Yong
13 years ago
grins without any sort of guilt. "You mean like me?~ But it's so fun, though. c: "
13 years ago
shakes her head. "But it sucks for the other person!" she walks down the street to the restuarant, unconciously holding Soo's hand.
Im Yong
13 years ago
"I don't think so. Because then you get more exercise." He notices the grip on his hand and smiles, leaning a bit closer to the other. Ah,
Im Yong
13 years ago
yes, he did miss this.~ "You should try it some time, ya' know? Everything for freeeeeee!"
13 years ago
sighs. "Honestly, Soo, if you made money and bought something it would mean a lot more."
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