Who Is Darion?
12 years ago
My dad is leaving for Greece on Friday, it will be hard to have 2 1/2 weeks without him here.
latest #34
Who Is Darion?
12 years ago
I took him to the cemetery today, then we went out orient point to have a bite to eat. It was a such a good father/daughter day. You never
Who Is Darion?
12 years ago
get too old to have them ;-)
12 years ago
Sounds lovely and I hope he has a fantastic trip to Greece. Shame you can't go with him, really.
Who Is Darion?
12 years ago
I know, I only get 2 weeks and I need at least 1 once the baby comes to help my bro out.
Who Is Darion?
12 years ago
Dad is finally starting to accept the arrival of the baby, he asked me Friday night when Lisa is due, I smiled :-)
12 years ago
Having only a week in Greece wouldn't be worth it and I'm sure you'll need your energy for the new baby. :-)
Who Is Darion?
12 years ago
omg a week is like a day lol its nothing your totally right
Who Is Darion?
12 years ago
once you get there, you turn around and leave
Who Is Darion?
12 years ago
plus jet-lag messes it up too
12 years ago
And I'm betting that, in your case, some of the family would be really annoyed if you didn't see them.
12 years ago
Yah.. jet lag is a real killer. It's lethal coming from New Zealand, I can tell you.
12 years ago
12 years ago
Coming to NZ, as well, actually.
Who Is Darion?
12 years ago
Well, probably so b/c I would only go to our apartment on Corfu then the house in Erikoussa. I wouldn't visit much beyond that.
Who Is Darion?
12 years ago
omg here to Greece is NOTHING compared to going to NZ (rofl)
12 years ago
Piece of cake in comparison. (LOL)
12 years ago
Best part of 30 hours to get to where I come from in Canada.
12 years ago
I'd be a zombie for the entire vacation. (LOL)
Who Is Darion?
12 years ago
Who Is Darion?
12 years ago
I am planning on going next year and my boss will just have to go screw himself lol
12 years ago
Who Is Darion?
12 years ago
(cozy) Miss you Kyria
12 years ago
Go where? Greece or New Zealand? lol
Who Is Darion?
12 years ago
Greece LOL
Who Is Darion?
12 years ago
I'd totally go to NZ too but need to go to Greece again also
12 years ago
You need a good 4 weeks of vacay time to come to NZ. No joke.
12 years ago
We ended up staying 5 weeks when we came out here on vacation in 1998.
Who Is Darion?
12 years ago
dude I totally do not have that much time to take off (rofl)
Who Is Darion?
12 years ago
my boss would have a coronary if I left him for that long
Who Is Darion?
12 years ago
let alone the 2 weeks I will ask him for next yera
12 years ago
12 years ago
My hubby is self-employed, which helps.
12 years ago
AND.. that was our delayed honeymoon...soooo..
Who Is Darion?
12 years ago
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