13 years ago
cannot sign back into Pottermore. Anyone else having the same prob?
latest #11
13 years ago
ano nakasulat?
施怡美 Charm Sy says
13 years ago
I experienced the same thing before o.O may glitch or something ata yung system :| does it say that someone's currently signed in as you?
13 years ago
azuredestiny: online ka sa ym?
aeyelle says
13 years ago
No, it's just that sometimes I'm signed in, but sometimes I'm sent to the main page when I click on links
aeyelle says
13 years ago
And then the SIGN IN button doesnt seem to be working. Parang glitch?
Mr. A-Z
13 years ago
glitch siguro. I was just in my Potions class
aeyelle says
13 years ago
My potions = overbrewed na siguro by this time. huhuhu
aeyelle says
13 years ago
It shows me in the Gateway one minute and the next minute it's back in the homepage with the signin button
aeyelle says
13 years ago
and then it magically gets back to the Gateway page. :-(
[nox] ™ says
13 years ago
medyo annoying kasi auto log out ka sa pottermore if you're idle for around 10 mins or something
13 years ago
haha di nga ako auto-logged out eh. It's just that when I'm using the pages were changing into the pottermore homepage, so medyo inis lang:-P
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