Rod Tolle says
13 years ago
I'm thinking I should've graveled my lawn months ago. It would've saved me a ton of time trying to keep grass alive with water
latest #7
Rod Tolle says
13 years ago
Or at least i should have taken time to put in an irrigation system. I'd be way ahead on time spent (and green results).
Rod Tolle says
13 years ago
I do like caring for my lawn, but this summer has been brutal.
TechRex says
13 years ago
just dead and brown here...
Rod Tolle
13 years ago
oh, how about cotton-seed hull mulch - at least that would be soft ! :-D
Kanard says
13 years ago
I've seen people (or one person, anyway), lay out that grass carpet stuff, like astroturf on his front yard. Vacuuming would be worse!!
TechGeek says
13 years ago
my brand new lawn is dead...
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