IGP says
13 years ago
3.5 out of 10 (:
latest #13
【河蟹 23】 says
13 years ago
I took a glance. macam nothing much to do with our team in specific. Though I suspect those that says RegInfra would mean we get swept by
【河蟹 23】
13 years ago
the 风台尾...
IGP says
13 years ago
IGP says
13 years ago
so many years no one clear the shit...we very unlucky lor...other pp shit we clean their backside for them....!@#$%^ (angry)
【河蟹 23】 says
13 years ago
风台尾 = Hong Tai Bway (Taiwnese way of saying the tail end of the Typhoon). :-P
【河蟹 23】 says
13 years ago
True also lah. But as we can see, things are starting to get cleared up.
【河蟹 23】 says
13 years ago
TT (not the Prez) came by today, you know?
【河蟹 23】 says
13 years ago
And our new CIO has apparently kicked some butt so now the Exchange Server is moving. BTW, the new CIO came by as well and asked whether any
【河蟹 23】 says
13 years ago
one raised EKA for his lappie.
【河蟹 23】 says
13 years ago
All of us stunt. I check SC also cannot find. Even TT blur. All macam 'chui tak lan' dunno what to say.
【河蟹 23】 says
13 years ago
HAHAHAHA... No. It's the audit rating we got. Apparently we failed.
【河蟹 23】 says
13 years ago
But no our sub-section in specific gets the brunt of it though when it's a dept matter, we all take the blame.
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