Mei shares
13 years ago
is just sobbing everywhere
latest #74
Im Yong is
13 years ago
flat-out panicking and runs up to his sister and hugs her from behind. "Mei, Mei, Mei! Don't cry, I'm here! Dx"
13 years ago
sniffs a bit and pats Yong Soo's hand. "I-I'm fine, it's just a s-sad story."
Im Yong
13 years ago
offers you some tissue. "D-does Mei want to go to the amusement park with me then?~"
13 years ago
blinked and dabbed at her eyes. "O-okay then?"
Im Yong
13 years ago
cheers. "I had tickets but no one else wanted to come. >: And I don't like seeing Mei sad, so maybe this will cheer Mei up!" :-D
13 years ago
hugged Yong Soo. He could be really sweet when he wanted to be-! "Thank you, Soo!"
Im Yong
13 years ago
"Not a problem!" Well, that and he was really bored. "But I didn't know Mei was into that boy-boy stuff." Giggles as he tugs
Im Yong
13 years ago
You along to the park.
13 years ago
"Well, of course~it's so romantic!" she sighed wistfully.
Im Yong
13 years ago
"Oh!" Perks up and thinks about that word he VERY seldomly finds in doujin in Japan's room. Nope, he doesn't sneak in... not at all. "So...
Im Yong
13 years ago
it's like a date? : D"
13 years ago
got red. "W-wait, us? Date? Isn't this bonding, right?" :'D Oh lordy she does not know how to handle these situations.
Im Yong
13 years ago
remains oblivious to your reaction. "Well..." He thinks, tilting his head. "It's a guy and girl going together somewhere alone, right?
Im Yong
13 years ago
That's called a date!" Pause. "Mei won't think it's awkward or anything, right?~ c: "
Mei is
13 years ago
relieved he didn't notice. "Well, that would mean that a dad an his daughter could be on a date...and that would be weird." she's pretty
13 years ago
sure that that would be weird...humans are like that right?
Im Yong
13 years ago
doesn't quite get the logic, and scratches his head. "But we're not dad and daughter. Oh, okay! How about a sibling date?~" He doesn't find
Im Yong
13 years ago
that weird at all.~ Long as it's two people who like each other. c:
13 years ago
sighed. "Okay, then. Cotton candy, here I come!"
Im Yong
13 years ago
cheers. "Hooray!~" He pulls you along towards the entrance, tugging on your sleeve. Talk about excited. He flashes the tickets to the guard,
Im Yong
13 years ago
who gives him complimentary coupons to some fairs and bazaars. "Mei, Mei, you should keep them coz I'll probably lose them.~ Neh, where do
Im Yong
13 years ago
you want to go first?"
13 years ago
tucked the tickets into her pocket, and looked around. "Everything looks awesome-that one!" she points to a wicked-looking black ride.
Im Yong
13 years ago
runs towards it, reading the description. "It's called... uh... "The Vortex"." He shudders a bit. "Is that okay with you?" Looks at not only
Im Yong
13 years ago
the long lines, but hears the screams of people inside. "Er... it's not too scary for Mei?"
13 years ago
shook her head. "No way, it looks fun!" she then looks at Soo. "...Unless you're scared?"
Im Yong
13 years ago
shakes his head, too. "Nope, not at all.~ This is nothing compared to when I went cliff-diving." Pensive thinking... ah, those were fun
Im Yong
13 years ago
times. "I only asked coz if Mei is scared, she can hold my hand! : D" He goes to line up.
13 years ago
follows him. "Psh, no way! I'll just hold onto your curl if that happens." she flicks it with her finger.
Im Yong
13 years ago
grins and jumps up and down excitedly. Very excited... except for that... curl part. "B-but Mei, you're going to hurt my spirit if you do
Im Yong
13 years ago
that. ;-; " The line moves forward a bit and from their position, he can see one of those height rulers. Deflating, he turns. "H-hey Mei,
Im Yong
13 years ago
I'm tall enough for this ride... aren't I? >o>"
13 years ago
sizes up the ruler. "Yeah, of course. See, it says it's only applicable for twenty and younger. We're way older."
Im Yong
13 years ago
"... Well, technically... I guess..." He scratches his head, a bit confused as he leans over to look at it. "B-but I mean... I look 16 and
Im Yong
13 years ago
you... uh..." MOST IMPORTANT NOTE: do not guess a girl's age. "Look about the same! Dx"
13 years ago
starts putting her hand to her forehead and to the ruler. It was cutting pretty close. "Well, I have high heels on..."
13 years ago
"And your spirit should count for something, right?"
Im Yong is
13 years ago
still a bit unconvinced, but oh well! He'd find a way to sneak in there anyways, so that wasn't a problem.~ "If you say so! And yeah, yeah!
Im Yong
13 years ago
My spirit is the best. I'll be guaranteed an in! But if all else fails, I'll carry you on my back and success! ^o^"
13 years ago
just looked at Yong Soo. "...bro, shouldn't we have tried that in the first place?"
Im Yong
13 years ago
"Eh?" He chuckles and scratches his head awkwardly. "Well, it'd look silly and I know Mei's always so picky about looking good. >o> So... I
Im Yong
13 years ago
didn't say anything. ... ...." Right... That or, he really didn't think of it until now.
Mei was
13 years ago
approaching the ruler at speed now. "Okay, if we don't make the height, then say we're the ride inspectors!"
Im Yong
13 years ago
starts panicking a bit and waving his arms around. "O-or... we could say we used to be one person but then it was too weird and they had to
Im Yong
13 years ago
surgically separate us!" Yeah, that'd work out!
13 years ago
nodded firmly. "Or that one of us is dying of popcorn overdose!"
Im Yong
13 years ago
"Y-yeah!" Right, it was time to do this. He moved forward in line, and the man gestured to measure him. Taking a deep breath, he stood next
Im Yong
13 years ago
to it with his eyes clothes, his arms hidden underneath his sleeves and his eyelids clamped shut. He couldn't look! "W-well...?"
Im Yong
13 years ago
13 years ago
breathed a sigh of relief as the man nodded and moved to measure her next. "You're fine, Soo"
13 years ago
but oh god that is a stupid high ruler heels don't let me down now
Im Yong
13 years ago
sighs too. Whew! He looks at Mei now with worried eyes, which widen in excitement when... "Yesss!" He dashes over to her and gives her a
Im Yong
13 years ago
high-five. "Yaho, Mei! We did it!" Pulling her along to the ride, he glances up at it again. ... This should be... fun.
Mei is
13 years ago
so relieved that she almost wants to faint. She looks up at the huge black twisty rollercoaster from Hell. "This is going to be epic."
Im Yong
13 years ago
"We're so taking the front seat, by the way!" He holds on to your hand and tugs it, pushing people out of the way as he scrambles for the
Im Yong
13 years ago
first car, in the first row. Getting there, he slips inside and slowly makes his way to the left most side... when he feels a tugging on his
Im Yong
13 years ago
sleeve. "U-uh.. Mei... I... I think my sleeve is stuck... >3<; "
13 years ago
slides in and starts working on the sleeve...just as the safety bars come down.
13 years ago
can see the sleeve is going nowhere.
Im Yong
13 years ago
".......... Mei...?" He starts to panic a bit, especially when the automated voice announcing how they are to stay in their seats and stay
Im Yong
13 years ago
buckled comes on. If he doesn't move... he'll likely fall off... as he's not exactly properly seated. "M-Mei, help! ;-; "
Mei is
13 years ago
panicking. "Wait, I have scissors in my bag!" she said, rummaging in it. All that comes out is a tiny pair of clippers.
13 years ago
immediatey starts sawing away.
Im Yong
13 years ago
"Quick, quick Mei!" The tram lurches, the wheels starting to turn as they groan and crawl slowly forward. The panic begins to set in -
Im Yong
13 years ago
fast. "Hurry, hurry! Nan juggo sipji anh-a! I don't wanna diiiiiiiiiieee!!!" He begins tugging on the sleeve as well, hoping the combined
Im Yong
13 years ago
effort will be enough.
Mei is
13 years ago
halfway through! "Hold onto the rail!" she yelled, pulling at the fabric. "And don't get such high quality clothes!"
Im Yong
13 years ago
does as he's told, eyes widening in realization that he might actually die. Or... get severely hurt if he's thrown off. Either way, ouch
Im Yong
13 years ago
Noooo. ;-; Grasping it tightly, he keeps pulling, the roller coaster about a little more than halfway up the first... -gulp - large hill.
Im Yong
13 years ago
"S'not my fault! High quality clothes originated in me, da-! M-Mei, hurry, hurry. Don't wanna die don't wanna die don't wanna dieee!!"
13 years ago
almost cut his wrist in her haste and had just gotten to the last centimeter when they reached the top of the hill.
13 years ago
threw away the clippers and seized the sleeve, pulling with all her might. "Pull!"
Im Yong
13 years ago
pulls and tugs with all his might, and with a satisfying tearing sound, it comes off, just as he places his bum on the seat... and the car
Im Yong
13 years ago
falls off the tallest hill. "AHHHH WHOOOO!!!" Talk about last-minute. ;-;
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