【Day】「…Everytime you see me what do you see?…」邊哼著輕快的旋律,邊整理起居室的書牆,薄唇彎著柔軟的笑意,中性嗓音迴盪在起居室內,「…I feel like I'm a poor man and you're the queen.」
latest #6
「Aco? 醒啦?我出門一下噢。」彎下身拍了拍黑貓的腦袋瓜,將還未放進書櫃的精裝書疊好,從工作桌上拿走MP4,穿好輕便的外套往外頭走去,繼續著方才未完的歌,「…I know this is a feeling that I just can't fight.…」
看著比肩依偎的情侶擦身而過,勾起微笑輕哼,「You're the first and last thing on my mind…」來到空盪的公園,坐到鞦韆上仰頭望著銀耀的月色,「…You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.」
「…You make me wanna surrender my soul.…」有感的揚高聲調,低低笑開。
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