13 years ago
[Event 1] takes time during his patrol of downtown to pull over and admire the sky. City lights concealed most of the stars from [Rated M]
latest #1115
13 years ago
view, but if he looked hard enough, remembered well enough, he could almost see them twinkling down on him just as they had all those
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years ago. He was a country boy at heart, but there was only so much heroing that could be done in a small town.
Arthur is
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on his way home after witnessing a young man be inducted into the mafia. His hands are in his pockets, half to keep them warm, and half to
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keep a hold on his gun. Just in case.
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steps out of his police cruiser to get some air, leaning against the hood before noting the presence of another. He quirked an eyebrow,
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smiling slightly. "Howdy."
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paused, glancing over at the policeman. Well, just his luck. "...Hello, officer."
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furrowed his brows slightly and straightened his stance slightly. He had to look the part of the hero, after all. "Interesting accent ya
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got there, are you from England or something?" He couldn't help it. Americans were drawn to accents like no other.
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nodded, taking his hands out of his pockets to minimize suspicion. (But then again... walking around at this hour was suspicious in and of
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itself.) "London, to be precise. Night patrol?"
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neared the man, curiosity evident on his face. He placed a hand on his hip and flashed him only the friendliest of smiles. "Yep, that's
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me! But London, huh? Wow. I've always wanted to see London. Actually, I've wanted to see a lot of places. Not that I ain't happy
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here or anything, hahaha! I love America. How do you like it?"
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tried his best not to look impatient. Was this officer that bored? "...It's alright, I suppose. It isn't England, but I've grown accustomed
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to this place. Now, if you'll excuse me; I'll leave you to your job."
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wasn't /that/ bored, he just naturally talked a lot. Not to mention, the closer they got, the more familiar he looked. "Huh, ya don't
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say. ...Uh. I don't think I caught your name, have we met before? You look kinda familiar."
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paused, holding back a curse. "...You might have seen me around, officer. I work late shifts in the office," he replied, offering a small,
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polite (and definitely practiced) smile. "My name is Robert Acker, if it helps."
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hummed in thought as he looked the Englishman up and down. "...Hnnn. Nah, I don't think I've seen you around here, but I could be
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wrong. Where d'ya work?" Childish curiosity or discrete investigation, Alfred's inquiries could be taken either way at this point.
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"Just a flew blocks down," he replied vaguely. "It's a small company that publishes books."
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nodded, his smile fading ever so slightly. "Yeah... So where ya headed, Robert Acker?" That face. He could have sworn...
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urged himself not to run when he saw a bit of recognition flash behind those blue eyes. "Home, officer. There isn't much else for me to do
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at this hour."
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saw it. It was slight, barely even there at all, really, but he saw it-- that small flicker of anxiousness, that primal look of fight or
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flight. Maybe it was the light. Maybe it had never been there at all, for the next moment, Alfred was starring at the same, composed
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expression. Whatever it was, it put Alfred on the edge. "....Yeah. What they got you doin' so late at night, anyway?"
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"Organizing some papers and documents for the editors, so they can work on it first thing in the morning," Arthur replied, not even blinking
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as he told the lie. "Now, if you'll excuse me, officer..."
Alfred was
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about to send him on his way. He was about to get into his vehicle, call it a night, and finish the DVR'd episode of House he'd been
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putting off. But he couldn't. The American was rendered frozen beneath the sickening notion of familiarity that clenched at his stomach
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and slackened his jaw. This guy... He looked exactly like the man from the picture drawn by a local sketch artist following a tip from
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an eye-witnessed report. The face. The hair. The eyebrows. Everything.
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didn't like the look of recognition that was slowly growing clearer in the American's eyes. He had to leave - now. (He'd leave a soldato to
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take care of this man later.) "...Have a good night," he said, keeping his steps even and absolutely normal as he went on his way.
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It took a moment for the blond's body to catch up with the rest of him, but when it did, he was quick to place his hand on the holster of
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his gun. "H-Hey! Wait a minute, don't move!"
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swallowed back a curse and turned back to look at Alfred, feigning confusion. "Yes?"
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felt a shudder surge up his spine. He'd be lying if he said there wasn't a doubt in his mind. He'd be lying of he said he wasn't scared
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half-way out of his wits. But none of that mattered. He had a hunch, and sometimes that's all you were given before getting a nice bullet
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shot through the back of your skull. He hesitated in drawing his weapon. "...Put your hands where I can see them. On your head, in the
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air, I don't care, just get them up. Don't move. I'll come to you." He went through the training in his head, every little scenario and
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hint, every little thing that could go wrong. Blue eyes did not shift from emerald.
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held in a sigh. Well, shit; he should've just passed by after saying hello. Regardless, he did as he was told, placing his hands on his head
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and looking at the officer with confusion. "...O-Officer?" he asked, managing to even add in a stutter.
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edged nearer to the man, hand lingering at the holster on his hip. Fuck. The Englishman sounded like he hadn't the slightest idea
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what was going on. But he couldn't just let it go, could he? What if his hunch was correct? People were brought in for questioning all
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the time. He stopped a few feet in front of him. "I'd like to take you down for some questioning. Do you have any knives on
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you? Anything that might be deemed a weapon? Please, sir, your compliance will be greatly appreciated."
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decided to play along for just a little bit longer. "Kn-- why would I have knives? What's going on, officer? I haven't done anything!"
Alfred was
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slowly losing his will to pursue this man, his desire to be the hero-- to be everyone's hero-- hindering his judgement. "I-It's just a
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precautionary question. You haven't done anything wrong that I am aware of. It's just a few questions. Then I'll send you on your way,
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hell, I'll even give you a ride back home. It's just a few questions. I promise." He offered him a soothing smile, trying a different
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approach-- the whole paranoid, jittery cop thing wasn't working.
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hesitated, but ended up nodding. "I-I... have a mail opener, if that counts as a weapon," he said, feigning anxiety and some fear. (Really,
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faking these things were just too easy, now.) "In my back pocket."
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nodded. Fuck, he'd really scared this guy... "O-Okay. It's okay. Really, don't be scared. I ain't gonna toss you in jail and throw
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away the key, alright?" He offered him another friendly smile. "Here, I'll let you grab it and just...carefully hand it to me. It ain't
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really a weapon, but my boss'll chew my ass if I don't take all the precautions, yeah?"
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couldn't believe this cop. Was he seriously making things -this- easy? Regardless, he nodded, slowly taking his hands down from his head and
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reaching into his pocket. Rather than pulling out a mail opener, he pulled out his trusty pistol, cocking it and aiming it right at the
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police officer's head. His expression changed into one of calm amusement as he approached, each step quiet and even. "It's your turn
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to keep your hands on your head, officer."
13 years ago
(( AJKLFDJAD -Has a kink for mafia psycho Iggy, oh yes.- ))
13 years ago
[ /nailed it right on the head? ]
13 years ago he wearing a tux? ))
13 years ago
[ ...more like a regular suit, but. Sure. ]
13 years ago
...Than yes. Yes you did. ))
13 years ago
[ /SCORE ]
13 years ago
felt his stomach turn to water at the definitive click of a gun, mouth dry and lips parted in an expression of paralyzed
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shock. He scarcely breathed, as though the smallest exhale of air might be enough to trip the trigger and put an end to his short
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life. Anger slowly overtook his face, blue hues flashing, and he lifted his hands to his head. That's what he got for second guessing
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himself. That's what he got for letting his guard down. That's what he got for trying to be a hero to a bad
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guy. "Looks like...I was right the first time then..." His voice was hollow, even, skin prickling with fear.
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chuckled, resting the barrel of the gun against the officer's jaw as he deftly reached down to steal the other's gun. He pocketed it for
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himself before removing everything else - walkie talkie, cell phone, everything. "My sincerest apologies, officer. You really should've
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let me go on my way when I tried to leave."
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allowed a shaky laugh to rush past his lips, the sound echoing strangely in his own ears. "Always been kinda nosy. Guess I haven't changed
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much." Being searched, being stripped of everything useful to him, left a fowl taste in his mouth and a sinking feeling in his chest. It
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meant everything that could be used to identify him was gone, and he wouldn't be maki-- No. No, he'd make it. He had to make it. The
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metal felt cold against his skin. He shifted, searching for an escape, thinking, limbs vibrating. He could wrestle it away. He could win.
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pocketed every single one of the officer's items, catching sight of his ID before it went into his pocket. "Alfred F. Jones, hm?" He trailed
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the gun lower, following the strong curve of Alfred's jaw, down his throat and to his neck. "I usually don't bother with killing." The gun
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went lower still, finally coming to a rest at the small of Alfred's back - right at his spine. "I leave that to a soldato - one of my men,
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I mean. Fortunately for you, Alfred, you can do a few things for me. So, let's make a deal. You do exactly as I say, and if I'm pleased
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with the results, I'll let you go alive."
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shuddered as the barrel of the gun struck all the right places at the wrong time, leaving him feeling exposed and vulnerable and weak. He
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hated those feelings. He hated them more than just about anything else in the world, because they meant that he could do nothing-- that no
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matter his strength, or his courage, or his will to survive, his fate did not rest in his own hands. "We'll see", he replied bitterly, so
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much less talkative than before. "...You're the one, then? That we've been hunting for? The leader of yet another low-life,
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trigger-happy criminal organization?" Or at least, a little less talkative than before.
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smiled slightly, resting his chin on Alfred's shoulder as he pressed the gun a little more firmly against the officer's back. A low-life,
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trigger-happy criminal organization? My, officer; that's a rather cruel way to describe it. I'd prefer it if you said something along the
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lines of... 'a goal-oriented organization that knows how to get where it wants to be'."
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stiffened as yet another quiver shook him to his very core, watching nothing more than to withdraw from the Englishman's touch-- not to
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mention the pistol's. "...Nah. All you bad guys are the same. Just cause you've got more expensive towards or more friends then a
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garden-variety mugger doesn't make your motives any different. Fear. Greed. Paranoia."
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hummed, drawing back but keeping the gun in place. He nudged Alfred forward, urging him to start walking. "Fear and paranoia really don't
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have anything to do with my goals, officer. Greed? Ah... perhaps. But, what human isn't greedy?"
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did has he was directed, but not without displaying the sourest of expressions he could muster. His legs felt wobbly as his feet
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connected with the pavement, walking forward. "And what is it you do, huh? Sell guns? Drugs? Information? Protection? Human
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trafficking? What. I've heard 'em all."
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followed, walking close enough to keep the gun hidden from view - not that there was anyone around to see, at this hour. "Heavens, no.
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Though we -do- offer protection to members of our family, that isn't quite our only goal. Shouldn't you know this, officer?"
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"...Yeah, probably", he admitted, taking in every little detail of their surroundings, searching for a means of turning the tables on this
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situation. "Then again, I ain't in the detective field. Yet. Stuck on night patrol until I get a few years under my belt." He'd heard
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that the best thing one could do in a hostage situation is talk about yourself, make yourself seem like a human being rather than a
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disposable object. So talk about himself he would.
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merely hummed, leading Alfred to (one of) his (many misleading) home(s). "Very interesting, officer," he said, though his tone made it clear
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that he didn't listen at all. He reached to unlock and open the door with his free hand before nudging Alfred inside. "Welcome to my humble
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abode. Would you like water, or tea?"
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felt his heart stammer uneasily as the door swung to a close behind him. That was okay. It was okay. There were other ways
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out. "...What, no coffee?" He inquired as blue hues swept the man's home.
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locked the door behind him and reached up, covering Alfred's eyes. "I'm afraid not," he replied, nudging Alfred forward, maneuvering him
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through the rooms until they reached a sparsely decorated bedroom. "But here's a surprise for you - a brand new room."
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held his breath as he was lead blindly into the confines of the Englishman's home, his feet heavy and uncoordinated with the fear knawing
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at his insides. Fuck. This wasn't good. He blinked several times to allow his eyes to adjust to the lighting of the new room. "...Pity.
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I'll take water then." He'd meant for his voice to sound a little more confident.
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chuckled, nudging Alfred into the room. There weren't any windows or extra doors or anything - just a bed, a desk, a light, and a chair.
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"You'd trust me to not poison the water, officer? My, it's no wonder you're only given night patrols..."
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took in his surroundings, carefully surveying each corner and every detail the room had to offer-- which wasn't a whole lot, really. He
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turned to look at his captor for the first time since they'd arrived and smiled slightly, dully. "...If you brought me here, it's obvious
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you've got plans for me other than gettin' me out of the way. You coulda just shot me dead downtown, if that's what you wanted."
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nodded, amused. "Correct. Now, before I get you some water, I'll make a few things clear. You have free reign within the house; I'm not
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going to tie you up. But, if you try to escape, I'm afraid I'll have to issue the order for you, your relatives, and your friends to be
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killed. I've men all over the city; for your sake and theirs, I'll ask you not to underestimate me."
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Slowly but surely, the forced smile tugging at Alfred's lips dissolved into a frown as he watched the Englishman. So. He really was
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captive, just like in all those thrillers he'd watched countless times-- how the hostage would slowly lose their mind, kept locked away
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for years before finally cracking beneath the pressure, spilling anything and everything they'd fought to hold dear to
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them. ...No. Remain optimistic. Rule number five in his handbook, if he remembered correctly. Even so, he couldn't bring himself to
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return that calm to his expression or his voice. "...Yeah. Alright. I understand. ...Can I get a name, or do I just call you Red Coat or
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merely shook his head, his amusement dwindling down. "Didn't I tell you earlier, officer? It's Robert Acker." Obviously fake, but he wasn't
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going to ruin the fun by telling Alfred his name already. "Now, excuse me while I get your water." He chuckled, heading over to the kitchen.
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There were no phones in the entire house - no televisions, no computers, nothing. Just some books, some furniture, and food. Nothing
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snorted. Yeah. He was buying that one. The American lowered himself onto the foreign bed, taking a few deep breaths to compose himself
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against his palpitating heart. It took a lot of concentration remaining that calm and focused, and it took a lot of energy to swallow the
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panic swelling in his chest and mind. He shakily removed his jacket, feeling as though the fabric was suffocating him. He breathed. He
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rubbed his eyes. He steadied himself as he waited for the Englishman's return.
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came back eventually with a cool glass of water. There was the distinct smell of something burning, but he didn't pay it any mind. "Here,"
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he said, handing the glass over. "Ah, and before you ask, I burned your things. Very sorry if you needed them, love."
13 years ago
...effing plurk, hiding messages. u.u ))
13 years ago
[ /shakes fist at plurk >:I ]
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slowly took his glass from the Englishman, wrinkling his nose at the scent wafting through the air. Blue hues cast downward to observe
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their reflection in the clear liquid. Burned his things? Fingers tightened around the glass. It didn't sound much like the man planned to
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set him free... Anger tore at his insides, sorrow and fear. But he laughed anyway, and he held his head high. "...Yeah? Sorta wishing I
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sprang for that cell insurance, though they probably don't cover combustion."
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leaned against the doorway, still with his gun in hand. "Are you ready to discuss the terms of your release, officer?" he asked, not
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listening to Alfred at all, still. "It's relatively simple - you only have two things to do for me."
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rubbed his eyes beneath his glasses once more before lifting his gaze to the Englishman, smile fading and blue hues losing their
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vibrancy. "...A-Alright then, let's hear it."
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almost finding himself wanting to see that shine again, but caught himself before he fully acknowledged the thought. "...First: there is
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a friend of mine who's currently in jail. I want him out with as little trouble as possible. Second..." he smirked just slightly,
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approaching the officer and resting the gun underneath his chin to raise his head. "...I want you to become my eye within the police."
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The boy's cheeks paled, Adam's apple quivering slightly and pulse easily displayed just below the taunt skin. He searched the Englishman's
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face, baby blues digging into emerald and glazed in an unidentifiable expression. If he said yes, he would be nothing short of a
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traitor. Alfred would be no hero. He'd be a coward, and he'd jeopardize countless lives on behalf of his own. If he said no, he'd die
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here, uselessly and alone, for nothing... His thoughts carried him, silent for the first time.
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leaned in a little, letting his breath ghost over Alfred's lips. "Think about it, officer," he murmured, merciless emeralds peering down
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at beautiful sapphires. "I'll give you until sunrise to think about it. Just remember - if you die, so do the ones around you."
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felt a dull tremor shoot down the length of his back, eyes fluttering as the act dragged him from his thoughts. The American's gaze wavered
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beneath that of the others, and his lips drew into a soft line. "...Until sunrise..." The words felt strange as they slipped from his
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hummed in acknowledgement, looking amused in the way that a predator did when it had its prey cornered. "Yes. But until then..." he drew
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back, "Why don't you tell me more about yourself? Is it not a rule in your books to do so, if you're ever taken captive?"
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frowned at the enjoyment he witnessed flicker across his captor's face, sitting up straight and tall as he drew back. "...Kinda no point
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when ya already know it's happening, but fuck, why not, I'll humor you. My name is Alfred F. Jones and I'm 21, fresh outta the
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Police Academy. I've got a twin brother named Matthew, and he's all of the immediate family I got left. My favorite color is blue. I
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would shower three times a day if I could afford the water bill. I've got a dog named Apollo, and he's a golden retriever. I love
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football, fast food, and Christmas. I wanna be an astronaut. ...'S there anything else you wanna know?"
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couldn't believe that Alfred had actually complied. Christ. (It was kind of endearing, in perhaps the oddest way possible.) "...You sound
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exactly like the sort of American that I can't stand. At all."
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snorted, arching a blond eyebrow at the slightly bewildered look on the Englishman's face. "And you sound exactly like the sort of prissy,
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high-and-mighty, stick-up-the-ass Brits who would say something like that, and I don't even need a background story." Sometimes he really
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forgot who was holding the gun. u.u
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reminded him almost immediately. He didn't even take a second to aim before he raised his gun and shot, hitting the wall just an inch beside
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Alfred's head. "I beg your pardon, officer?"
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yelped in surprise at the shot fired, the echo ringing in his chest and heart and dragging shudder after shudder up his spine. Adrenaline
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pulsated through his bloodstream, and for a moment, he was pretty sure he'd been shot. Until the pain never came. Sweat trickled down the
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back of his neck, and he reopened his eyes. "...Fuck."
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looked at him, just slightly unamused. "Yes, I thought so. The next one will hit if you don't watch your mouth."
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frowned, closing his mouth tightly as he allowed the adrenaline to subside. "...Yeah, got it, loud and clear...", he grumbled softly.
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lowered his gun, but didn't click the safety off. "Much better." He looked outside, feeling just slightly impatient. "Have you thought
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about your answer any, Alfred?"
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again felt his mouth go dry, baby blues losing their luster as he weighed the options given. Either way, someone would be hurt. Either
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way, he'd be letting someone down, or getting someone killed. Either way, he'd never know what it's like to be a hero. He starred
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past the Englishman, gaze distant. "...A little, I guess."
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looked at the American rather expectantly. "...And? The faster you choose, the more time you'll have to come to terms with your
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decision before I send you off."
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lowered his head in thought. "...If I say no...y-you're gonna hurt Mattie?"
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"No, of course not. The lad would be dead before he could even think about screaming."
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"...Then I don't really have a choice", he mumbled before his gaze flickered upward to meet those empty emerald eyes. "...I...I'll do what
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you want..."
13 years ago
smiled, most definitely pleased. "Smart choice," he replied, grasping Alfred's chin to tilt his head up. "Just remember, love. Think about
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betraying me, an everyone you've ever cared about will be dead - regardless of whether I'm here, or in jail."
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There was no defiant flicker in those blue eyes this time, no smart-ass remark or toothy grin. Alfred just watched the Englishman, and he
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turned his head to remove his chin from the man's grasp.
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chuckled, letting Alfred go. With that hand, he fished out his phone, pressing a few numbers before holding it up to his ear. "...Yes, it's
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me. I've got a rather... interesting associate. An officer-- yes, yes, I know. That's why I called you. His name is Alfred F. Jones. I want
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a complete list of all his immediate relatives, coworkers, and neighbors. Yes, that's fine... thank you."
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felt the corners of his lips twitch, angry tears welling in his eyes. Not that he would cry. Heroes didn't cry. ...Not that he was much
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of a hero. Heroes didn't put the lives of the ones they cared for in jeopardy, or promise to break a guilty man out of prison, or pledge
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themselves to one of the mafia's ring leaders, or lower their guard. And he had no one to blame but himself; he and his stupid choices, his
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stupid curiosity, his stupid naivete. Maybe he wasn't cut out for heroics after all...
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hung up as soon as he was promised that the information would be sent over. He looked at Alfred, noticing that look of defeat in his
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eyes. "...Not to worry, love," the Englishman assured. "So long as you remember your place, they'll be one of the safest in the city."
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"...No, you don't get it. I'm supposed to be the one protecting them. I'm supposed to be the one protecting the city, protecting rights
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and justice and equality and... Who am I kiddin', you don't care." He leaned back on the bed, arms resting on the soft fabric above his
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head as he stared at the ceiling.
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looked at him for a moment. "...You know, officer, it gets a little tiring when people assume that we're always the antagonists."
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"...You threatened to kill me, my twin brother, and anyone else close to me unless I freed one of your imprisoned friends and gained you
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access to top-secret police information. ....I don't really know what else you'd call that..."
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"Perhaps I just know how to get what I want," he replied, idly clicking the safety on and off. "And besides, do you even know how the mafia
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began?" He clicked the safety on again, moving to aim the gun right at Alfred's head. "A group of Italians didn't like how they were being
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treated. So, they fought back." He pretended to shoot, even faking the little recoil that followed shooting a gun. "That's us."
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"...So what, you and a bunch of red coats got pissed off one day, decided to buy some guns, and organized a mafia?" Alfred had evidentally
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decided that running his mouth, at this point, was the only means of gathering up a few shards of his shattered dignity. Besides, what was
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the Englishman going to do, kill him? He didn't think so.
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frowned. "...I think you overestimated your worth, Alfred," he said, stepping closer so he could rest the barrel of the gun against Alfred's
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forehead. "You are not the only police officer I can use. If I pull this trigger, all I really need to do is find your replacement." He
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leaned in, trailing the gun down Alfred's jaw, and to his lips. "...So. Let me make one thing clear: I don't appreciate it when you try
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to be cheeky."
Alfred was
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down on himself. He was confused, angry, sad, scared, tired, and this whole situation really was happening way to fast. But that didn't
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mean he wasn't human. His heart still raced, skin still paled at the caress of the gun, lips trembling as the cold metal grazed against
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them. Blue optics went icy as they met emerald. "My apologies", he spat bitterly, growling in the way only a cornered dog could.
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hummed. "You don't sound too genuine about that, officer," he murmured, finding the American's defiance to be most interesting. "Kiss the
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weapon that may just end your life, hm?"
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watched the other for a moment in silence, almost as if he were contemplating the words. Bright eyes flickered with a confusion hastily
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concealed in anger. "...What?"
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smiled just slightly, continuing to hold the gun near Alfred's lips. "Do you not know how to kiss?"
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shied away from the contact as his mind struggled to wrap around the request. "O-Of course I know how to kiss, I ain't twelve."
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chuckled, amused. "Then show me. Kiss my gun."
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continued to watch his captor for several more moments, still a bit uncertain if the word 'kiss' might have a different meaning in
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Britain, before he finally dug deep and leaned his head forward. Pink lips brushed the smooth, cool surface of the gun, blue hues never
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once shifting from emerald. "...Happy?"
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didn't even bother to hide his amusement. "...If that's how you kissed your lovers, I'm not too surprised you don't have a girlfriend."
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grew flustered with frustration, brow quivering as he planted his mouth to the weapon. Lips moved against the slick surface several times
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before withdrawing, a thin strand of saliva connecting them before snapping back against his bottom lip. "...Bite me, Brit." Yeah. So
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take that. He got his point across, he was pretty confident.
13 years ago
drew his gun back, smirking a little as he licked up the barrel. "Watch your words, love. We don't say what we don't mean, here."
13 years ago
stiffened as a shudder surged up his spine at the sight, clenching at the blankets beneath him. If the Englishman was going for
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shock-value, than he'd definitely done a good job, the American was rendered just about speechless-- by either the action or the fact that
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he had literally just asked to be bitten, why that was a comeback in America he had no idea... "...Shut up", he growled with a turn of his
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head. He meant that, quite easily.
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smirked, leaning in so that his lips hovered just a hair's breadth away from Alfred's own. "...Forgot my reminder already?" he murmured,
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gaze sharp as he looked directly into Alfred's own. "This is your last warning, officer." He nipped the other's lip, just to tease. "I don't
13 years ago
like repeating myself."
13 years ago
found himself paralyzed beneath the sheen of that cruel stare, hesitant to even breathe as the Englishman neared his face. Baby blues
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wavered. "W-What are y--" He jolted at the gentle nip. "N-Nn!" The American hummed in surprise, winding his fingers in the material of
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Arthur's jacket to keep him at bay, head buzzing. "B-Back off...!" The gesture left his mouth tingling, and he hated it-- hated his own
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body for betraying his mind.
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chuckled, unaffected. He pressed his gun against Alfred's throat as a silent warning before saying, "I'm just doing what you were so quick
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to demand, poppet," he replied, leaning in to steal a brief kiss.
13 years ago
FLAILS. GUNPLAY. OHGODYES. It's like you've drilled into my brain and sucked out all the lil' kinks. ;A; ))
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could have thrown him off. He could've rolled out from underneath the body, or kneed him in the gut. The American was strong, far stronger
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then he appeared-- not that he appeared weak, mind you. But beneath gun point, the metal slick and icy against his neck, he could do
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nothing. He was weak, and powerless, and he hated it with every fiber of his being. He /hated/ it. The kiss succeeded in stealing the
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breath from his lungs, and he closed his eyes tight against the scene. This wasn't happening. This...really could not be happening.
13 years ago
[ sjdf LOL I'M JUST GUESSING ;3; <3 ]
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chuckled, trailing the gun lower, down to Alfred's chest, then lower, still. "What's wrong?" he hummed, peering right into Alfred's closed
13 years ago
eyes. "You were so eager to talk to me before."
13 years ago
You guess like a boss. D: ;w; ))
13 years ago
13 years ago
Each and every muscle in the path of the weapon contracted beneath its cold caress, knees clamping together and thoughts buzzing as he
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struggled to keep up with exactly what was occurring. Alfred felt the other's gaze bearing into him. His cheeks paled as blood rushed
13 years ago
to his hammering heart. But he reopened his eyes, chin lifted proudly, and set his jaw. "G-Guess I just ran outta stuff to say."
13 years ago
13 years ago
trailed the gun lower, brushing it by Alfred's crotch as he nipped the man's lower lip again. "Shame. I was growing used to the sound of
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your voice."
13 years ago
"F-Fuck..." A ripple of pleasure joined the swirling concoction of anxiety, aggression, and fear in the pit of the American's stomach. It
13 years ago
took every ounce of strength not to squirm, every available portion of his concentration not to swing out in retaliation. He tilted his lips
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from the contact of the other's, fingers curling around the Englishman's wrist. Cheeks momentarily flushed with color. "T-Take your
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hands off and we can talk all ya want, yeah?" The corners of his mouth trembled.
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merely hummed, pressing the gun a little harder against him. "...You forget, love; you're not in any position to make demands. One wrong
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word, and I just may be tempted to pull the trigger..."
13 years ago
That was the last thing Alfred wanted to hear, especially as the pressure against his manhood increased. He clamped his knees together
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tightly. "I-It wasn't a demand so much a suggestion. Tea sounds good right now, I could go for some of that--" He detached his
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gaze from the man's piercing emerald eyes.
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chuckled, using his other hand to grasp Alfred's chin to turn his head. He peered into those beautiful sapphire orbs, thoroughly entranced
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by their lovely color. "...Spread your legs, love," he murmured, "No complaints."
13 years ago
felt his mouth go utterly dry for the second time that night, captivated by green hues. His lips parted in a look of shock, and he shook
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his blond head slowly, almost unable to absorb the request.
13 years ago
's eyes narrowed just slightly. "...Three seconds, officer. I advise you don't take my threats lightly..." And to emphasize, he pressed
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the gun even harder against the other.
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The officer's heart leaped into his throat as the pressure mounted, thoughts swarming, breaths rushing past his lips in light
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huffs. "O-Okay...! Fuck! Alright, alright", came his shouty reply as they neared three seconds. Alfred drove his teeth into his bottom
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lip as he slowly spread his thighs, frown twitching and fingers tightening around the Englishman's wrist. "...I won't. I won't take 'em
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lightly, so just-- just e-ease up, yeah?"
13 years ago
smirked a little, very, very pleased. "There won't be any need for threats if you just obey, Alfred," he said, trailing the gun around
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Alfred's crotch with varying amounts of pressure. "Just be good... and listen to every word I say."
13 years ago
couldn't help it. He had problems following orders, always had, always would. He had to retaliate, to assure himself that he had done
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everything in his power. But here? Legs spread, on his back at gun point? He couldn't do anything. Not one thing, including run his
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mouth in a last-ditch effort to scrap up some dignity. Body shifted as the weapon more fully made itself known against his clothed
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manhood, earning a soft whimper from the American. He freed his chin from the man's grasp with an aggressive frown.
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allowed him to go, but only so he could reach down to unbutton and unzip Alfred's pants. "Pull it down," he ordered, moving the gun lower
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to caress the officer's thighs.
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The expression quivered on Alfred's face, heart and lungs working overtime just to keep his blood pumping. Fuck, it was taking a lot of
13 years ago
energy just sitting there, listening to the button pop and the zipper rolled downward. But the fight was still in him. His leg jerked
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slightly at the touch, and he growled softly. "F-Fuck you!" The desperate exclamation flew from his lips before he was able to silence it.
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forcefully tugged down Alfred's pants and boxers in one go. "No thank you," he replied, running the smooth barrel of the gun down Alfred's
13 years ago
length before moving it back up, kneading the cool metal against the slit of his cock.
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hissed as the cool air brushed against his exposed skin, feeling so small and helpless beneath his captor's stare. No. No, no, no... This
13 years ago
wasn't happening. He grit his teeth, the chill of the barrel sending electric waves shooting up his spine and down his thighs. "N-Nn! Ah,
13 years ago
s-stop--", he demanded, knuckles turning white from the grasp around the Englishman's wrist.
13 years ago
didn't move his gaze away from Alfred's own. "If you don't lighten your grip, officer, I'll be forced to pull the trigger." And to prove it,
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he tilted the gun away and shot, burying a bullet into the bed just an inch away from Alfred's leg.
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jolted, the vibrations of the struck mattress sending shocks of adrenaline to prickle at his chest and stomach. Quickly, his subconscious
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made the decision for him to release his grasp fully, resting them at his sides to clutch at the sheets. Eyes fluttered closed tightly.
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smirked as he pecked Alfred's lips. "...Good lad," he said, drawing both his head and his gun back so he could grasp Alfred's cock to slowly
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begin pumping it. He raised the weapon to the officer's lips, never once drawing his gaze away. "...Get it nice and wet, love."
13 years ago
"H..Huh", came his hesitant mewl, lips trembling as he fought the warm haze from his mind. Fuck. No. He didn't want this. He didn't
13 years ago
want this, so why was he reacting in such a way. Alfred could still smell that distinctive scent of hot metal and smoke as the weapon was
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brought to his mouth, and he frowned, turning his face from it.
13 years ago
frowned a little, drawing his gun back. "...Fine." With a few more strokes of the officer's cock, he raised the other's hips and moved the
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gun to caress his entrance. "...I suppose you'll just get it dry. Unless you change your mind...?"
13 years ago
jolted at the sudden prod to a certain very tight, very sensitive ring of muscle, heat jumping to his cheeks. Would it be more dignified to
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take the gun in his mouth now, or writhe in pain in seconds? How about neither, fuck. His thighs quivered against his attempts at
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steadying himself. He withdrew his hips from the touch, "W-Wait! W-Wait, okay. ...O-Okay. I. ...I-I change my mind..."
13 years ago
immediately brightened a little. "I thought so, love," he replied, bringing the gun up to Alfred's lips again.
13 years ago
averted his gaze in humiliation, face twisted in an expression of angry compliance. He licked his bottom lip before placing his mouth
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around the barrel, wetting the weapon in saliva, anxiety twisting at his stomach. It was like planning for your own funeral, like enabling
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the pain you knew was soon to come. It left a fowl taste in his mouth. ...He wouldn't be broken, not that easily. He was Alfred Jones,
13 years ago
13 years ago
watched with an almost sick satisfaction as Alfred did as he was ordered. He reached down, stroking the other's cock with slow, steady
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strokes. "...That's good, love..."
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couldn't bring himself to look at the male as he continued coating the gun in a thick layer of saliva, visibly shuddering as his hardening
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cock was handled further. He didn't want this. So...why was he still squirming, why was he still heating up beneath that bitter touch.
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drew the gun back. "...That's enough, officer," he purred, leaning in to nip at Alfred's jaw. "Since you were so obedient..." he trailed
13 years ago
off, sucking on his fingers briefly before reaching down, slipping it in the other without much warning.
13 years ago
didn't want to hear that. He didn't want to be called obedient, didn't want to be complimented. Jaw trembled, and his eyes squeezed shut
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as the ring of muscle was penetrated, every muscle in his body contracting, body sweating and shying away from the touch. "Nn...N-Nn..."
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wasn't too gentle, nor was he excessively rough. He merely slipped in another finger, scissoring them in and out, taking in each sound that
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left the American's lips with low, approving hums. "You've gone quiet again, officer," he noted, pressing the digits in knuckle-deep. "Talk
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to me."
13 years ago
curled his fingers in the soft fabric beneath him. It burned. It stung. But it didn't feel all bad, and maybe that was what hurt the
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most. He lifted his chin, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth. What would happen to him, he wondered, in the end. Would there be a
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point to his struggles, or was all of this physical and emotional torment for nothing. "M-Mm. Hn... I...w-was just...thinking about the
13 years ago
stars...o-outside... I miss...ah...s-seeing them like I-I the country..."
13 years ago
added in a third finger, stretching Alfred just enough and casually fingerfucking him as he listened. "You'll see them soon enough, love,"
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he replied, eventually pulling his fingers out. "But for now... I'd like your undivided attention." He pressed the gun to Alfred's entrance
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again, keeping his unwavering emerald gaze on Alfred's face as he pushed it in, inch after inch.
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groaned painfully, his body protesting the stretch. Blue hues watered, and he kept them closed tightly to prevent the smallest of drops
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from escaping. Searing tendrils of lust wound about the small of his back. The slick barrel of the gun was not as thick as three fingers,
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but it was much longer and much, much colder. The chill pushed deep inside, earning several shuddering gasps from the American. But he
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couldn't quite suffocate the smallest part of him that seemed to like it. "F-Fuck! Ahn--!" The metal was unforgiving as it plunged into
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the sensitive cavern. "N-Naaa-ha! Nn...I...w-will, I will...s-see it again--" He managed to gasp. Keep talking. Just keep talking.
13 years ago
bit back a quiet groan, admittedly finding the scene to be rather arousing. He pushed the gun in up to the trigger guard, not even bothering
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to click the safety off as he unzipped and lowered his own pants to begin stroking himself. He withdrew the gun until the tip of the muzzle
Arthur was
13 years ago
all that remained inside before pushing it back in, thrusting the weapon in and out, in and out, steadily increasing in speed.
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"U-Uh-- Uh~!" The American's body rose with every gasp, fell with each ragged exhale. Teeth grit until he was quite certain they would
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shatter in his skill. One wrong move. One wrong move, and his life would be over, taken in a moment of horrified, anger-ridden, desperate
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humiliation. The thought gnawed at his insides until he broke out in a cold sweat and his body was overcome in trembling convulsions of
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bittersweet pleasure. Pain. Gaze drifted downward, for only the briefest of moments to catch a glimpse of the other stroking himself. A
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breathy groan tore his lips before he closed his eyes again. Molten heat swirled in his stomach, shame slowly drowning in the almost
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comforting tingling sensations sweeping his frame.
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chuckled breathlessly, moving the gun faster and faster, almost slamming it into Alfred as he pumped is hand along his length at a similar
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speed. The trigger guard was thin and all that was keeping Alfred alive, separating pleasure from a very painful death. "Enjoying yourself,
13 years ago
13 years ago
couldn't justify that with an answer, mostly because he was too afraid to come to terms with what it might be. The unmerciful metal tore
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at the tissue, soothed it with the chill, delved so deeply within him he could feel it shifting his insides, and then repeated this cycle
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over and over and over again. No. Fuck. No. He didn't want this. He didn't want this. Shame burned bright red beneath his cheeks as he
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anchored himself against the swift current of lust attempting to drag him over. He wouldn't do it. He couldn't. His skin prickled with
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anxiety and guilt. Heart thudded so quickly in his chest he could scarcely hear the moan after moan that flowed from his lips. Angry tears
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burned at his eyes. "N...N-No! N-No! H-Hah--! No--!" He threw his head back.
13 years ago
ignored Alfred's words in favor of concentrating on his moans, finding them much more arousing and appealing than words that clearly
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betrayed his body's wants and needs. He knew lust when he saw it; desire, when he felt it. And it was there, deep within Alfred, failing
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to be hidden. "Look at you, officer," he breathed, leaning in to lick Alfred's tears away. "Do you really want me to stop?" Clearly not.
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But it was amusing to ask, to see Alfred struggle to say 'no' when his body clearly screamed 'yes'.
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wished he'd stop calling him that. He wished he could shed the remainder of his uniform. He didn't feel like much of an officer, a
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defender of liberty and justice and freedom. Because he knew he didn't want the man to stop. He could recognize the needy pulse of his
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arousal. He knew. And it was killing him. He was not a hero. This was not what heroes were reduced to, the fresh tears on his cheeks
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solidifying his fears. A soft sob broke his lips, and he shook his head.
13 years ago
moaned, his breath hot against Alfred's cheek as he continued to pump his hand up and down his cock while simultaneously thrusting the gun
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deep inside the other, again and again, relentless, hard, and fast. "It excites you, doesn't it?" he asked, licking away another tear. "If I
13 years ago
push it in just a little further... bang."
13 years ago
Again, the thought sent rippling convulsions of want through his frame, shaking him to the very bone. "A-Auh~!" Pre-cum trickled in a thin,
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white stream down the edge of his arousal. He couldn't explain the pleasure, or the pain, or the fear. All he knew was the delirium slowly
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overtaking his mind. Each breath came in heaving gasps, dropping off in brief groans. He couldn't think anymore. He couldn't dwell
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in that shame and that anger anymore, with fear that he just might explode with all the emotions surging through him. Faster his heart
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sped, back arching slightly off the bed. "F-Fuck--! FUCK~!"
13 years ago
hummed in approval, driving the pistol in faster and harder, never once even thinking to slow down. Alfred was, quite literally, just a few
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centimeters from death, and the fact that the cop grew aroused from that just encouraged Arthur to continue. "Shall I stop, officer?" he
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teased, wanting to draw the compliance from Alfred's throat. "Or do you want more? Does it turn you on, to know that you're being fucked by
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a gun?"
13 years ago
The officer's body was wracked with tremendous shudder after shudder. Adrenaline surged through his bloodstream, the familiar scent and
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feel of death coupled with the mind numbing tendrils of pleasure. It was the thrill of a chase. It was the paranoia of closing in on his
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target. Suddenly, everything was becoming rather clear to the American. His captor got some sort of sick sexual satisfaction out of
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watching others squirm beneath his touch, and as for Alfred? He got some sort of kick out of good old fashioned, heart-pounding
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adrenaline in a thrill that could be considered just as twisted. During his moments of contemplation, sobs freely tearing from his lips and
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cheeks slick with tears, his body had obviously decided to take things into its own hands. "N-No~! N-No! D...Don't...stop...don't...
13 years ago
13 years ago
groaned, half-lidded eyes dark with pleasure and pure want. He pumped himself faster, desperate for release, breaths coming out in short
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pants as he drove the gun in and out, in and out, deep and hard and completely controlled. Even when the trigger guard pushed against
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Alfred's entrance, he made sure that the trigger itself remained untouched, dangerously close but never close enough. "Arthur," he breathed,
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nipping Alfred's lower lip. "My name is Arthur. Scream it."
13 years ago
It was over. He could feel it in his stomach, in his throbbing arousal, in his very bones. It was over. His body convulsed in a cold
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sweat. His thoughts swam in an empty, warm haze, and he knew that every protest, every retaliation attempt he'd made until this point, was
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meaningless as he released-- the fear and the pleasure and the pain coming to a thrilling point at the core of his being before flooding the
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rest of his body in euphoric, tingling spasms. "H-HAH! Hah! Huuuuuuh~! A-Arthur--! Fuuuuck~!" He felt nothing as the name slipped from
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his lips, because at that moment, his shame meant nothing-- his pride meant nothing. He had been reduced to a panting, moaning shell of
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the hero he'd always wanted to be. Mouth fell open, head fell back, and clenched around the weapon as he coated himself in warm,
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sticky seed.
13 years ago
moaned lowly at the sight of Alfred's face, flushed and painted in utter ecstasy as he reached his climax. He stopped moving the gun but
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continued to pump his hand along his length, desperate and fast until he came with a cry that he tried his utmost to hold back. His cum
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shot out at Alfred's face, covering him, marking him, claiming him. Arthur couldn't help but chuckle at the sight, immensely pleased as he
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drew the weapon out. "Look at how lovely you look now, officer..."
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After the fleeting convulsions of orgasm had run their course, after he felt the molten seed of his captor trickling down his cheeks and
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neck and lips, and after the weapon had finally been slid from his body, he was left with little of the pleasure and thrill of the
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act. Guilt and shame twisted his stomach into knots until he thought he might heave. His tears betrayed him, and a cold emptiness took
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the place of that delicious heat. He rolled onto his elbows and knees, sputtering and shaking, forehead lowered to the mattress. He fisted
13 years ago
the sheets. "...F...Fuck..." Face twisted in a look of angry defeat. "Fuck!"
13 years ago
wiped his hand on the sheets, pulling his pants and zipper back up before tidying himself. "There, there, love," he chuckled, embracing
13 years ago
Alfred's waist and laying his head on the officer's back. "You'll get used to it soon. You could still be a hero."
13 years ago
couldn't even bring himself to recoil from the other's touch. He didn't feel scared anymore, or sad. He felt...strange. Kinda
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empty. Angry, and not even at the Englishman--Arthur, was it? He couldn't be angry at anybody but himself. Get used to it? His lips
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tingled with the other's essence. Fat chance. A shaky laugh escaped his throat, dry and joyless. "...Yeah? ...How d'you...figure that."
13 years ago
kissed Alfred's shoulder, humming. "You could be my personal hero, love; you can manage that, can't you? And by being my hero, you're
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saving the lives of those you hold dear... you'll be their heroes, too."
13 years ago
13 years ago
That was what he wanted in the end, wasn't it? To be somebody's hero and to protect the ones he loved. But not this way. Not beneath the
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control of a guy he was supposed to be putting to justice. Alfred was exhausted, and he relaxed slightly at the touch. "...But. But I'm
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the one...who put 'em in danger to begin with..."
13 years ago
kissed up to Alfred's neck. "...No, that's me. Allow me to be the villain; you could be my hero. Does that sound fair, poppet?"
13 years ago
shuddered. He couldn't help but almost feel comforted by the gentle touch given his current emotional state. Almost. He closed his eyes,
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loosening his grip on the blankets. "...Y-Yeah...", he replied quietly, not all that interested in retaliating at this point.
13 years ago
smiled a little against Alfred's skin, gently caressing his sides. "Good, good... now, enough of those tears, love; there isn't any reason
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for you to cry. So long as you follow my orders, your brother and everyone else will be safe."
13 years ago
hummed, slowly lowering himself onto the bed. He rested on his side and curled his legs some; he felt less exposed that way. The American
Alfred was
13 years ago
tired. So tired. He wiped the various fluids from his face as he calmed himself. "Then...I ain't got a choice..." He just didn't care
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anymore, not now, anyway, and he allowed himself to be soothed by the touch.
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sat on the edge of the bed, just slowly stroking his hair. "Of course you have a choice. You're just picking the smarter one - the... heroic
13 years ago
one, I should say. There isn't any need to be so glum."
13 years ago
"Well gee, forgive me and my piss poor attitude", he replied with a slight frown. Was it really the heroic choice? He didn't know. He
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wasn't even sure there was one in this situation, not his definition anyway. There'd be no beating up bad guys and tossing them to the
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justice system today.
13 years ago
frowned, pressing the tip of his gun against Alfred's spine again. "...You forgot again, officer; I don't appreciate your cheeky comments.
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So, for your sake - let's keep them to a minimum."
13 years ago
shivered softly, yet again forced into compliance at gun point. He wondered how long it would take before his boiling blood was forced to
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the surface-- it wouldn't be so easy to hold his tongue then. He responded with silence, deciding not to test his temper or the man's
13 years ago
13 years ago
contented himself with that, smiling again. "...Once you recover, I'll tell you more about the man I want you to free. You'll have to keep
13 years ago
in contact with me... ah, I know. Would you like to live with me, officer?"
13 years ago
snorted softly. Did he /want/ to live with the Englishman? No. He didn't. He wanted nothing to do with him. He wanted to live in a
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place far, far away-- oh, no, better yet. He wanted to live in the same place, with Arthur and his little posy behind bars. But he had a
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feeling that wouldn't be happening anytime soon. Who knew. Perhaps this was an opportunity to get some valuable inside information on the
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workings of his gang. "...I'll think about it." The fact that he would even consider it made his stomach twist with disgust; but, he had
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to keep his mind open, and right now, he was in no state to be making such drastic decisions.
13 years ago
leaned in, nipping the shell of Alfred's ear. "It wasn't an actual question, poppet. You'll be residing with me from now on. Tell your
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friends that you're moving in with your boyfriend, hm?"
13 years ago
felt his chest swell with anger at the statement, a fowl taste developing in his mouth. So, he'd never been given the freedom of choice
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after all. He shuddered and shifted his head away from the Englishman's, brows furrowing. But he held his tongue. "...Yeah. Awesome.
Alfred will
13 years ago
13 years ago
smiled a bit, leaning away to stand up properly. "Just remember, officer - if you do anything that displeases me, your brother will be the
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first to die."
13 years ago
set his jaw, eyes falling to a close as he fought to more firmly grasp that statement. His brother's life depended on his ability to keep
13 years ago
a cool head and to accept the things that were obviously out of his hands right now-- namely, his precious freedom. Loss of control was a
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bitter pill to swallow for the American, but he'd have to do his best to gag it down. For Mattie. Blue hues reopened, stronger than
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before. "...I'll need my stuff, new ID's and a phone. Plus I gotta move outta my apartment. So don't expect this to get done too fast."
13 years ago
chuckled, looking rather pleased with the change of heart. "...You underestimate the mafia. You'll get a new phone and whatnot by
13 years ago
tomorrow." Bugged to track his location and record his calls, of course. "As for your things... ah, it should be completely moved into this
13 years ago
estate by tomorrow morning."
13 years ago
grit his teeth, sitting up on his elbows to catch those emerald optics in an icy stare. "You went through my st--" No. Shut up, Jones,
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just. Shut. Up. It's not worth it. He bit back the feeling of violation brewing in his chest. "...G-Great. Saves me the trouble." Wow
13 years ago
that burned his tongue.
13 years ago
reached out, patting Alfred's head. "You're very welcome, officer. Don't worry; it's all free of charge."
13 years ago
, again, recoiled from the touch in anger. He didn't need to be belittled on top of all the other shit that was happening. "Well good,
13 years ago
I couldn't afford it on this salary anyway. ...I-I want new clothes. If I'm sleepin' here, I ain't gonna sleep like this."
13 years ago
nodded. "Of course. Your expenses will be completely covered by the famiglia; so long as you obey, of course." He made sure to repeat that
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over and over again, not wanting Alfred to think he was free for even one second. "Take off your clothes completely, for now; I'll get you
13 years ago
something to change into."
13 years ago
would not be broken so easily. Protest was never the farthest of his thoughts. Anger was quick to boil in his blood, the denial of his
13 years ago
freedoms weighing heavily on his mind. The eagle was caged, yes, refused the flight it so desperately craved; but, never would its dreams
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of returning to the air be taken. The Yankee sat up fully. "The famiglia? Great. I'll keep that in mind the next time I take a trip to
13 years ago
Mac Dons. ...I wanna shower first." He felt disgusting.
13 years ago
raised an eyebrow, but dismissed the random mentioning of McDonalds. "...Perhaps if you ask nicely, I'll direct you to the bathroom. Surely,
13 years ago
you have some manners left in you."
13 years ago
exhaled a soft huff, closing his eyes momentarily in an attempt to swap his expression for one a little less bitter. "I got plenty, maybe
13 years ago
I'd be more inclined to use 'em if I was being treated a little more like a person and less like a play thing", he replied as he slipped
13 years ago
his pants back on, thankful to be covered again. "...But okay. Please, can you take me to the shower? I...feel nasty."
13 years ago
thought about it for a moment, actually wanting to say no, but ended up nodding. He motioned for Alfred to follow, making sure to keep his
13 years ago
gun in clear sight. "Over here," he said, directing the officer to the door right across the hall.
13 years ago
...Huh. Yes? That was, admittedly, a little surprising to the American. Normally Arthur didn't appreciate his outbursts, so the fact that
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he had been given a little more breathing room was comforting. Alfred trailed behind the man, pulling ahead only when his destination was
13 years ago
revealed. "Thanks", he said, solidifying his previous statement, and he made his way into the bathroom.
13 years ago
nodded, allowing Alfred to go in. Rather than move away, however, he waited by the bathroom, just so Alfred wouldn't try anything stupid
13 years ago
as soon as he came out.
13 years ago
FREEDOOO--Goddammit. ))
13 years ago
milked that shower for all it was worth, rinsing and washing and reveling in the heat it provided until the water turned chilly. He wanted
13 years ago
to scrub away that feeling of filth, wash his troubles down the drain, and for approximately thirty-five minutes, he did. It felt
13 years ago
wonderful. But the moment he stepped out of the tub, eyes falling on his frame in the mirror above the sink, it all came flooding back and
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it was as though he had never showered at all. The American dried his hair and skin as well as he could before wrapping the towel around
13 years ago
his waist and peaking out of the bathroom.
Arthur was
13 years ago
standing right there, clicking the safety on and off his gun. He glanced up, just slightly amused. "...Even if you escaped, officer, I'd
13 years ago
still have all the information I need to make you come crawling back. Or do you not care about your brother? Your friends?"
13 years ago
puffed out his cheeks slightly, frowning as he stepped into the hall. "Who says I was thinkin' about running, maybe you shouldn't be so
13 years ago
quick ta assume things, Arthur. Maybe I was just lookin' around, or maybe I was confused about where I should be going. I don't
13 years ago
run. Heroes don't run."
13 years ago
chuckled, just slightly amused. "...Of course not," he replied, before gesturing to the room he'd put Alfred in before. "Into your room,
13 years ago
now. You'll have to wait in there while I get you some dinner. Any requests?"
13 years ago
watched Arthur for several moments, noting the amusement that flickered behind those emerald eyes. He hated mixed emotions, hated not
13 years ago
knowing how he should feel about people. He didn't trust Arthur. He didn't even like the guy, how could he? But he didn't hate him
13 years ago
either. Maybe this was the lack of sleep talking. Maybe he was just too sore and tired and confused to coup with the events that had
13 years ago
transpired in just a few short hours. "... Spaghetti, and meatballs...and chocolate milk, maybe some garlic toast. A-And I don't like the
13 years ago
sauce with tomato chunks in it. ...Please." He figured fetching him food was deserving of manners. Alfred began the walk towards the
13 years ago
13 years ago
raised an eyebrow. "...Do you think you're at some sort of restaurant?" he scoffed. "You'll eat whatever spaghetti I find you." He nudged
13 years ago
Alfred into the room and closed it, making sure to lock it from the outside before going to order some food.
13 years ago
thought it was worth a shot, and he kinda wanted to see just how much he could get away with. It was a habit of testing boundaries he just
13 years ago
couldn't escape. Not having a change of clothing as of late, he dropped the towel and wound himself beneath the covers of the bed to get
13 years ago
some rest before food arrived.
13 years ago
eventually got the food - which, because he was nice sometimes - was exactly what Alfred had requested. He opened the door and set the food
13 years ago
on the table, before glancing over at him. "...Ah, right. Clothes. My apologies, love; I forgot about those."
13 years ago
stirred upon the man's entrance, finding he must have dosed off at some point during the wait. Stomach growled at the scent of food and
13 years ago
he sat up, rubbing his eyes. "I... Mm. Yeah... It's okay...", he mumbled, only about half way conscious.
13 years ago
couldn't help but take in the American's body completely, hungrily devouring every inch of bare flesh. "...The food is on the table," he
13 years ago
said, before leaving again. He returned not too long later with some clothes - just a simple button-down shirt and black slacks. "Here."
13 years ago
took the man's absence as a few moments to reawaken his mind, finding that the short nap left him feeling even worse than before. He was
13 years ago
happy to see that the Englishman returned with clothing. "Hn. Thanks", he mumbled as he took the items. The clean, soft clothing felt
13 years ago
wonderful against his skin, and he quickly shimmied into it before dragging himself to his feet to pursue dinner. ...Huh. He glanced at
13 years ago
Arthur with a slightly softer expression. It was exactly what he asked for... The Yankee dug in, gratefully devouring the spaghetti.
13 years ago
ignored the look entirely and sat down on the bed, watching Alfred eat. "...Try not to choke. It'll be troublesome if you do, especially
13 years ago
having come this far."
13 years ago
[ /stockholm syndrome ]
13 years ago
...was totes thinking that. u.u ))
13 years ago
[ B-) ]
13 years ago
There was no highly efficient, or clean, manner of eating the long, saucy noodles, especially at the rate at which he consumed
13 years ago
them. "Mmmm", he hummed in response, not taking his eyes off the vanishing plate of spaghetti, mouth too full to manage a coherent response.
13 years ago
made a face, frowning as he stood up. He took a napkin and approached Alfred, not even warning him before wiping the excess sauce away from
13 years ago
his lips. "Bloody hell, one would think you'd know how to eat a little more like a gentleman...!"
13 years ago
jolted, flinching slightly at the sudden and unexpected invasion of his personal space. ...But he was far from harmed, assisted
13 years ago
even. ...Why? Why would the man that had utterly defiled him less than two hours ago do such a simple act of kindness... It confused him,
13 years ago
and he frowned, turning back to his plate. "I-I'm just hungry 's all, I only had a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch for breakfast and I had ta
13 years ago
skip lunch completely, so don't judge", he argued before chomping into the piece of garlic toast.
13 years ago
pulled back, folding the used napkin neatly before placing it down on the desk. "...You could've just said something, if you were hungry.
13 years ago
But then again, I do suppose it's a little difficult to add that in when you're preoccupied with... other things." Mainly moaning and
13 years ago
screaming and making those -glorious- faces while being fucked by a gun.
13 years ago
felt his cheeks burn, a sick churning of his stomach resulting from the Englishman's statement. Fingers tightened around the
13 years ago
fork, and he lowered it from his lips. He did that...? He couldn't believe it. The American responded with bitter silence as he took
13 years ago
a sip of chocolate milk.
13 years ago
merely hummed, content with his teasing for now, and patted Alfred on the head before leaning against the wall. "...I would ask if you'd
13 years ago
like some more, but I rather like your body as it is."
13 years ago
It was strange how such a simple statement could brew such feelings of frustration, of fear, of rage and desperation. It wasn't just his
13 years ago
food intake that Arthur controlled. Arthur controlled everything. Everything. Every little aspect of his life-- the hours he slept, the
13 years ago
calls he made, his career, his family, his love life. Alfred slowly placed the fork on his plate, fingers trembling as he lowered his gaze
13 years ago
to the table. ...No. N-No. He had control. He had some. He did. "...I-I'm done. I ain't hungry anymore. I'm tired and I wanna sleep."
13 years ago
raised an eyebrow, looking at the plate. There was still some food left, and he -knew- Alfred was hungry, still. "...Finish that first,
13 years ago
love. I can't say when the next time you'll eat is." Which was a lie, really; Arthur wasn't a brute. He would feed and clothe Alfred as
13 years ago
well as he'd wished. But the American was better off not knowing that quite yet.
13 years ago
The American's shoulders quivered, and he lifted his eyes to the other, a flicker of desperation in those blue pools. Desperation for
13 years ago
control. Desperation for a taste of freedom, no matter how small. "N-No. I'm not hungry, I said I'm not hungry."
13 years ago
ignored it, instead picking up the fork and getting some of the spaghetti. "Open up, Alfred," he said, his voice smooth yet holding just
13 years ago
a hint of danger. "You need to eat."
13 years ago
felt his spine prickle at that tone. Why? Why the fuck was he scared? Frantic hues glistened, burned. "I said no!" Brows quivered.
13 years ago
frowned, retrieving his gun with his free hand before resting the barrel up against Alfred's jaw. "...Don't make me repeat myself, officer."
Alfred was
13 years ago
so angry. He was so sad and so scared, not just for himself, but for his brother and his grandparents and for every last person he had put
13 years ago
in danger for not just minding his own business, for not doing his job. He was sorry. So sorry. The frequency of the weapon against his
13 years ago
flesh didn't make it any easier to handle, and after several moments of labored breathing-- eyes slowly losing their fire-- he parted his
13 years ago
13 years ago
didn't draw the gun back just yet, and gently fed the spaghetti to him. "...There's a good lad," he murmured. "See, if you just do what I
13 years ago
tell you, we wouldn't have to do through this routine over and over again. You want to keep everyone safe, don't you?"
13 years ago
did. He wanted more than anything to keep everyone safe, and Arthur was right. It was the same routine over and over and over
13 years ago
again. How much could he take before he lost it? The American'd be of use to no one off his rocker. Pain was inescapable without his
13 years ago
compliance. How could the eagle survive with its wings clipped? Alfred chewed on the food given to him, fingers toying with his pant legs.
13 years ago
nudged the fork between Alfred's fingers, silently obeying him to continue eating. He moved the gun from the police officer's jaw, trailing
13 years ago
it over to his temple. "You can get some sleep after you finish everything. You -did- say you were hungry, after all."
13 years ago
curled his digits around the fork to pick up where the Englishman had left off, slowly finishing off the rest of his dinner with little
13 years ago
protest. He was tired-- of the fight, of the struggle and the anger, of the fear, of the sight and sound and feel of that
13 years ago
gun. "...I did", he repeated hollowly. He couldn't dwell any longer on the events occurring that night. He had to sleep. To collect
13 years ago
himself. To forget, if only through dreams. He could resume his retaliation and his thoughts and emotions after a nights rest.
13 years ago
eventually pulled back his gun, pocketing it to allow Alfred to finish in peace. "If you behave, Alfred, I'll think about letting you
13 years ago
sleep on my bed. It's much, much more comfortable than the one in this room." He reached out, gently stroking the other's hair. "So, until
13 years ago
then, you obey. Alright?"
13 years ago
hated the way his anxiety released (in some part) by the removal of the gun the touch of his captor. Like he was safe again, for now. Like
13 years ago
his family was safe again. He placed his fork back on the now-emptied plate. "I-I just... ...Fuck, I just...wanna sleep." He didn't care
13 years ago
where. He just. Needed. Sleep.
13 years ago
nodded, taking Alfred's hand and leading him away from the desk. "Then sleep. I'll come wake you up later." After all, he couldn't have the
13 years ago
police force wondering where one of their men went.
13 years ago
nodded wearily. He was almost there. So close to being able to forget for a while, to be alone with his thoughts. "...Yeah. Alright."
13 years ago
helped Alfred onto the bed, making sure to tuck him in. His actions were gentle, especially as he leaned in to press a kiss to the officer's
13 years ago
forehead. "Sleep well, love."
13 years ago
welcomed the comfort of the bed once more, eyes fluttering to a close with the gentle, affectionate actions. "N...Night...", he mumbled
13 years ago
softly, expression relaxing as his head settled into the pillow. It was a matter of seconds before his over-worked mind shut down, and he
13 years ago
fell asleep.
13 years ago
left only briefly, to take care of some business. By the time Alfred awoke, his things would all have been moved to the house. Arthur was
13 years ago
currently sipping some tea in the room, flipping through one of the officer's photo albums as Alfred slept.
13 years ago
u.u Creeper. ))
13 years ago
[ c: ]
13 years ago
woke to what he could only assume was daylight. It was...brighter, kinda. The officer slowly sat up, stretching loudly before wiping
13 years ago
the drool from his chin. His heart sank a bit to see the walls of that bedroom and Arthur sitting at his side, and he adjusted his
13 years ago
disheveled shirt. "...Was kinda hopin' that had just been a dream", he grumbled before flopping back onto the bed.
13 years ago
hummed, glancing up in slight amusement. "Your things are here. I also had a chance to meet with your brother; he's a very nice lad."
13 years ago
quirked an eyebrow, frowning as he lifted his head to peer at the Englishman. Awesome. So that wasn't all in his imagination
13 years ago
either. "You...met 'im? When? How? ...Hey, what the hell is-- I-Is that one of my photo albums?!" .n.
13 years ago
nodded, glancing up in amusement. "When I went to get some food. You two look alike. And yes, it is; you were quite cute, when you were
13 years ago
13 years ago
snarled softly, throwing the sheets off him to get to his feet. "You're a creep, and I'm gonna take another shower." =^= "I'll need a new
13 years ago
uniform and stuff too. Plus my shampoo and toothbrush." He eyed the man with a frown as he continued looking at the album.
13 years ago
looked back down at the album. "I didn't give you permission to do any of those things. Sit back down, officer; you'll do those things when
13 years ago
I give you permission."
13 years ago
The edges of the blonds lips twitched, practically itching to spout out a few choice curse words. It was a new day, new hope. Fresh
13 years ago
anger. He bitterly took seat, crossing his arms over his chest and cocking his head to the side. "So what, I getta watch you flip threw
13 years ago
some of my baby pictures?"
13 years ago
nodded. "There's a new room prepared for you, with all your things. But I won't let you leave this room until you learn to behave and
13 years ago
treat me with some respect."
13 years ago
frowned. "I've done everything you've asked! How much respect do you want, you're holding me against my will, forgive me for not liking
13 years ago
to play prisoner."
13 years ago
took another sip of his tea. "...Come beg on your knees, then."
13 years ago
"...Fuck you, I don't beg." Not like he was surprised. How could he be, after all that had occurred the night before.
13 years ago
hummed, not even looking up as he drew his gun again. He glanced up for a brief moment to take aim and shoot, hitting the ground right by
13 years ago
Alfred's feet.
13 years ago
yelped, jumping to his feet as the shot was fired. Limbs quivered as adrenaline pulsated through them, practically driven to a heart attack
13 years ago
not ten minutes after he'd awakened. "...W-Why! Why should I beg! Wh-What happened to asking n-nicely!"
13 years ago
aimed the gun again, this time at Alfred's chest. "You showed that you couldn't ask nicely, so I'm moving onto begging. Five seconds, love."
13 years ago
felt his heart skip a beat as the weapon zeroed in on it, and he dropped forward, onto his knees. "O-Okay! Fuck, wh-what do you want me to
13 years ago
13 years ago
"That depends, officer. What do you want to do?" he asked, closing the photo album and putting it on the desk.
13 years ago
growled lowly, keeping his head high despite the massive blow to his pride. "A-Alright. ...Please let me take a shower and
13 years ago
change. ...Please." Blue eyes flickered dangerously.
13 years ago
smiled, standing up and towering over Alfred. "Alright," he said, leaning in. He placed his gun under Alfred's chin, using it to raise the
13 years ago
other's head. "Since you asked so nicely, I suppose I'll oblige just this once..."
13 years ago
shivered, lips pulled into a thin line as he fought the compulsion to strike out in desperate retaliation. "...Can I get up..."
13 years ago
hummed, thinking. "...Kiss my feet, then you may."
13 years ago
swore under his breath, fingers curling in his pants legs as he gathered his composure. It'd be fast. It wasn't worth getting shot at
13 years ago
again, was it? Scrunching his nose in distaste, the blond leaned forward, quickly pecking the top of Arthur's shoe before sitting up again.
13 years ago
almost had Alfred do it again - properly - but decided to spare him this time. "Alright. You may rise and go take a shower."
13 years ago
got to his feet much faster than he had dropped to his knees, cutting his loses and stomping off to the shower without another word.
13 years ago
chuckled, watching him go before turning back to the photo album. He picked it up and left the room, making sure to pass by the bathroom
13 years ago
on his way. "If you think about escaping, your brother will be the first to die."
13 years ago
"I wasn't about to, but thanks for the eighty-fifth reminder", Alfred snapped back as he shampooed his hair, finding the bathroom to be
13 years ago
somewhat of a haven. A place where he could It was nice. And he didn't appreciate the verbal intrusion.
13 years ago
waited outside again, this time with a change of clothes. They were his uniform, washed and dried until there wasn't a speck of dust on
13 years ago
13 years ago
exited the bathroom after preforming his daily hygiene rituals, towel wound around his waist as he, yet again, poked his head out of the
13 years ago
bathroom. He spotted the clothes and extended his arm out the door to grab them. "...Thanks."
13 years ago
kept the clothes out of Alfred's reach, shaking his head. "Come out and change here."
13 years ago
could have seen that coming. In fact, he should have seen that coming. His cheeks burned an angry pink, and he recoiled his hand with a
13 years ago
frown, slamming the door in Arthur's face not the farthest thing from his mind. ...But where would that get him? Another death
13 years ago
threat? Another argument that ended in compliance? He exhaled slowly, fingers curling tightly around the fabric of the towel, and he
13 years ago
stepped out of the bathroom.
13 years ago
smiled smugly as he stepped back, leading Alfred back to the original room before handing him the clothes. "Don't turn around when you
13 years ago
change; I want to see all of you."
13 years ago
trembled softly, chilled, averting his eyes from the Englishman as he snatched his clothing back. He'd changed in front of people
13 years ago
before. Gym class in high school, the showers at the police station. But here... It felt different. It felt uncomfortable and
13 years ago
made his stomach churn and he hated it. He stayed facing Arthur, yeah, but he kept his hand on the towel and clumsily attempted to slip on
13 years ago
his boxers one-handed, refusing to look at him.
13 years ago
chuckled a bit, just slightly amused. Ah, Alfred was so cute. "...Let go of the towel, officer. It'll be much easier for you to change
13 years ago
without it. And it isn't as if I'll be seeing anything new."
13 years ago
stiffened his spine, bottom lip protruding slightly in a frown. Blue eyes rolled before he hesitantly let the towel drop, stepping into
13 years ago
his boxers as carefully as he could, not wanting to make anything...move...
13 years ago
chuckled, trailing his eyes over Alfred's form completely - from his sunshine yellow hair to his broad shoulders, to his lovely abdomen
13 years ago
to his now-familiar cock, all the way down to his feet. "...Lovely."
13 years ago
hated the feeling of those emerald eyes bearing into him, roaming over his exposed skin, sizing him up like he was some sort of chocolate
13 years ago
cake...or scone, or whatever the hell is the British equivalent of chocolate cake. The Englishman's comment quickened his work, maybe a
13 years ago
little too much. He was in the process of tugging up his pants when one of legs got caught beneath him and he literally swiped his own
13 years ago
feet out from underneath him, falling on his ass with a thud. Red-faced and cursing, he wiggled into his pants before standing up to button
13 years ago
and zip them.
13 years ago
smiled, amused by the American's antics. "You ought to be more careful, love," he said, reaching around to pat Alfred's ass. "I wouldn't
13 years ago
want you to get hurt..."
13 years ago
pulled his hips from the man's touch, shooting him a flustered glare as he grabbed his shirt to throw it over his head. "Says the guy that
13 years ago
takes every opportunity ta point a gun at my face."
13 years ago
"I don't always point a gun at your face," he replied, tilting his head to brush his lips by Alfred's jaw. "If you recall last night, it
Arthur was
13 years ago
pointed... elsewhere."
13 years ago
frowned, tilting his chin upwards but otherwise remaining stationary. Pink dusted across his cheeks, and blue hues darted
13 years ago
elsewhere. Anywhere but the Englishman. He didn't respond. How could he? All he'd get is another threat... Fuck. FUCK, why was he
13 years ago
letting Arthur get to him.
13 years ago
"Look at me, love," Arthur urged, kissing along Alfred's jaw. "You don't have to be afraid. Not if you obey."
13 years ago
"...I'm not afraid of you", came his quiet response, baby blues shifting to emerald eyes as if to prove this. His frown quivered when the
13 years ago
gentle kisses made his spine tingle and stomach flip-flop.
13 years ago
hummed, lightly nipping Alfred's lower lip. "Is that so?" he murmured, pressing himself a title closer. "I'm glad, officer."
13 years ago
could feel the heat of the other's body, the caress of Arthur's breath as it ghosted against his skin. The American watched through
13 years ago
half-lidded optics. "...Yeah, that's so." Before, he found the man's touch more loathsome than that of the gun's., could he
13 years ago
really be blamed for appreciating the time not spent starring down the barrel of a gun?
13 years ago
kissed Alfred, light and brief. The officer's reactions amused him to no end, and seeing just how much power he held over the man - not
13 years ago
too much, but it was growing - was a turn on if there ever was one. "Now, if you ask nicely, I'll let you go out and clear things up at your
13 years ago
workplace. But remember - if you tell anyone, or if anyone finds out..." He raised his hand, pressing one slender finger against Alfred's
13 years ago
temple. "Bang."
13 years ago
inhaled a deep, calming breath as their lips connected, blond eyebrows furrowing and blue hues falling to a soft close. They reopened upon
13 years ago
the other's withdrawal and narrowed darkly. "...Yeah. I remember, I got it the last time. ...Can I /please/ go to work." Maybe busting
13 years ago
some asshole speeders would cheer him up (Put other drivers' lives in jeopardy? Not on the American's watch).
13 years ago
chuckled, drawing back. "Of course. There's a car waiting for you outside. The driver will give you your uniform, a new ID, and a phone.
13 years ago
I'll call you later, so you'd best get ready to come live with me once your shift is over."
13 years ago
gave the Englishman a stiff nod, breathing much more easily as the space between them grew. "...What about Apollo?"
13 years ago
raised an eyebrow. "...Apollo...? Ah, your dog? We gave him to your brother."
13 years ago
furrowed his eyebrows, taking the expression of a person who had just been slapped across the face or kicked in the nuts or told their
13 years ago
birthday party was canceled on account of people having better stuff to do. "...W-What? Why! He's a good dog, he ain't ever been a
13 years ago
handful, he's mine, you can't just give him away!"
13 years ago
leaned in again, brushing his lips by Alfred's jaw. "Shh," he cooed. "At least I didn't kill him. He'll be fine, and you'll get chances to
13 years ago
visit your brother. You can see your dog then."
13 years ago
((It's funny you said that. I invited my friend over, huge UkUs fan, and she practically gasmed over the rp. She totes brought up killing
13 years ago
America's dog. xDD; ))
13 years ago
13 years ago
(( RIGHT, I WAS LIKE Y U NO WANT AMERICA'S HAPPINESS. She's all. 'S okay. Just wait for the stockholm to kick in, he'll be happy soon
13 years ago
enough. ))
13 years ago
[ I approve of that. ]
13 years ago
((...You two would get along well. Also, she loves your Iggy. Jus so you know. ...AndsodoIcough. >x>; ))
13 years ago
[ hdfdmsf thank you ;n; <33 /hides forever Your America is the cutest thing, I just. so much love <3 ]
13 years ago
(( ...ajkldfja -Lifts in hug with dat brute strength, swinging and cuddling and justajklajfkljsf before shuffling off to reply- ;w; ))
13 years ago
[ Fff <33 ]
13 years ago
pulled back, searching Arthur's eyes . "W-Why can't he stay with us! I raised him since he was a puppy, he'll miss me! He won't be any
13 years ago
trouble, yeah?"
13 years ago
shook his head. "You're to say with me, and me only. As I said, you can visit him later. Now, enough complaining. Kiss me and go."
13 years ago
shook his head as well, ears ringing and heart thumping in his chest. "C'mon! Arthur, I-- He's..." The only friend he had? His faithful
13 years ago
companion for years and years and years? "...Please? Please, just this one thing, I won't even make a fuss or nothing! I'll be
13 years ago
good, y-yeah? I'll follow orders. Just. ...Please."
13 years ago
"Absolutely not, and my answer is final. Don't make me repeat myself again, officer; I'm not in the mood."
13 years ago
"...B-But he doesn't like anyone else! He'll cry when I don't come to get him, he'll think I forgot about him!" What was it about
13 years ago
dogs that had Americans so hooked. Alfred didn't know. It was the same reason he'd cried during Marley and Me and not after the Titanic.
13 years ago
frowned, irritation flashing by his eyes. "No, Alfred," he replied sternly, reaching for his gun and pointing it at Alfred's back in a
13 years ago
flash. "Leave. I'll call you later."
13 years ago
literally had to fist the legs of his pants to ensure he didn't deck the Englishman straight across the face. The gun felt cold against his
13 years ago
back, but he didn't care. Fuck Arthur. Fuck this situation. He'd asked nicely, he'd practically /begged/. And now he really did have
13 years ago
nothing to hold onto. He did exactly what the man had told him to, storming out of the room and slamming the door behind him before making
13 years ago
a beeline for the cab. Anger glistened over his blue hues.
13 years ago
sighed, putting the gun away. Alfred would get used to life like this eventually. Some hours later, he called Alfred, with his number
13 years ago
restricted and all.
Alfred was
13 years ago
in the process of completing some paperwork, filling in new contact information for the station's records. He picked up his new cellphone
13 years ago
and, after fumbling a bit with the foreign buttons, answered the call and put it to his ear. He kinda hoped it was...anybody but
13 years ago
Arthur. "...Yep?"
13 years ago
smiled a bit when he heard Alfred's voice. "There will be a car coming by to pick you up in ten minutes. Finish up your work quickly and
13 years ago
come back. I've a surprise for you."
13 years ago
groaned softly, flicking his pencil across the table in slight irritation. He had really been hoping to spend his night working the
13 years ago
graveyard shift-- which was totally out of character for him; but, given the circumstances, how could he not want to keep his mind
13 years ago
, and body, elsewhere. ...He hoped the surprise was Apollo. Anything else and he would be disappointed. Except his freedom, or tickets
13 years ago
to the next Super Bowl. "...'Kay, but I kinda need to jot down a home address in case the boss-man needs me."
13 years ago
told Alfred the address to their residence, then added, "Though, he won't be needing you for a while. You've a little family emergency that
Arthur will
13 years ago
take you out of the country for perhaps months." He smirked a bit as he leaned back into his seat. "Which means, love, you'll be spending
13 years ago
all your time with me until I see you fit enough to return to work."
13 years ago
slowly felt his frown of frustration morph into such of aggression, distress, and he leaned forward in his seat. ...So now he was taking
13 years ago
his job away, too? He'd never worked harder for anything in his life-- so many hours studying and training and dreaming. It was one of
13 years ago
his greatest aspirations ever since childhood, and now, just as with everything else he held dear, Arthur was threatening it. He began
13 years ago
feeling a bit numb, almost as though he had run out of emotions to feel at that point. ...Months? Locked away for months? He closed his
13 years ago
eyes tightly, using the fingers of his free hand to apply pressure at the bridge of his nose. "...What do you mean, fit to return to
13 years ago
13 years ago
smiled, taking a sip of tea. "You'll just have to wait and see, officer. Now, get your things and be out in a bit; as I said, I've a
13 years ago
surprise for you. You said you liked dogs, correct...?"
13 years ago
lifted his head again, brows drawing together in uneasy confusion. "...Yeah. I do. My dog."
13 years ago
"Well, come home quickly, then. You'll love my dog even more."
13 years ago
didn't really wanna listen to him anymore, ending the call with a glare and a flip of the cell. So much for slinking off to meet
13 years ago
Mattie. So much for doing a few rounds of patrol for his department. So much for trying to convince himself there was still a little
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hero left in him. He took his time in finishing, dragging his feet as he bid his squad farewell. They were concerned, and asked if
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there was anything they could do to help him and his family. But America said no; he flashed them one of those Hollywood smiles he'd
13 years ago
learned to dawn so well, laughed, and he left his companions behind with no guess as to when he might see them again.
13 years ago
There is a car waiting for Alfred outside. The driver opens the door for Alfred before driving him back to the house.
13 years ago
, against the protests of both his mind and body, entered the Englishman's home. The outside was big. The inside was even bigger. Arthur
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hadn't been lying when he'd said he lived in a mansion, cause holy shit, this was a mansion if he'd ever seen one. Maybe the American would
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have been more inclined to gawk if he wasn't already in a piss poor mood.
13 years ago
Alfred was then escorted inside, to a very grand and well-furnished room. There were rows and rows of books, a fireplace, a table, and some
13 years ago
very plush, Victorian Era-esque chairs. On one of them was Arthur. The man pushed Alfred in and closed the door, leaving them
13 years ago
alone. "Welcome home, love," Arthur greeted, then motioned for Alfred to come over.
13 years ago
grumbled, shooting a glare at the ass hole that had man-handled him into the room and making a note to remember his face before turning
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his attentions to the room. And shit, what a room it was-- it was huge, warm and looked kind of like something from Harry Potter. It
13 years ago
left his mouth gaping slightly, and his attentions were only redirected to the Englishman when he spoke. The American puffed out his cheeks
13 years ago
slightly, hands in his pockets and frown on his face. "...Your friends need ta lighten up a bit."
13 years ago
chuckled. "Yes, I'm sure he does. Now come here and kneel, Alfred, or else you'll never see your surprise."
13 years ago
growled lowly, but obliged and knelt before him, arms crossed. Mostly because he was totally interested to see what his surprise
Alfred was
13 years ago
. "M'kay, m'kay, I'm ready." He looked the man over, unable to see any gift as of that moment.
13 years ago
smiled. "Close your yes, first. It'll be a surprise."
13 years ago
huffed, lifting his hands and slipping his fingers beneath the lenses of his glasses to adequately shield them. "Alright, there."
13 years ago
smirked, standing up and walking behind Alfred. It took him only a brief moment to slip a collar around Alfred's throat, with a leash
13 years ago
connected to it. He held on to the end of it, of course. He held a hand mirror in front of Alfred, then said, "Open your eyes, love. See my
13 years ago
13 years ago
...I am laughing and flailing and my Al!muse is flipping, all at the same time, idek. ...I was totally expecting Apollo's severed head, so
13 years ago
this isn't so bad. ))
13 years ago
13 years ago
LOLOL Here lies Apollo. Never stood a chance. ))
13 years ago
[ Poor dog. It's okay, Arthur likes this one better :U ]
13 years ago
didn't know what he was expecting. He dared to invest hope in the small chance that his golden retriever might be knocking him over in a
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flurry of kisses and fur, or maybe, at least, a dog of the Englishman's he might be able to play with. Perhaps he thought it might be
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another meal, or an extension of freedom, or a letter from his brother. So absorbed was he in these thoughts, in fact, that by the time
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he felt the taunt caress of leather encompassing his neck, it was too late. Hands slowly slid from their place over his eyes, steadily
13 years ago
revealing the very scene he hoped against hope he would not have to view. Cheeks burned an angry pink, and he shoved the mirror
13 years ago
away. Alfred whipped around to glare up at him, fingers winding around the leash to tug against it. "--F-Fuck no! Fuck you! Y-You
13 years ago
can't-- I... Y-Y...What the hell're you doing! I'm no dog!"
13 years ago
tugged on the leash hard enough to jerk Alfred around a bit. "Down, love," he replied, amused. "I just thought that I ought to approach this
13 years ago
maybe a little differently... since you'll be spending so much time with me and all."
13 years ago
His breath hitched in his throat, pulse quickening as the leather pressed briefly against his windpipe. Fingers remained curled around the
13 years ago
leash. Blue hues flashed with electricity. "S-So you chain me up like a fucking dog!? How is this gonna make me wanna obey, huh?! If
13 years ago
ya really wanted me pissed, you're doin' a great job, if not, get this thing off me!" Fingers darted to work at the buckle.
13 years ago
retrieved his gun, laying it right on Alfred's Adam's apple. "Let's not be too hasty now, officer," he replied, tugging on the leash to
13 years ago
bring Alfred even closer to the gun. "If you displease me, your brother is going to pay for it first. It'd be a shame, too; he's such a
13 years ago
lovely man. Or perhaps I'll just replace you with him...?"
13 years ago
cringed, both at the words and the pressure to his neck, relinquishing his grasp on the collar and leash as he turned away with tightly
13 years ago
closed eyes. "...N-No... Don't... Don't hurt Mattie..."
13 years ago
hummed, pleased with the reaction he received. "...Then will you obey?"
13 years ago
"...Yeah. Y-Yeah, I'll obey..."
13 years ago
"Good lad," he replied, putting the gun away. "Are you hungry?"
13 years ago
slowly reopened hollowing blue orbs, gaze drifting to the smooth hardwood flooring below him. He idly traced his fingers along the
13 years ago
surface. Brows drew together in frustrated desolation. ...Fuck. His eyes burned. There was nothing he could do. Nothing. Still, he had
13 years ago
to remind himself. "...No. I ain't hungry."
13 years ago
"Are you sure, poppet? We can eat anything you'd like."
13 years ago
slowly lifted his gaze to the Brit's face, kind, in a way, despite the leash he held so firmly in his hand. "...Yeah, I'm sure." This was
13 years ago
the first decision he felt he'd made in a long time. He hated that deceptive kindness. Or was it deceptive at all? He didn't
13 years ago
know. The American simply...did not know.
13 years ago
reached out, gently cupping Alfred's face. He leaned in and rested his forehead against the other's, smiling slightly. "...Then follow me,
13 years ago
love. I'll show you to my room."
13 years ago
took a deep breath, quieting his anxieties and steadying his nerves. The proximity of their faces was frustrating and unsettling; but there
Alfred was
13 years ago
a part of him, a small, minuet part of him that couldn't help but feel safe. When Arthur's touch was gentle, there would be no gun,
13 years ago
no threat. When he smiled warmly, proudly, Alfred did not have to fear for the lives of his loved ones. Alfred took in the Englishman's
13 years ago
face for several moments, blue hues searching. "...Alright."
13 years ago
pecked Alfred's lips, gentle and light, before pulling back. "Come, stand up and follow me," he said, lightly tugging on the leash.
13 years ago
complied with the gentle demand, finding himself too deep in thought to withdraw from the soft kiss. The American rose to his feet,
13 years ago
fingers absently clasping the collar, and followed the Brit quietly.
13 years ago
led the way to his room, a very grand room decorated with what seemed like all the riches in the world. The bed was huge, as was the TV, the
13 years ago
stereos, and all that. There was also a fireplace here, plenty of books, a miniature bar... everything. "You'll be staying here with me,
13 years ago
unless you disobey me and need to be punished."
13 years ago
Iggy be pimpin'. Mmm, dat crib. ))
13 years ago
[ /PIMP ]
Alfred was
13 years ago
dragged out of his slump at the sight of the room, jaw dropping softly, blue hues sweeping the room. He couldn't help but smile a
13 years ago
little-- a kid at heart. Dat television. Christ. "Yeah yeah, gottcha", he replied quickly, absently, a lot more interested in the
13 years ago
luxurious room than thoughts of punishment.
13 years ago
chuckled a bit at Alfred's expression, clearly amused. "Come," he said, gently tugging on the leash to lead Alfred over to the bed. "I feel
13 years ago
like lying down." Which meant Alfred had to lie down with him.
13 years ago
took a deep breath, smile fading slightly, a bad feeling developing in the pit of his stomach. On the other hand, this was the first time
13 years ago
he had witnessed the Englishman do anything even remotely human. With a light groan, he crawled onto the plush bed. ...And holy shit, he
13 years ago
wasn't lyin', this bed was like a giant, warm marshmallow.
13 years ago
lay down beside him. He wrapped his arms around Alfred's waist, tugging him closer as he kissed the officer on his cheek. "See how nice
13 years ago
things could be, love? All if you learn to listen to me..."
13 years ago
frowned, searching those emerald eyes for the kindness that had been known to manifest within them during moments such as these-- where
13 years ago
the American wasn't swearing or complaining or arguing. They lay facing each other, silence ensuing until Alfred huffed and looked
13 years ago
away. "...I listen to you. Yeah, your place is great. It's huge. But it ain't mine. Not my bed or my house or anything I've worked
13 years ago
for. It'll never feel like home."
13 years ago
smiled, caressing Alfred's hips before trailing his hands closer to the officer's groin. He looked rather nonchalant as he began
13 years ago
palming Alfred through his trousers, and replied, "That's only for now, love. You'll get used to this place sooner or later. This is your
13 years ago
home, now."
13 years ago
closed his eyes, heart sinking as blood rushed to his cheeks. The touches left him warm, and he shifted with a soft inhale as though he
13 years ago
meant to move away but decided better of it. What was the point. A sickening thing it was to consider that keeping still might get
13 years ago
it over faster. "...No. It's not. It'll never be."
13 years ago
"It will be," he replied, slipping his hand past Alfred's trousers to grasp him directly. His strokes were limited in movement yet firm, if
13 years ago
only because he hadn't removed the pants quite yet. He leaned in, nipping the shell of Alfred's ear as he murmured, "You're
13 years ago
going to be mine forever, poppet."
13 years ago
shook his head slowly, sighing with a gentle shudder despite the burning anger engulfing his heart at those words. No. Not
13 years ago
forever. ...Not forever. He tilted his cheek to press it into the pillow. Fingers curled into fists, and he silenced himself.
13 years ago
finally moved to unbutton and unzip Alfred's pants, tugging them down a little to stroke Alfred's cock more
13 years ago
properly. "Don't be so stubborn, officer," he chuckled, his breath hot against Alfred's ear. "Make some noise for me."
13 years ago
"Nnnn...", he hummed with a much more rigid shake of his head, toes curling in his shoes. The exposure made him shiver, when he really
13 years ago
should have been used to being disrobed by now. The familiar tendrils of heat began coiling up his spine, the caress of Arthur's breath
13 years ago
causing his shoulders to shrug.
13 years ago
smiled, kissing along Alfred's jaw and lower, past his collar. He mouthed at one of Alfred's nipples through his shirt as he pumped his hand
13 years ago
faster and smoother, occasionally kneading his thumb down on the head of the other's cock. "Relax, love..."
13 years ago
leaned his head back slightly, gritting his teeth. Lips tingled warmly. Heart picked up a faster pace. "Uh..." His leg jerked
13 years ago
slightly. Yet again, the shame bubbling in his stomach was being overtaken by the beginnings of lust-- even more quickly than their last
13 years ago
encounter. The way he felt, it appeared, had been no fluke. He /must/ have felt something. Why else would he continue to react in such a
13 years ago
Arthur was
13 years ago
rather pleased with the reaction he received, and pumped his hand along Alfred's length even faster. "Feels
13 years ago
good, doesn't it?" he asked, moving up to brush his lips by Alfred's own. "Are you wishing I fucked you with the gun again?"
13 years ago
"H..Huh..." Lips parted, exhaling hot, panting breaths against the Englishman's mouth. It felt good. It felt wonderful. The same man
13 years ago
bringing him so much pain and despair was making him tremble, blush with need. Why couldn't it be like all those superhero movies. Why
13 years ago
couldn't the bad guy be only the bad guy. The American shook his head quickly.
13 years ago
chuckled, kissing Alfred again, this time sucking on his lower lip before forcing his tongue past them to taste the officer more fully. His
13 years ago
hand never stopped moving along the other's length, pumping at intermittent speeds, never once allowing Alfred to grow fully comfortable
13 years ago
with the pace.
Alfred was
13 years ago
growing tired of the guilt, of the shame. He grew tired of the sorrow and the frustration. If he liked this, than was the Englishman
13 years ago
really harming him? Was he really breaking him? Ruining him? Hesitantly, groaning as a shudder coursed up his spine and down his thighs,
13 years ago
the American moved his lips several times against the other's and closed his eyes more tightly as the wet, hot tongue filled his mouth.
13 years ago
smiled against Alfred's lips, and curled his tongue around the other's before sucking on it with a low hum. He kneaded his thumb back down
13 years ago
on the head of Alfred's cock, once or twice allowing his fingertip to dig into the slit before he continued to pump his hand up and down
13 years ago
the length again. "Mm..."
13 years ago
"Uh... Unnnn~!" Slowly but surely, guardedly at first, Alfred began to return the kiss. Hips gently shifted forward to meet the
13 years ago
Englishman's hand, his head buzzing and thoughts scattering nonsensically. What did it matter anymore. It didn't matter, did it? He was
13 years ago
trapped here forever and ever. No, he wasn't trapped. He was there because he was wanted, why else would Arthur do these things? He
Alfred was
13 years ago
a prisoner. He was loved. He was captive. He was not. He was a hero.
Alfred has
13 years ago
a nice tall glass of mental breakdown. ))
13 years ago
[ Arthur approves of this greatly. ]
13 years ago
shifted a bit to hover over Alfred, continuing to tasting and dominating him through the kiss while keeping up the smooth, firm movements
13 years ago
of his hand. Alfred was giving in, and watching the process was utterly gorgeous. He drew back, after a final suck on Alfred's tongue,
13 years ago
panting just slightly. "Look at you, love," he murmured, nipping the other's lower lip. "Only I can get you like this. You're mine and mine
13 years ago
13 years ago
It was strange, the abilities of the human mind and what it would do to protect itself. The American's freedoms were not lost if he wanted
13 years ago
this. He did not have to feel alone if he felt loved. He did not have to cry if he was happy. "Mmh. Mmh~ Hnnn...", he whimpered
13 years ago
against the man's lips, thoughts swimming in a warm haze. The knots in his stomach were hardening. The pulsations of his cock sent
13 years ago
rocketing pleads for release up his spine. Chin lifted, and a single, final tear streaked down his cheek. He was done.
13 years ago
tilted his head a bit to lick the tear away, then kissed Alfred's cheek. "Come on, love," he murmured, pumping his hand a little
13 years ago
faster. "You can be a little more vocal than that. Say you're mine..."
13 years ago
"U-Uh... Huuuh~!" Back snapped straight at the sudden increase in speed, lips tingling. This was it. "...I-I..." His panting broke his
13 years ago
speech, cheeks flaring a bright pink. "...I'm...yours. I'm yours. I'm yours... I'm yours--"
13 years ago
smiled, looking extremely pleased to hear that. "...Good lad," he replied, never once slowing down. "Only I can make you happy. Only I can
13 years ago
love you. Only I can make you feel complete. Now, repeat it back to me."
13 years ago
found his eyes, again, welling with tears. But he was not angry. It was as though some small part of him felt the heartache of knowing
13 years ago
he had never really stood a chance-- some small, decaying part of the American that had no choice but to succumb to death. His voice
13 years ago
shook as he spoke, steadily gaining in volume as he tried to make himself believe Arthur's words. And it was working. Slowly. But it was
13 years ago
working. "Nnnh! can make me happy. Only...only y-you can me. make me feel complete."
Arthur was
13 years ago
, quite obviously, very happy with the turn of events. "Good," he replied, kissing Alfred again, light and brief. He pumped his hand as fast
13 years ago
as he was able to manage, his breathing just slightly uneven from the effort. "You're a very, very good boy, sweetheart. Only mine."
13 years ago
whined, squirming as the molten tendrils of lust coiled around his spine and made his heart stammer frantically in his chest. Body rose and
13 years ago
fell with the gasps and moans falling from his lips. It wouldn't take him long to finish. Not at this rate. Vision swam in white fog,
13 years ago
and after several minutes of frantic panting and mewling and tensing, the American came. "--H-Hah! Nuuuuh~! H-Huh! Hnn-! Fuck!
13 years ago
A...Arthur--" Fingers curling in the Englishman's hair. He was a good boy. And as a good boy, he would not be harmed. As a good boy, his
13 years ago
brother would live.
13 years ago
leaned in to kiss Alfred again, easily slipping his tongue through and curling it around Alfred's again. Everything was proceeding smoothly;
13 years ago
he really hoped that it wouldn't he long before Alfred grew completely dependent on him. The man was rather cute, and definitely someone
13 years ago
he'd like to keep past his uses of a cop.
13 years ago
eagerly returned the kiss, muffled gasps and sighs heaving his chest before slowing...slowing...slowing to a more normal pace. He road the
13 years ago
climax for what it was worth. Fingers twisted at the light, messy blond locks. It was okay. Everything would be alright.
13 years ago
pumped his hand along Alfred's length a few more times before drawing back, looking especially pleased. "Good boy," he murmured, pecking
13 years ago
Alfred's lips again. He drew his hand to his mouth and licked the cum off, humming. "Perhaps next time, if you ask nicely enough, I'll
13 years ago
consider fucking you."
13 years ago
whimpered as a few dull shots of electricity coiled up his spine, body tensing before finally falling under the influence of an after
13 years ago
glow. He untangled his fingers from Arthur's hair. Blue hues gazed half-lidded at the Englishman, and he set his jaw. He wasn't yet at
13 years ago
the point of replying to such a statement.
13 years ago
merely smiled despite the lack of response, and wrapped his arms around Alfred to draw him in close. "Things will be utterly wonderful from
13 years ago
hereon out, love. You'll enjoy it."
13 years ago
snorted softly, allowing himself to be pulled against the other's warm body. Still trembling, he relaxed his head, took a deep breath,
13 years ago
let his mind wander. The American nodded once.
13 years ago
kissed his cheek. "What do you want for dinner, Alfred? We could dine on anything."
13 years ago
couldn't describe the next series of emotions that flooded his mind, couldn't comprehend them or even begin to deny them. He felt calm. He
13 years ago
felt...not happy, but something very close to it. Head tilted up to gaze into those emerald eyes, almost appreciative in their
13 years ago
stare. "...I...I like pizza. Pizza's good."
13 years ago
nodded, gently stroking Alfred's arm. His gaze was kind, almost - nothing at all like the cold looks that threatened to kill without
13 years ago
remorse. "...I'll have fresh pizza made, then. The cooks are Italians, you know; they make the most amazing pizza. You'll love it."
13 years ago
found a soft smile tugging at the corner of his lips, both and the gentle touch and the gentle gaze of the other. "...Sounds good. Can it
13 years ago
be meat-lovers? That's my favorite."
13 years ago
looked just momentarily confused, as he wasn't too used to ordering pizza for himself. "...I'll... ask them to add a good variety of meat.
13 years ago
And drinks, sweetheart?"
13 years ago
Sweetheart. Love. Darling. He must have meant something to the man. " coke. Coke sounds nice."
13 years ago
detested coke, but nodded regardless. "Alright." He then pulled out his cellphone, dialing a number before relaying the order and hanging
13 years ago
up. "It'll all be here in around 45 minutes or so. You'll have to wait a bit."
13 years ago
nodded shortly, watching the Brit's cell until he ended his call. "...Forty five minutes?" Man, that was a long time. --Well. Perhaps
13 years ago
not, considering it would be made from scratch. He settled his head back onto the pillow. "Alrighty. That's fine."
13 years ago
looked down at Alfred, and reaches to brush some hair away from his face. "See how nice things could be, darling? If you'd just obeyed
13 years ago
from the start..."
13 years ago
"...Yeah", he found himself saying, eyes lulled to a close. This was better than being shot at. This was better than living in fear of
13 years ago
waking to find his brother had been taken, or his friends murdered.
13 years ago
"There was a woman here before you," he said, gently stroking Alfred's arm. "She was in a very similar predicament, but in the end, she
13 years ago
thought that the police would be able to protect her if she told them everything." Arthur smiled, but it wasn't as warm an gentle as
13 years ago
before. "You can guess where she is now, can't you?"
13 years ago
opened his eyes to watch Arthur's, taking in the ebb and flow of emotion that swirled in those emerald depths. He shook his head . "B-But
13 years ago
I ain't like her, so I shouldn't worry, yeah? She... I..." Wait. Maybe he was like her. Maybe he was exactly like her, just another
13 years ago
toy, just another body of information. ...But what about all those kind words and gestures. But he was captive. The words shouldn't
13 years ago
matter, but they did. Alfred looked away.
13 years ago
chuckled, kissing Alfred's cheek. "...You don't have to be like her if you don't want to be. If you listen to me... obey me, stay loyal to
13 years ago
me, love me and only me... you'll be fine. She didn't do that. She went and disobeyed me, and fell in love with someone else. But you won't
13 years ago
do that, will you, love?"
13 years ago
returned his gaze to the Englishman, searching his face. The gentle peck to his face seemed to soothe his scrambling thoughts. So Arthur
13 years ago
had only killed her because she gave herself to someone else? He was hurt, and that's when he hurt her? Alfred shook his
13 years ago
head. "...N-No. No, I ain't gonna be like that."
13 years ago
smiled, reaching up to gently caress Alfred's cheek. "...Good lad. You're going to be different. We'll go far, you and I."
13 years ago
watched the other for a while, Arthur's hand warm against his skin. "Whaddya mean, go far?"
13 years ago
"We'll get whatever we want. Just say the word, Alfred, and what you want will be yours. Money, food, clothes... everything. The world's
13 years ago
luxuries will be your commodities. And you'll love me all the more, won't you?"
13 years ago
thought for a moment. "...But what if what I want isn't any of that. I mean... I love food, and money and clothes and all that, but...
13 years ago
...What if what I want is to feel useful, and to work and know that I'm giving back and mean something to people."
13 years ago
frowned just slightly at that. "...You'll be useful to me and the rest of the famiglia. Isn't that enough...?"
13 years ago
frowned in return, shrinking slightly. "...Does it have to be enough?"
13 years ago
sighed, now looking rather displeased. "Yes, it does," he replied, reaching for his gun again. It was long and slim, more a pistol than
13 years ago
anything. He pressed it against Alfred's jaw as he drew near, murmuring against the other's cheek. "You ought to be pleased so long as -I-
13 years ago
am pleased."
13 years ago
...No. No. No, not again. He lifted his chin, bottom lip trembling slightly as his eyes squeezed closed. "I-I..." He didn't want to be
13 years ago
afraid anymore. No more. Not again. "I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry-- I'm pleased when you are."
13 years ago
pressed the gun closer to Alfred's skin, letting the cold metal dig in. "...Are you sure? I'm not too convinced."
13 years ago
shuddered, breath quivering through his parted lips. He curled his fingers in the man's shirt. "Y-Yes I'm sure! I'm sure, o-okay? I'm
13 years ago
sure. I'm sure--"
13 years ago
looked at Alfred, his expression neutral save for a spark of discontent in his eyes. "...Prove it to me."
13 years ago
searched those green hues, brows furrowing softly. "...How. Wh-What do you want, how do I prove it."
13 years ago
thought for a moment as he trailed the gun up Alfred's jaw, to the side of his head. "...Get on your knees. Swear your allegiance to me."
13 years ago
felt his chest ache dully, ribs protesting the rapid, adrenaline-driven rhythm of his heart and his lungs. He slowly rolled onto his hands
13 years ago
and knees, head lowered, frown tugging at his lips and fingers curling in the sheets. "W-What do you want me to say..." He just wanted him
13 years ago
happy, just wanted the gun drawn back...
13 years ago
moved the gun under Alfred's chin, and used it to raise the other's head. "...Say you'll love me, that you'll obey me... that you'll turn to
13 years ago
no one but me. That you'll never betray me, that you'll do your utmost to make me happy."
13 years ago
, slowly but surely, lost whatever fire remained in those blue eyes-- once so vivid and lively, now hollow, as though their color had greyed
13 years ago
with the rest of the world. He met Arthur's stare. "...I'll... I'll love you. ...I'll obey you. I'll turn to no one else but
13 years ago
you. ...I'll...never...betray you... ...I'll do whatever I can to make you happy..."
Arthur was
13 years ago
content with that, and drew his gun back to pocket it. "...Good boy," he replied, his gaze becoming gentle again as he held out his
13 years ago
arms. "Come here."
13 years ago
closed his eyes tightly, lowering his head to collect himself once more. That look. Those eyes. He was safe again. He was. Slowly, the
13 years ago
American crawled into Arthur's open arms, tucking his head beneath the Englishman's chin.
13 years ago
smiled, kissing the top of Alfred's head. "...I'm enough for you, Alfred," he murmured. "I'm all you need to be happy."
13 years ago
slowly allowed himself to relax against the other's body, the warmth of another calming his nerves and stammering heart. "...Yeah...", he
13 years ago
replied quietly. The Brit's scent was no longer odd to him, and he inhaled slowly, deeply, allowing himself to be calmed by it.
Alfred asks
13 years ago
permission to go see his brother in the other plurk. u.u ))
13 years ago
[ Go ahead <3 ]
13 years ago
caressed Alfred's arm, then moved to his back, soothing him. "You don't need to be afraid of me, so long as you can keep me happy. I'll
13 years ago
even grant you liberties. If you please me enough, I'll let you do whatever you want."
13 years ago
nodded slowly, breath evening and heart beat returning to a much more natural pace. Liberties. That sounded nice. "Even go back to
13 years ago
work? ...Even go on trips with my brother and my friends?"
13 years ago
nodded. "But only when I deem you fit enough to leave my side." That is, when Alfred would become so dependent on him that he'd never want
13 years ago
to leave. Ever.
13 years ago
._. ))
13 years ago
[ <3? ]
13 years ago
...>>; u.u Ilutoo. ))
13 years ago
[ c: ]
13 years ago
"...Alright." His voice had lifted in spirits slightly. That wasn't just a statement, not just a promise or a way to soothe Alfred's
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anxious mind. It was something to work for. The American could prove himself again; he could make somebody smile and praise him, could
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feel that swell of happiness when someone, anyone, was proud of him.
13 years ago
sat up when someone knocked on his door, and gently patted Alfred's back. "Sit up, sweetheart; the pizza is here."
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did as he was directed, rolling off the Englishman to settle comfortably against several plush pillows. His stomach growled with
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thoughts of food. u.u So. Maybe he had been hungry before...
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clapped twice, allowing the chefs to open the door and roll in the food on a nice, elaborate cart. There was fresh pizza with plenty of
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meat, as well as nice, authentic Italian pasta. It was placed on their laps in ornate trays, with glasses of coke and tea.
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squirmed awkwardly as one of the men placed a tray at his lap, definitely not expecting that kind of service. He looked up and down the
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tray before him after he settled. Everything looked so perfect, like a picture on the cover of a ritzy dining magazine or something... He
Alfred was
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almost afraid to touch the silverware lest he damaged it. ...But his hunger won over, and he quickly dug in with a muffled, "Thanks."
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chuckled at Alfred's enthusiasm, and began to eat at a much slower pace. "Careful now, love; you don't want to choke or get ill," he warned,
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looking over at him. His phone rang at that moment, though, making him sigh as he turned away to answer it. "Hello? Ah... yes, hello, sir. I
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have the documents, so I'll come deliver them to you tomorrow. Is that alright? ...Yes sir. Thank you." He hung up and put his phone away,
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frowning a bit. "...Well, it looks like some business will steal me away for a bit. You'll be fine by yourself for a while, won't you?"
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"Mhm", he hummed in response, mouth stuffed with a good chunk of pizza. The flavor was incredible. Honestly, Pizza Hut had nothing on
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this stuff. He'd have taken a second or two to note exactly what was in this delicious concoction if he wasn't too intent on eating
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it. Brow arched as the man's phone rang, and he continued to chomp away on his meal, all the while keeping his eyes on the Englishman and
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his ears on the conversation. Alfred swallowed and took a drink of coke when the call came to an end. "Mm. Yeah, I'll be just fine. How
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long d'you think you'll be?"
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hummed, thinking. "Ah... probably two or three days. I'll leave someone here to take care of you on my behalf."
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Or... he could just lock Alfred in a white room, allowing him no human contact whatsoever until he came back. (Would that make the officer
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more desperate for him?)
13 years ago
The blond's eyes widened before he choked on his coke a bit, coughing and sputtering until he placed his drink back on the tray to calm
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himself. "T-Three /days/?" He was thinking along the lines of three hours. "...Uh. I can...take care of myself. Three days ain't that
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bad, yeah? It'll be good." ...Of course it'd be good. Just a few hours ago he would've been celebrating the man's departure...
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reached over, petting Alfred's hair. "There will be a separate room set up for you," he said, "You're to stay there until I return. Then you
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sleep with me in my room. Alright?"
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blinked, considering the Englishman's statement for several moments before withdrawing from the touch. "...Y-You mean I've gotta stay
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in there the whole time?"
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nodded, sighing. "...Of course you do, Alfred. Don't ask ridiculous questions."
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furrowed his eyebrows, heart picking up again in speed. "Wh-What about bathroom breaks? What about food, what about fresh air?"
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chuckled. "Don't worry. As I said, I'll leave someone to take care of you. You'll be fine, alright?"
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set his jaw, eyes cast to the side as he felt the anxiety of captivity, yet again, twist around his gut. "...Yeah. ...Alright."
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"Good boy. You can stay with me in here for tonight, though. Isn't that nice?"
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took a deep breath, his appetite, yet again, slipping away with the onset of that pulse-pounding anxiety. At least he'd finished most
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of his meal before it was ruined. He shot a quick glance at the Brit before nodding stiffly. "Yeah. It is."
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frowned a little at Alfred's reluctance. "...Do you not like me?"
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felt his anger dissolve at the inquiry, guilt tugging at his heart strings as he returned his stare to the Englishman. He shouldn't care if
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he'd hurt his feelings. He shouldn't care if the man felt bad, or-- No. No, he should. Because if he didn't, Mattie was done for. And
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maybe, just maybe, a small part of him cared for a very different reason all together. "...N-No, that ain't it. That ain't it at all,
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I-I'm just-- I... I-I dunno--" What did he mean that wasn't it? Arthur kidnapped him. Alfred was a prisoner. And...he...didn't...not
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like him?
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pulled back. "...It's understandable if you don't. Those before you didn't like me much either, but I suppose I'm not quite in a position
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to be picky."
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...Why did he feel guilt? Why did he regret acting like that, driving it into the Brit's head that he didn't like him? Arthur had given
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him food and spoke such kind words and kept him safe and-- His head hurt. He was tired of thinking. "A-Arthur, don't go--"
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paused, just slightly surprised, but mostly pleased. "...Do you really mean that?"
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watched those emerald optics for several moments, watching them glisten hopefully at his request, not matter now small. The American must
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have meant a lot of him. He had to. Why else would he look at him in such a way? Bottom lip protruding slightly, he
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nodded. "...A-Arthur... ...D' me...?"
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didn't even pause, having anticipated this question. "Of course I do, sweetheart," he replied, his tone genuine even if he really
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wasn't. "Why do you think I'm doing this? It's all for your own good."
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didn't know why, but he felt a weight lift off his chest, and he swallowed down the lump developing in his throat. "...Y-You do? Whattyou
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mean, for my own good?"
13 years ago
reached over, gently stroking Alfred's cheek. "...There's going to be a bit of a war between the mafia families relatively soon. After all,
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so many families cannot co-exist peacefully in one city. The police will most definitely be caught in the crossfire."
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The blond's eyes fluttered softly at the touch, not taking them from the Englishman's face. "...A...war? A-And you're protecting me...?"
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felt just slightly guilty for lying, but it had to be done. It wasn't quite a 'war', as... that implied that both sides had an equal chance
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of winning. There was just a smaller mafia family, trying to take over -his- city. Naturally, Arthur wasn't going to take any of that. But
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the police were going to get caught in the crossfire, so... at least he wasn't lying completely. "Of course I am."
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It made sense. Arthur was going to use him as a means of protecting the other officers, keep them out of harms way--! Hope, for the first
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time in a long time, pooled in those blue hues. Maybe he was still a hero after all. Maybe he could still make a difference, maybe he
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wasn't alone, not the bad guy, not a traitor. But-- "...But what about civilians? Can't the police do something to stop this from
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happening? I mean-- W-We could save a whole lotta people from dying, yeah?"
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It hurts making up delusions for Alfred, the poor sucker. u.u ))
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[ poor babu ;; ]
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shook his head, and cupped Alfred's face. "...Don't get the wrong idea, love. I'm saving -you-. No one else. But if you do exactly as I say,
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less people may be hurt."
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leaned a little closer, blue hues reflecting worry and determination and understanding. "--B-But what if... We could think of something,
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couldn't we? Couldn't I? I could save them. I could...I-I could do something, we could save them!"
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sighed. Alright, a different approach. "...I'll try. But only if you promise to love me... and to always be loyal to me."
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nodded quickly, bringing his hands to lace through the Englishman's locks of brilliant blond hair. "I-I promise. I promise." He'd do
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whatever it took to save the lives of his companions, of his fellow Americans, even of the mafia members-- they would answer for the crimes
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they'd done, not die at one another's hands.
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pretended to think about it, then nodded. "...I'll see what I can do, then. But no promises." He leaned in, brushing his lips by Alfred's
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own. "The things I do for you..."
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nodded quickly, re-gripping Arthur's hair and squeezing his eyes closed tightly. Not all was lost. Not all was gone, beaten and stolen
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from his grasp. There was good he could do here after all, and this meant more to the American than he could express in words. ...He just
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wanted to be a hero. He pressed his lips against the other's, hope buzzing in his mind and heart along with a strange sense of gratitude.
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wouldn't really try anything other than what was planned, of course, but Alfred was rather adorable when he was like this. So he merely
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remained quiet and returned the kiss, nipping on Alfred's lips.
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The Englishman's lips did not taste bitter against his own as the connection ensued, and he shivered softly with the gentle nips. Head
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tilted softly to the side. A soft hum buzzed in his chest.
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smiled slightly against Alfred's lips as he slid his tongue past them, wanting to taste the other. He moved his tongue along the other's,
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humming quietly, keeping the kiss much lighter than his previous ones.
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hesitated only for a moment before parting his lips and allowing the other entrance. The tongue felt molten and slick against his own, the
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spice of pizza and distant hint of tea caressing his taste buds. He gently sucked at the invasive tongue.
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held back a moan, more out of pride than anything, and threaded his fingers through Alfred's hair, drawing him closer. He tilted his head,
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deepening the kiss a bit, wanting and needing more contact.
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lifted his chin, brows quivering, nails gently scratching against the Englishman's head as he gripped and re-gripped those soft locks of
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hair. "Nnnn~" Lips moved against the other's, a thin thread of drool trickling down the Yankee's chin.
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didn't mind at all, and instead pressed more into the kiss, slowly but surely dominating Alfred through it. He curled his tongue around
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the other's own, sucking almost teasingly before letting it trail along Alfred's teeth, tasting every inch of him.
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Shoulders trembled, toes wriggling in his sneakers as his lips tingled pleasantly. This time, he felt no shame behind his actions. This
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time, he made no moves to retract or withdraw from the Englishman's touch-- in fact, he drew nearer. Fingers drifted to the nape of his
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neck, gently ghosting against the soft skin.
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smiled, drawing back only to lean back in a split second later, kissing Alfred again. If he had to be honest, the American was addicting -
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addicting in his naivety, in his purity, in his foolish acceptance of Arthur. He sucked on the other's lower lip, allowing his teeth to
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graze by it before he pulled back, panting just softly.
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opened his eyes softly as the man drew back, only to squeeze them closed once again as he dove in for seconds. A shudder coursed up his
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spine, and he gasped, lips growing pink. He licked them as Arthur drew back again. Baby blues fluttered open, catching emerald as he
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panted. The grip of his fingers tightened.
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genuinely thought that Alfred looked utterly gorgeous like this, but shoved the thought away as soon as it came to mind. He
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couldn't resist haphazardly moving the trays away before moving to settle atop Alfred's lap and kiss him again, hands cupping his cheek
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to kiss him deeper. "Mm..."
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closed his eyes once the connection of their lips was reestablished, humming into the male's open mouth and slowly separating his thighs,
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almost on cue. Kiss became more feverish, glasses fogging over with the heat rising from his cheeks.
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pressed himself closer against Alfred, desiring every inch of the man. He drew back only to take off Alfred's glasses and set them aside,
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and went back to kissing him almost immediately. His hands slid up Alfred's shirt, fingertips greedy in their search for more skin.
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breath came in soft gasps, chest rising and falling notably with each. The warmth of the other was consuming him, fogging his mind and
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driving his body. He didn't know what his thoughts told him. He didn't understand the emotions surging through him. He couldn't
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sort them, couldn't make sense of them. So he just accepted them. In the heat of the moment, he accepted this strange desire to make
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Arthur happy. To make him smile. To win his praise. Back lifted off the bed slightly, skin tingling as he began squirming out of his
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Arthur was
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all too eager to slip his hands out and unbutton Alfred's shirt, almost throwing it open as he broke the kiss with a quiet gasp. He trailed
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hot kisses down Alfred's jaw, past his neck, and to his chest, tasting every available inch of his skin before curling his tongue around a
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nipple and sucking.
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"A-Ah--" The chill of the air on his exposed skin was quickly chased away with the contact of Arthur's mouth, skin prickling with
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goosebumps and cheeks growing pink as the man's moist, molten mouth hovered over one of his nipples. "N-Nnnh~!" Arms wound around
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Arthur's neck before fingers clumsily tugged up at his shirt.
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allowed Alfred to do so, and instead concentrated on drawing more of those delicious sounds out of the other's mouth. He reached up with one
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hand, rolling the neglected nipple between his fingers as he sucked and occasionally kneaded his tongue down on the nub. "Mm..."
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eventually found himself unable to pull the Englishman's shirt up any farther, his arms getting in the way. Not that the American was
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concentrating especially hard on the task at hand. Nipples became hard and tender, his erection pulsating a Morse Code of pleasure
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straight to his brain. "H-Hnnnn~! G..God--"
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chuckled, pulling back and flickering his tongue around the nipple one more time before making his way down, kissing and nipping and
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tasting the American's delicious skin. He shifted backwards as he went lower until he was met with the hem of Alfred's pants. Arthur
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glanced up, emerald eyes positively gleaming, before he unbuttoned Alfred's pants and bit the zipper between his teeth. Keeping his gaze
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on the other, he pulled it down and leaned in a bit, pressing his nose against the officer's very prominent erection. "You're always so
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hard for me," he murmured, teasingly mouthing Alfred's cock through the fabric of his boxers. "Such a good boy..."
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