But I suppose it could be worse, ah...
And to think that Allemagne and I would be the ones to push for economic stability in Europe!
It seems everyone has a cold these days....
I wonder what all the change will bring this century, mm?
...As long as it does not continue...
Continuation is not what concerns me.
ah, but, such a depressing topic, my apologies
....It is alright, France-san.
Depressing topics seem to be the most normal topics as of late.
Germany is a surprisingly good mother for Europe.
He does have a certain maternal instin-- /oops
I'm an excellent father, though, of course
...why are there two Frances?
I'd think one was more than enough for anyone.
There can never be enough of me!~
...I have a feeling this America person agrees with me.
That isn't a good thing, monsieur.
No offense, Amerique
What is this about you and West?
We get along so well now that we are trying to address Europe's financial condition.
We basically founded the EU together. He makes a good business parter, and we all know you must never sully a working relationship with sex.
The same can be said for marriage.
I do agree with anders, no offense, France
None taken! I understand you're incorrect and I will be gracious about it.
Hahaha Wow I'm glad you're so delusional, it makes disagreeing with you a lot of fun xD
The only delusional one here is you, Amerique.
What have I done now to warrant that XD?
The fact that you are asking that question is proof enough in itself.
You're not answering the question, I won't believe it till I see proof
'Everything' is an appropriate answer.
He just complains i'm not cute anymore
You're agreeing with England, hold on, let me check outside-- okay hell has not frozen over...