views on a guy headbutting a girl when she dumps him, please.
latest #17
indeed. I am pretty angry with this lad right now.
...but slightly halarious. I mean come on.
how does that even happen?
well hearing your sister scream and coming downstairs finding her crying kind of saps the funny out of it Matt
did you guys consider calling he police?
no it was just me and her home lizzie and the thought never really occurred :/ and yes matt, it was matt... He's been warned off my me and
our mum and I'm not sticking up for him here but he seems to be just as shocked that he did it, but still, he did what he did and I dont
trust him any more, especially after some of the things my sister says he's done so...
lets just hope for his sake I never see him again
it's not too late to report it. I would hope your sister stays strong and stays away from him.
Actually, I suggest she does report it. When I was with the kids Dad there were a lot of incidents I should have but didn't because I was
stupidly in love and you know, thing will get better. When I threw him out he stalked me for over a year & gave me death threats constantly
telling the police gets a record of it in case something happens later
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