Nikolai is
13 years ago
curious about the male Russia.
latest #89
Ivan is
13 years ago
likewise curious about the male Belarus...
Nikolai is
13 years ago
peering around the corner at him with a rather intense stare.
13 years ago
can feel someone staring at him, and tries not to think about who that could be...
13 years ago
continues to stare at him. He looked like brother Ukraine.
13 years ago
shivers, subtly trying to get a glimpse at who it is...he hopes it isn't Belarus...
Nikolai is
13 years ago
in plain sight, still staring. He was taking in every detail he could about this other.
13 years ago
does not, he repeats, does /not/ want to turn around right now...but that heavy gaze is pressuring him to...and so he does.
13 years ago
puts on a (not so) confident smile, and regards the man in front of him with a nod. "Male B-Belarus...privet..."
13 years ago
meets his gaze, unsure of what to make of this Russia. His was a goddess. "Pryvitannie....brat?" He was unsure of what to call him, but in_
13 years ago
a way, he was his brother...sort of.
13 years ago
tries to find something to say to his…uh, brother, and swallows around a lump that seems to have formed around his throat. One Belarus was
13 years ago
enough, and now /another/ one appears… “H-how are you…?”
13 years ago
does not see his unease at all. He comes around the corner to stand in front of him. He looks at him from head to toe, frowning when he_
13 years ago
realizes that he is the shorter one. He was not used to that. "I am well today. I hope you are well too."
Ivan is
13 years ago
not at all comforted by the fact that he’s still the tallest, feeling the intimidating aura radiating off the male Belarus. “T-that’s good!”
13 years ago
stares at him for a moment longer before tilting his head. "It is nice to meet you. Have you married my Female counterpart yet?" He was _
13 years ago
just curious.
13 years ago
splutters, furiously shaking his head. "N-no! Why would you think that?!" Oh God. By the sound of that, he's worried about /his own/ female
13 years ago
half, and whether or not the other is going to pursue her...
Nikolai was
13 years ago
quiet for a moment. "Because if she is me, she will be continuously asking you to marry her. Right?" And it would have made him feel_
13 years ago
better if they were married. It would give him hope that him and Anya could marry......and then he wouldn't have any sort of competition_
13 years ago
either. Yes, he was considering his own counterpart competition. Because, what if Anya liked the girl version of himself more? Unacceptable!
13 years ago
shifts around uncomfortably on his feet, his fidgeting hands playing with his chair. "That may be true, b-but it does not mean that I have
13 years ago
to accept!" And there was no way he is /ever/ going to say yes to female Belarus. He just hopes that Anya resists this male Belarus as well.
13 years ago
seems upset by his words. "Why not!?" He almost snapped, his patience wearing a bit thin. He wanted things to work out smoothly.
13 years ago
tries not to get scared by this Belarus. He wants things to work out smoothly too, just not in /marriage/. "Because she's my syestra!"
13 years ago
shoves a finger at him, now throwing accusations. "Just say it's because you like men!"
13 years ago
blinks and feels immensely insulted, both by your accusation and the pointed finger. "My sexual orientation has /nothing/ to do with this!"
13 years ago
huffs at him, having a lot less patience with him than he has with Anya. "Then why else would you not marry someone as devoted as she is?" _
13 years ago
He did not understand Ivan's reasoning at all.
13 years ago
doesn't understand your reasoning either, his patience also thinning the more he talks to you. "Because I don't /love/ her, that's why."
13 years ago
seems hurt by this. That struck home to him since...Anya probably would feel the same right? "Why not? She would do anything for you." It_
Nikolai was
13 years ago
getting easier to talk about his feelings through his counterpart and through his sister's counterpart.
13 years ago
lets out a soft sigh, feeling somewhat guilty for making you feel sad. But he isn't going to lie to you just to make you feel better either.
13 years ago
"Like I said before, she's my sister. I love her, but not in the same way she feels about me..."
13 years ago
seems to be pouting at this. "She'll make you love her somehow. I know it." Because if he wasn't willing to give up, she wouldn't be either.
Ivan wants
13 years ago
to pull all of his hair out at the sheer stubborn both you and your female counterpart possess when it comes to him and Anya, but restrains
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himself to just letting out an exasperate sigh. "She can try, but it won't achieve anything..."
13 years ago
's best trait is his determination. "You say that now, but one day I believe it'll happen."
13 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "Are you saying that for Natalya's sake, or for your own?"
13 years ago
shakes his head. "Both of us."
13 years ago
lets out a hollowed laugh, running a hand down his face. "I'm not sure about Anya, but I myself will never be matter what."
13 years ago
leans over to look him right in the eyes, determination shining in their depths. "You don't know what will happen in the future, brother._
13 years ago
Maybe one day I'll pull a number on you."
13 years ago
can't help but laugh at that, suddenly feeling more comfortable with you than with Natalya. "I'll await the day that happens."
13 years ago
doesn't realize that he does. Nor would he understand why he feels more comfortable. "You're not Anya, but you're still Russia. If you need_
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something, tell me and I'll see what I can do." He might not be as eager to help as he would be for Anya, but he would still help.
13 years ago
nods his thanks, not quite sure himself why he's comfortable. Hm, it must be because you're a guy and you're not chasing after him like a
13 years ago
madman. "Da, I will keep that in mind. Likewise, if you wish to obtain help with anything - apart from Anya-related things - do not hesitate
13 years ago
to ask me."
Nikolai wonders
13 years ago
if he can be sneaky and learn things about Ivan that would help him learn things about Anya. "Da. Dziakuj. That is a generous offer."
13 years ago
's smile is just that little bit more relaxed as he regards you. "You're very welcome."
Nikolai thinks
13 years ago
he had nothing to be uncomfortable with from the get go. He turns around, keeping his back to the other before looking over his shoulder. _
13 years ago
He seemed almost shy for a moment before he looked away. "Do you want to go somewhere for a while?" He wanted to get to know him a bit_
13 years ago
better at the very least.
Ivan is
13 years ago
almost shocked at the look on your face, the expression very much reminding him of Natalya's when the girl shows those few moments of
13 years ago
shyness. "Da, that would be nice."
Nikolai is
13 years ago
not used to him, so he is a bit shy admittedly. "Very well...Anywhere you would like to go?"
13 years ago
shrugs. "Just around...unless you have a preferred place you'd like to share with me?'
Nikolai thinks
13 years ago
about this for a moment before nodding. "Follow me."
13 years ago
does exactly that, following behind you with a small distance in between. He's rather curious to where you'll take him...
Nikolai will
13 years ago
take him to a small meadow where he discovered a bunch of sunflowers growing. He had not even taken Anya here yet. Instead he had been_
13 years ago
picking them and bringing them to Anya as gifts.
13 years ago
lets out a gasp of utter surprise when he sees where you've led him to. A field of sunflowers. And so close to his home too! "This is..."
13 years ago
There is no word that can describe it.
13 years ago
looks back at him. "I thought you would like it. I found it by chance one day."
13 years ago
nods, immediately immersing himself in the sea of yellow, laughing heartily as he did so. "I love it! You're very lucky to have found this!"
13 years ago
reaches out to lightly touch one of the petals, before turning his gaze to Ivan. "Ah...Luck is a good word for it, I suppose."
13 years ago
All restraints gone, he gives you a genuinely bright smile, inhaling in the scent of so many sunflowers at once. "It is, it is~!"
13 years ago
seems stunned by the look, a faint blush creeping up on his cheeks. Oh! He almost looked like Anya for a minute...Now he was embarrassed_
13 years ago
and willed the blush to go away. "So long as you like it, that's all that matters." He mumbled out, looking away.
13 years ago
's content to stay here for eternity, with all this yellow surrounding him...he doesn't notice your embarrassment, plucking a lone sun-
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flower from the soil. "If I were ever to die, this is the sort of place I'd call Heaven...~"
13 years ago
looks back to him when the embarrassment dies down. Indeed, there were so many similarities. "Hopefully you will not die if you can find_
13 years ago
heaven on earth."
13 years ago
turns to look at you in surprise, a look that slowly melts into another blinding smile. "Da. I shall strive not to die~ But that is a nice
13 years ago
way of referring to this place...'heaven on Earth'..."
13 years ago
flushes once again. He wished the other would stop doing that. It reminded him too much of Anya. "...You like that?"
13 years ago
nods enthusiastically, picking out another sunflower and adding it to his ever-growing bunch. "I do. Now that you've shown me this place,
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there is no way I will die!" A careful smile is directed at you. "Anya would like this place...~"
Nikolai is
13 years ago
somewhat amused by his words. He seems pretty happy, actually. "I know she would. But everytime I invite her out, she runs."
13 years ago
tries not to wince at that, but doesn’t quite succeed. You seem nice enough, so he thinks he’ll try and help you. “I-I see…well, if it makes
13 years ago
it any easier for you, I could put in a few good words about you to her…?”
13 years ago
seems to perk up at this. "You would?"
13 years ago
nods. "Da."
Nikolai thinks
13 years ago
he likes Ivan. A lot. His affection points just sky rocketed. He let out a rare smile.
13 years ago
mirrors that smile, thinking that it’s nice to see you smile (because everyone knows that both Belarus’s don’t do it often enough).
13 years ago
He thinks that this is shaping out to be a very good day~
13 years ago
brings up a hand to cover his mouth. "This is so great." Ivan might've did something bad just now.
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