IGP says
13 years ago
swapped the hd to another pc..lucky it worked perfectly :-)
latest #8
【河蟹 23】 says
13 years ago
You finally took it home today?
IGP says
13 years ago
yes...in the afternoon
【河蟹 23】 says
13 years ago
My friends came last night to take...
【河蟹 23】 says
13 years ago
Paiseh I left one of the PC outside uncovered... I'll sort that out on Monday. :-P
IGP says
13 years ago
u r the one...
【河蟹 23】 says
13 years ago
Ya. Wanted to FO quickly... :-P
【河蟹 23】 says
13 years ago
That PC no 'hard disk tray'. KNN one.
IGP says
13 years ago
must be threw away together with the hd :-P
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