13 years ago
[Event 2] Something's wrong with the world - everything's grown bigger!
latest #92
Ivan is
13 years ago
in the same boat as you, and not liking it one bit...
13 years ago
I cannot even lift my shovel. The sack of sunflower seeds in the garden is too heavy to lift. ;n;
13 years ago
Everything's too heavy or too high up - but the sunflower plants now look like a little forest. of sunflowers. :-D
Ivan wants
13 years ago
to help you lift it, but that thing easily outweighs the both of you put together. But he supposes you're right - a forest of sunflowers...
Ivan likes
13 years ago
that view very much. <3
13 years ago
Oh, it's simply lovely.
Pity I'd had no breakfast. Had to make do with a juicebox, which does not do at all.
13 years ago
Neither have I... I wanted a drink of vodka, but I couldn't even reach it, so I had to make do with water.../water/.
13 years ago
doesn't think you should have any vodka now. It was pretty potent as an adult, now you'll go stark raving nuts.
13 years ago
(Grape juice is /sort of/ like wine, isn't it?)
13 years ago
(Not has a lot more sugar, that's for sure.)
13 years ago
And sugar is good for kids. ^_^
13 years ago
isn't even going to contemplate getting himself smashed now. But this whole turning-into-a-child business is screwing with his mind...
13 years ago
(Sugar does to kids, what vodka does to adults.)
13 years ago
Anya was
13 years ago
taking it pretty easily. Though her previous memories of being a kid were far from good, this was fun. It was a task getting onto chairs
13 years ago
and sofas, but her feet didn't reach the ground!
Ivan wants
13 years ago
his looming height back...but he does find a small satisfaction at being able to 'relive' his childhood days...~
13 years ago
lightly punches her brother's shoulder. "You're still a bit taller than most of the others, you know."
13 years ago
pouts at the punch, rubbing at the 'sore' spot. "But I no longer have my /killer aura/, as America called it..."
13 years ago
shrugged. "Maybe not. But everybody else is also confused. Maybe if you act like you are already used to it, they'll be spooked."
13 years ago
It was a weak strategy. What if they just installed weak landmines around the place? That would be fun.
13 years ago
blinks, thinking that the idea was actually pretty brilliant. "Have I ever told you how smart you are?"
13 years ago
"You might have mentioned it once or twice." She'd once taken down Estonia's internetwork on a whim with a bunch of hacker pals.
13 years ago
And now he notices it...
13 years ago
Oh well.
13 years ago
may or may not have been too busy hating on the world to notice Estonia screaming bloody murder for you doing that...
13 years ago
"Well, I should mention it more, I suppose."
13 years ago
"When you get the time." Maybe she needed another juicebox. Her stomach was making noises of protest.
13 years ago
huffs. "At this rate, I've got all the time in the world." His stomach mirrors yours.
13 years ago
"Are you sure you don't have any food lying around from yesterday?"
13 years ago
Today morning had been brilliant. The lack of a guardrail had sent her flying clean off the bed. The impact had put her off food for a bit..
13 years ago
"I'm sure there's something...there always is." And the weird thing is, he usually doesn't remember making the food. But oh wow.
13 years ago
Yesterday had been movie night, and they usually always made something to go along with the movies. There were very rarely leftovers...
13 years ago
Maybe that's just because they ate it all...but movie night is always fun~
13 years ago
Especially when there was a Bollywood movie on... old ones, but Anil Kapoor was great.
13 years ago
quite enjoyed that one, though there was a bit he missed because he had to go refill his drink...speaking of drink, he's suddenly very
13 years ago
thirsty. But Gods, he doesn't want to try and start a war with the kitchen bench because he can't reach over it...
13 years ago
padded over to the kitchen and glared at the kitchen counter. Grappling hook? No. Maybe she could shoot something down. [sigh]
13 years ago
turns to you. "Do you want to climb onto my shoulders?"
13 years ago
Maybe they could scramble onto the counter that way. She wondered for a minute if she were a little too chubby for the task, then nodded.
13 years ago
would never think you're too chubby for anything! He kneels down and holds himself steady...and this is why he hates being a child again...
13 years ago
It occurred to her how much that thought would have disturbed her if she were still adult-sized, but now she just felt a little bothered.
13 years ago
clambered on top of Ivan, steadying herself against the smooth metal panels, then peered over the counter. "Yes!" she cried.
13 years ago
"We've hit the motherload." Bag of peanuts at twelve o'clock. Mad swipe. It flew right off and onto the ground. Good enough.
13 years ago
goes to pick up the peanut packet (omg, why is this so cute? <3), somewhat surprised at how heavy it is. He peers back up at you.
13 years ago
"Can you get down?"
13 years ago
She also scrabbled at a bunch of apples. They all rolled off. She dropped off the counter, satisfied, and puffed in surprise as she landed.
13 years ago
And not exactly softly either.
13 years ago
But the apples were worth it. She picks up one, and recollects buying them yesterday. It was to be a healthy alternative to all the cream
13 years ago
and crackers she'd been downing lately.
13 years ago
A rueful look at the fridge. Then she turned to Ivan, who already ripped open the top of the packet. "Save some for me~!"
13 years ago
already has his hands inside the packet and scoops out a handful before putting his hand out. He stares at the apple in your hand and opens
13 years ago
his mouth as a sign for you to give him a bite.
13 years ago
"Alright fine." She passed him the apple. "You can have it." A look around. There were around five other apples lying around, they would do
13 years ago
for later. She gathered the offered peanuts and popped one into her mouth. Salted.
13 years ago
They'd have to forgo the kitchen table for now. The floor wasn't really all that comfortable either. What about the sofa?
Ivan is
13 years ago
way ahead of you, already walking back into the living room. He scrambles onto the soft sofa, pulling you up along with him, and takes
13 years ago
another bite of the apple. "What should we do now?"
13 years ago
pummels the cushion for a comfortable hole to sink in. "I don't know." Shuts eyes, opens them. "A videogame?" She didn't feel
13 years ago
much like working. More peanuts.
13 years ago
Or maybe they could just sit here. Her nose was still a little bruised from the morning... and now she wanted an apple.
13 years ago
Ivan was halfway through his, so she slipped off the sofa and went to get one.
13 years ago
[Need to go. Dinner. xD ]
13 years ago
(Lol, okay~ <3)
13 years ago
There were plenty of apples lying around. She paused for a moment and chose one slightly larger than the others.
13 years ago
gets up from his position on the sofa to go set up the game system that they recently got. He takes another bite out of his apple before
13 years ago
deciding that he's eaten all the fleshy bits, and throws the core into the rubbish bin. Putting a random game on, he drags both controls
13 years ago
back to the counch, where he makes himself comfortable again. As a reward, he eats some peanuts.
13 years ago
clambers back onto the couch, passing an extra apple she'd picked up on her way to Ivan. "Breakfast part 2," she said, simply, and took
13 years ago
one of the videogame controls.
13 years ago
lets out a small laugh, sneaking a bite of his sister's apple with a small smirk. "Spasibo~" He also takes up a controller, but finds it
13 years ago
hard to hold, since the thing is bigger than both his hands put together...
13 years ago
looks at Ivan struggling with the controller. "This really is hopeless, isn't it?" she asked. "We seem to be too small for everything."
13 years ago
Forget alarming. It was irritating.
13 years ago
huffs indignantly, not giving up the struggle with the game controller - no way. He grits his teeth into a pout. "It's infuriating!"
13 years ago
shrugged. "Let's go outside and see if there are any others we can play with, shall we?" Her voice was a lot softer than before.
13 years ago
lets out a weary sigh, not quite happy with the development of things but unable to do anything about it. “Da, that would be best.” But as
13 years ago
he tries to slide off the sofa, he misjudges the distance to the ground and falls onto his face.
13 years ago
tries not to giggle. "I suppose our clothes don't matter," and it wasn't really like everybody else had saved up their kid clothes
13 years ago
waiting for something like this to happen. Her sweater hung down to her knees, like a smock. Not really so bad.
13 years ago
She pads quietly down the living room. Even that seemed oddly long. The doorknob was just out of reach... darnit.
Ivan is
13 years ago
having trouble rolling up his sleeves as you talk, stubby fingers fighting against the fabric. He follows you to the door, sees the dilemma
13 years ago
and turns to look at you. There is only one thing they could do at this point... "Do you want to climb onto my back?"
13 years ago
shook her head. "Your turn." Her backside still hurt from the last time they'd tried that.
13 years ago
nods - that last fall really did look like it hurt a lot - but is worried that your back may not be strong enough to hold him...
Anya is
13 years ago
strong - enough. "What are you waiting for?" She bends, supporting herself with her arms.
13 years ago
takes in a deep breath and climbs on top of you, trying not to crush you in the process. His fingers scrape the knob, and he makes a furious
13 years ago
grab for it. Letting out a small victorious cry, he opens the door.
13 years ago
"Now get off." Ivan's knees were terrifyingly knobby. Well, they were free, at the very least, so it was worth it.
13 years ago
quickly jumps back down onto the floor, eager to see the outside world from the viewpoint of a child. Resisting the urge to just let loose
13 years ago
and run, he walks out slowly.
13 years ago
hurried after Ivan. "Maybe we can find someone to play with." Though she wasn't much up to the 'walking everywhere to find somebody' part.
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