13 years ago
calls Alfred, and hopes he didn't wake the man up.
latest #215
13 years ago
lifts his head from the couch. Woah. He must have passed out watching Man vs Food. u.u Feels the vibration in his pocket and groans
13 years ago
before sitting up and bringing his cell to his ear, rubbing his eyes. "...Hello?"
13 years ago
"Sorry, love; did I wake you up?" he asks, holding his phone with one hand, and stirring some curry with the other.
13 years ago
shakes his head, humming softly into the phone. "Nah, I was just spacin' at the t.v., 's all good." Smiles. "Whatcha callin' for?"
13 years ago
chuckles, adding a bit more salt to the curry. "Am I not allowed to call for the sake of hearing your voice?"
13 years ago
...smiles warmly, running the fingers of his free hand through his messy locks. "...Mmhmm. I guess there ain't any harm in that." Dang
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romantic, buttering him up while he's still half asleep. "Whatcha up to?" He laid back down, stretching.
13 years ago
tastes some of his curry, humming a bit in approval. "Just making myself some food. You ought to sleep on the bed rather than the couch; it
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isn't good for your back..."
13 years ago
scoffed softly, sprawling out quite comfortably on his leather sofa. "I was just takin' a nap. I passed out watchin' television." u.u He
13 years ago
sniffled. It was probably for the best. One dose of cold medicine and it was lights out for the American, yessir.
13 years ago
raised an eyebrow, just slightly - yes, only slightly - concerned. "...Alfred, are you sick?"
13 years ago
hummed in the back of his throat, thinking through his response carefully. If he lied, Artie would know. If he told him the truth, Artie
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would spazz. Maybe he should find some middle ground. "Naah, it's nothin', just a little cold or something, no biggie. H-How are
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you?" ;w; Discrete. Always discrete.
13 years ago
didn't believe him at -all-. He frowned, turning the heat on the stove down. "...Did you take any medicine? Make some soup? What's your
13 years ago
13 years ago
ajdkljfldsa apparently failed. He huffed softly. "Yeah, I took some meds, no, I didn't make soup, and my temperature isn't THAT bad." u.u
13 years ago
frowned even more, and turned the stove off completely. "...And what -is- your temperature, sweetheart?"
13 years ago
paused, considering lying again. But. In the end it would accomplish nothing. "...Onlylike102." >>;
13 years ago
paused, frowning even -more-. "...Stay there, alright? I'll come over with some soup."
13 years ago
groaned, kicking his feet slightly. "N-No, dude, I'm okay, I promise! You've probably got real important stuff to do and I don't wanna
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be...afdkjalf...a burden, ya know..." u.u
13 years ago
abandoned his curry to start making some soup. "Nonsense. I can have my work be faxed over to me. Just try to get some rest until I get
13 years ago
there, alright?"
13 years ago
rubbed his palm against his forehead, sniffling again with a frustrated frown. "...Okay, okay, just... Take your time. Don't come until
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you get some stuff done, and stop worryin' about me, I'm o-okay." u///u
13 years ago
shook his head, even though Alfred couldn't see. "You're -not- okay. I'll be over soon, alright?" He then hung up to concentrate on the
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soup, and made his way over as soon as it was done. Rather than knocking on the door (since that would make Alfred get up), he used the
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spare key to enter. "Alfred?"
13 years ago
jolted at the sound of someone entering his home, having been, yet again, half asleep. Who could blame him for totally thinking for a
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second that someone had broken into his house. u.u Until, of course, Arthur's voice sounded. ajldkfjaholyshitthankGod. He stretched,
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sitting up and shifting his glasses onto the bridge of his nose. "...Mm. Yep! It'", he mumbled, only half aware that his
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statement made little sense. @x@
13 years ago
made his way to the living room, frowning with concern. He set the pre-made soup down on the table and made his way over, placing a hand on
13 years ago
Alfred's forehead. "Bloody hell, you're burning up! When did you last take some medicine?"
13 years ago
smiled upon the Brit's entrance, lifting his arms for a hug when Arthur instead slapped his palm onto his forehead. "...Well howdy there
13 years ago
to you too, sexy, it's nice to see you again." u.u "...Mmm. I dunno. Like. I took some when we got off the phone, when was that?"
13 years ago
sighed, giving Alfred a brief hug. "That's good. I'm going to prepare some soup for you, so rest in the meanwhile, alright? I might chicken
13 years ago
13 years ago
hummed at the hug, no matter how brief, before sinking back into the couch. "...Alrighty. Yeah, I'll just. Lay here. U-Unless you need
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me to do somethin', of course! Cause. ...Yeah, I would." Wow. Alright, brain, time to wake up. u.u
13 years ago
chuckled, gently kissing Alfred's cheek. "I need you to rest, love," he replied, before standing to go reheat the soup.
13 years ago
"....Okay", Alfred replied as he flopped back onto the couch, uncertain if he was hot or cold. He ended up going with a half-on, half-off
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approach with his big, fluffy comforter.
13 years ago
eventually came back with a hot, steaming bowl of soup. "Sit up, Alfred," he said, waiting. "You need to eat."
13 years ago
Mm. Food. Why did food not sound good, he must have been sick. "Never heard that one before", Alfred muttered with a smile as he sat up,
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sitting cross-legged on the couch. He held out his hands. ;w;
13 years ago
sat down beside him, and carefully placed the bowl in his hands. "Be careful, love; it's still hot."
13 years ago
hummed. "M'kay, will do. Looks like it smells good", he commented with a smile, taking a spoon in hand and drawing some to his lips. He
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blew on it softly before closing his mouth around it and taking a deep breath. "Mmm. Thanks a bunch, dude it--" Sneeze off to the
13 years ago
side. "--tastes great." Or maybe it didn't. He wasn't sure, his taste buds were malfunctioning, but it was the thought that counted. ;w;
13 years ago
smiled just slightly, stroking Alfred's hair as he ate. "You can't even taste anything right now. There isn't any need to lie. But you'd
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better finish it, okay?"
13 years ago
leaned into the touch, the man's cooler hand feeling good on his flushed skin. "Mhmm, will do", he replied around the spoon as he took
13 years ago
another sip.
13 years ago
"Idiot... you should've called when you woke up not feeling well." He continued to stroke Alfred's hair, doing a poor job of hiding his
13 years ago
13 years ago
frowned, sniffling a bit. "...Well I don't like you bein' worried. I knew you probably had stuff to do, and I had stuff to do, and I
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didn't have time to be sick." u.u He continued eating his soup.
13 years ago
scoffed. "...That's absolutely ridiculous. You won't get anything done if you're sick, which means that ultimately, I'll have more work to
13 years ago
do. So just tell me the next time you're feeling ill, alright?"
13 years ago
"...I know, it's just been kinda crazy and I've been freakin' about the Hurricane and so is my government, and... Yeah. I'll letcha know,
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but that doesn't mean you hafta drop everything." He didn't wanna go into an explanation of sleepless nights and anxiety and blah. u.u
13 years ago
shook his head. "It's alright. Really. I understand that it must be quite a chaotic time for you... if there's anything I can do, just let
13 years ago
me know. I can always finish my work another time."
13 years ago
smiled down at his empty bowl and set it on the coffee table, leaning over to rest his head on the Englishman's shoulder. "...Mm. I'm
13 years ago
happy just seein' you again."
13 years ago
chuckled, wrapping an arm around Alfred's waist. "As am I, but I'd prefer it if you were healthier. Now, let's get you up to bed."
13 years ago
sniffled, pouting some. "...B-But now I ain't tired, you just got here." ;A;
13 years ago
"That pout won't work on me when you're ill, love," Arthur replied, trying to gently tug Alfred up. "I'll stay until you're feeling better.
13 years ago
So come on, get up. You need your rest."
13 years ago
groaned in the back of his throat. Poo. Arthur wasn't supposed to deny that face. u.u "...Alright, alright." He took hold of the other's
13 years ago
hand and allowed him to pull him upstairs.
13 years ago
led the way up to Alfred's bedroom. "Lie down and get comfortable. I'm going to get some cool water and a rag to lower your temperature."
13 years ago
did as he was told, for once-- mostly cause he was too tired to do otherwise-- and laid down to get comfortable. Kind of. It was a little
13 years ago
hard to do so when he didn't know if he'd rather find a position to ease his stomach ache, or his snotty head, or his cough, or his
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throbbing head. So he just wound up laying flat on his back wishing he'd picked up some nice NyQuil.
13 years ago
came back a while later with a basin of ice water, and a rag. He brought a chair up to the bed and dipped the cloth in the water, squeezing
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the excess liquid out before folding it neatly and placing it atop Alfred's head. "Is there anything you want?"
13 years ago
hummed at the coolness of the cloth, pretty certain he'd just drooled a bit. "Mmm. N-Nah, you've done more than enough, Artie", he replied
13 years ago
with a weary smile up at his boyfriend, cheeks flush with color.
13 years ago
smiled faintly, and reached to caress Alfred's cheeks. "Idiot... you need to take better care of yourself."
13 years ago
settled into the blankets, eyes closing at the touch. "But you're doin' such a good job", he murmured with a joking smile.
13 years ago
chuckled, keeping his touch light. "...You're just a big baby, still," he murmured fondly. "Try to get some sleep, love."
13 years ago
The boy's smile softened as baby blues flickered open to catch a glimpse of that look spread across Arthur's face. Something told him
13 years ago
he didn't mind taking care of him all that much. "Hnnn". He called him love. Hur. "You gonna sleep with me?"
13 years ago
"I'll keep watch over you until you get better," Arthur promised. "Just go to sleep, you git."
13 years ago
"...I'd sleep better with you in bed with me." ;w;
13 years ago
retrieved the rag, dunking it in water, squeezing the excess out, and putting it back on Alfred's forehead. "You're burning up, though..."
13 years ago
hummed, frowning softly when a shiver shook his frame. "...Okay, okay. ...I love you..." ;x;
13 years ago
Oh, damn. "...Fine, fine." He slipped into bed beside Alfred after making sure to keep the basin of water on the chair, holding him close.
13 years ago
"I love you too."
13 years ago
Yet another point for Alfred. He smiled thankfully and rolled onto his side, facing the Brit to curl his feverish body close, cheek resting
13 years ago
happily on the other's chest. He adjusted the cloth on his forehead to account for his change in position before settling down. ;w;
13 years ago
smiled slightly, gently stroking through Alfred's hair. "Close your eyes and try to sleep, Alfred. You need rest to get better."
13 years ago
hummed in response. "...M'kaay. I'll try. ...I love you. And. Thanks for comin'... I...really appreciate it..." His eyes closed
13 years ago
and he took a deep breath.
13 years ago
kissed the top of Alfred's head. "I love you too, and you're quite welcome." Gahh. Why was Alfred always so damn adorable when he was
13 years ago
sick?! =3=
13 years ago
breathed slowly through his mouth, quietly, mind finally taking the hint and allowing his body to relax. Pssh, like he wasn't adorable all
13 years ago
the time, don't lie. ;3;
13 years ago
gently stroked Alfred's hair, humming an old song quietly to help lull him to sleep. Alfred wasn't cute all the time. Nope.
13 years ago
Alright, you asked for it. Alfred squeaked softly in his sleep, the old song surfacing an old calm that seemed to fill him and soothe
13 years ago
him, body relaxed against the Englishman's.
13 years ago
smiled, continuing to hum as he held Alfred close. N... Nope, still not cute...
13 years ago
ajdfklajfdlcurses. He curled his fingers into the other's soft shirt. It's okay. Won't be long before you crack. Any day now.
13 years ago
GODDAMNIT. Not... going to crack. Nope. Alfred wasn't cute... not cute at all...
13 years ago
buried his face into the strong, oh-so familiar chest of the Englishman-- the same man who had chased away every monster, soothed his
13 years ago
discomforts, and quieted his tears countless times in the past. You don't forget bonds like that, and Alfred was no exception. No matter
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how strong the American was or knew himself to be, he coudn't help but feel safe and secure and loved in Arthur's arms. Does the cute burn
13 years ago
you yet?
13 years ago
...Goddamnit, fine. He smiled, pressing a light kiss to Alfred's cheek. "Sleep well, love," he murmured quietly, holding Alfred close. Damn
13 years ago
him. =3=
13 years ago
celebrates his victory internally, and does, in fact, sleep very well. Maybe it was the drugs. Or maybe it was the tight, warm hold of
13 years ago
his boyfriend. ...Or, probably, a mixture of the two. Regardless, he slept very, very well indeed.
13 years ago
remained there the entire night, occasionally re-dipping the rags in cold water until Alfred's temperature went down. It was tiring, staying
13 years ago
up all night, but very well worth it. Sleep was something he'd readily sacrifice for Alfred, both in the past, and in the present.
13 years ago
...Okaythatwasreallysweet. u.u Alfred awoke the next morning with a soft moan, stiff from not having shifted the entirety of the
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night. He groggily stretched, a little delirious, but happy to recognize the warm body still beneath his own. "...Hnnnnn. ...G'morning."
13 years ago
smiled, albeit a little tiredly, as he kissed Alfred's cheek. "Good morning, love. Feeling a little better?"
13 years ago
shifted comfortably, smile tugging at his lips at the gentle good-morning peck. "...Mm. I dunno, I think so. Don't feel as hot."
13 years ago
"That's good. Let's get a little more medicine in you, and I'll make you some more soup. How does that sound?"
13 years ago
smiled wearily, a little hesitant in moving from his warm, comfortable place, but sitting up to do so anyway, stretching. "Sounds real
13 years ago
good, Artie."
13 years ago
nodded, getting off the bed. "Wash up in the meanwhile, love. I'll bring the food up."
13 years ago
nodded. A shower sounded awesome. Maybe that'd clear some of the junk out of his head. So, into the shower he went, washing himself clean
13 years ago
and getting a nice steam. It soothed his throat a bit and made him feel less nasty, at least.
13 years ago
made some soup - clam chowder, this time. It tasted delicious, in his opinion, but he doubted Alfred would be able to recognize it. "Come
13 years ago
down when you're done, love!"
13 years ago
clambered down the stairs a few minutes later, having changed from pajamas into more pajamas. He had a feeling he wouldn't be going
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anywhere that day, anyway. He blew his reddened nose into a tissue and offered a scratchy-throated greeting. "Hey there, sexy, whatcha
13 years ago
got cookin'?" ;w;
13 years ago
smiled a little, pulling out a chair for Alfred. "Clam chowder. You're going to have to wash it down with some tea - no soda until you get
13 years ago
13 years ago
settled into the seat with a light huff. "Well, sure looks good. ...But I don't like nasty old tea." ;A; Fortunately it didn't really
13 years ago
matter, he couldn't taste it anyway.
13 years ago
sat down on the opposite side of the table. "But it'll help you with your sore throat. Just listen to me, alright?"
13 years ago
hummed, frowning a bit as he tried his first spoonful of the chowder. "...A-And then you'll make me some Apple Cider?" u.u
13 years ago
hummed, thinking. "...I suppose I can... but only when you recover."
13 years ago
grinned. He didn't want to wait, but whatever, at least he would be able to taste it then. "Jolly good then", he replied as he continued
13 years ago
eating away at the chowder.
13 years ago
scoffed, trying to hide his amusement. "...If you were trying to mock me, I'm not going to cook for you anymore."
13 years ago
"So then I'd have no choice but to drink soda and eat Hot Pockets and Mac 'n Cheese and Big Macs." ;w;
13 years ago
frowned, unimpressed. "...Are you deliberately trying to get fat?"
13 years ago
pouted. "...No, I exercise." ;A; Insert some random coughing, wow that sounds healthy.
13 years ago
grimaced. "...Of course you do," he replied, standing and going off before coming back with some medicine. "Take some medicine after you
13 years ago
finish the soup."
Alfred will
13 years ago
do, is what he meant to say; but when he opened his mouth to do so, nothing came out. Not even that nasty half-drowning-on-mucus sound,
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just...nothing. "....." His lips cursed, 'fuck', but his voice did not. u.u
13 years ago
raised an eyebrow. "...Alfred? Are you alright?"
13 years ago
...nodded. ;x; Well. Just...fuck. How did you even function without a voice? America without a voice was like Batman without Robin, or
13 years ago
Artie without eyebrows. It just wasn't right.
13 years ago
sat down beside him, just slightly concerned. "...Lost your voice, love?"
13 years ago
took this opportunity to lower his forehead to the table with a light thump, nodding against the smooth surface. u.u
13 years ago
chuckled, patting Alfred's head. "...Let's get some medicine in you, then," he said, getting two pills from the bottle and handing them to
13 years ago
Alfred. "And then it's more rest for you."
13 years ago
lifted his head and took the pills as directed with a rather frustrated expression. He didn't wanna lay around again. It was awesome
13 years ago
taking sick days, yeah, but not when you were actually sick. Cause...who liked being sick, really. The American got fidgety too
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easily. Not that he could talk to Artie about it. u.u He stomped his feet on the ground several times and leaned his head against the
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Englishman's shoulder, hoping this would convey his irritation with the situation.
13 years ago
"I know, Alfred, but you need to get better before you can start moving around," he replied, placing the pills down on the table in front of
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Alfred. "We can go somewhere fun - of your choosing - after you get better."
13 years ago
lifted his head to look at the Englishman, a frown tugging at his lips. Artie looked exhausted. Had he really stayed awake all through
13 years ago
the night for the American's sake? Fuck. Alfred hated when people worried about him. He hated not being able to take care of himself, and
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he hated feeling like he was missing the world and its events as he stayed huddled away in his home. ...But Artie was doing so much for
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him. So much. It'd be selfish of him not to be appreciative and just take it. He leaned up to press a kiss to his neck, not wanting to
13 years ago
spread his germs anywhere near the man's lips, and mouthed a thank-you.
13 years ago
smiled fondly, stroking through Alfred's hair. The man could be awfully adorable and sweet, when he wanted to be. "You're welcome. Just
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concentrate on getting better; that's the best way you can repay me."
13 years ago
nodded his agreement, eyes falling to a close with the gentle caress. If getting better was the best means of repayment, than by all means,
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getting better is what he'd do. Tanned fingers curled around the Brit's. 'Take a nap', he mouthed with a crooked smile, blue hues soft.
13 years ago
shook his head. gently urging Alfred to stand up so he could lead his boyfriend to the bed. "I'm fine. Worry more about yourself, idiot."
13 years ago
pouted, but could offer little in response given his current condition. He allowed himself to be returned to bed did his best to get
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comfy despite the aches and nose-running and various other illness related afflictions. Glancing up at the Englishman, he made a heart out
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of his hands and then pointed at him, hoping this was enough to convey his thoughts. ;w;
13 years ago
reddened just slightly as he smiled, his expression fond as he leaned in to press a light kiss to Alfred's forehead. "I love you too," he
13 years ago
replied earnestly. "But try to get some rest now, alright? I'll get the water and rag again to help reduce your fever."
13 years ago
nodded, happy to see the color spread across his boyfriend's cheeks, and even happier to earn an affectionate kiss to his
13 years ago
forehead. A smile tugged at the edges of his lips. He wrapped Arthur in a tight hug before he was able to shuffle off elsewhere, before
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releasing him and settling into the covers.
13 years ago
chuckled, tucking Alfred in before moving to fill the basin with cold water again. He repeated the routine from the previous night, setting
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the cool rag atop Alfred's forehead. "Try to get some sleep."
13 years ago
sighed as, yet again, the cool compress took the edge off his fever, watching the Brit with soft baby blues. Sleep would be easier said
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than done. He'd only just woken up. Yes, he could probably fall back asleep; but, it just felt strange. Arthur had gotten there the night
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before, and yet it seemed like he had barely seen him at all. Probably the whole illness induced delirium thing. Regardless, he nodded
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slightly, and sank into his bed. It'd be nice falling into unconsciousness with the image of Arthur's face, at least. ;w;
13 years ago
smiled a bit as he sat by the bed, gently caressing Alfred's face. He was understandably exhausted, but... it was all worth it. Alfred
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energized him, even if the man wasn't intending to do so. "Get better soon, you troublesome git..."
13 years ago
turned his head to press several kisses to the Englishman's palm. Man, that smile. He couldn't get enough of it, of knowing that it was
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he who put it there; he who chased away that frown all too often displayed on Arthur's lips. The American flashed him a toothy grin in
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return before closing his eyes to rest.
13 years ago
just shook his head, unable to do anything -but- smile when Alfred did something like that. He remained by the American's side for the
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entire time, re-wetting the rag every once in a while.
13 years ago
awoke a good four hours later-- so much for not being tired. His body must have been dying for an excuse to just collapse into relaxation,
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and a cold was the perfect outlet. He groaned when his eyes fluttered open, only to smile slightly at the face above him. ...Hadn't he
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taken a break at all?
13 years ago
hadn't, but that was okay. He'd KO later. Arthur smiled tiredly down at Alfred, resting his cool hand on the other's cheek. "...Slept well?"
13 years ago
nodded, humming at the cool touch. He coughed several times and buried his mouth in his sleeve. How big of a dick move would that be,
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giving Arthur his disease after the man had worked so hard to take care of him. "...Yep. Well", he whispered, happy to find that he had
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at least somewhat regained his ability to speak.
13 years ago
leaned in, kissing Alfred's cheek. "I'll make you some tea. It should help your throat, so drink it without complaints."
13 years ago
sat up wearily, rubbing his eyes until the room stopped spinning. "Mmm. Alright. J-Just add some honey or something." He'd have to
13 years ago
give the Englishman a little kiss of his own when he returned. ;w;
13 years ago
nodded, heading down to the kitchen to fix Alfred some tea. He added some honey, as requested, and came back up, carefully holding the tea
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out to Alfred. "Be careful, love; it's hot."
13 years ago
smiled at the Englishman's return, gently taking the tea from his hands. "Mm, thanks, Artie. But uh. I think you should blow on it, I
13 years ago
would but I dunno if my lungs would take to that too well."
13 years ago
sighed, though not out of exasperation. "Such a child," he chided, smiling a bit as he leaned in to blow softly on the tea.
13 years ago
took this opportunity to press a soft kiss to the man's cheek, breath caressing his skin, smile tugging at his lips as he pulled
13 years ago
back. "...Sorry. You looked a little hot too." ;//w//;
13 years ago
reddened just slightly, unable to be mad at that kind of face. "...I-Idiot..."
13 years ago
grinned before taking a sip of tea, humming into the cup. "I love you too." ;//w//; That's right. What did I say about giving in.
13 years ago
Arthur thinks
13 years ago
Alfred is a dirty, dirty cheater. "Just... shut up and get better, already."
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