13 years ago
[Event 1] tries to catch his breath as he rounds the corner, keeping himself hidden from the policemen's view. Tonight is -not- his night...
latest #67
13 years ago
keeps pace with him. He can't see him in the gloom, but the man's footsteps were loud enough to guide him. "Stop!" he yelled.
13 years ago
keeps quiet as he reloads his gun with practiced ease. He remains still and hidden, willing to shoot only if he's caught.
13 years ago
noticed the footsteps have ceased, and so he stops as well. He holds his gun firmly in his left hand, and starts taking very quiet steps.
13 years ago
This man was wanted in several police groups and shops for alledged murder, so he'd have to be careful.
13 years ago
doesn't even glance out from his hiding spot. He could faintly hear the policeman's steps, and while it was amusing to know that there was
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at least one suicidal enough to go after him, he wasn't in the mood to kill tonight. He just wanted to go home and enjoy a cup of tea.
13 years ago
backed up against a wall silently, and watched as a stranger started walking past. Maybe he would be seen instead, then James could go in.
13 years ago
wasn't easily tricked, though. He wouldn't have survived this far into the game if he was. He quietly began inching away from his
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hiding spot, deciding to take advantage of the maze that was the alleyways.
13 years ago
heard a shuffle and immediately started running towards it. Hell, this had gone on long enough. He wasn't going to lose him in the mazes.
13 years ago
didn't run, though. He walked, steady and calm, just wanting to isolate that lone cop from the rest of his group.
13 years ago
What group? This was his own solo mission. He ran until he saw a figure standing in the center of an alley. He ground to a halt and lifted
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his gun up, huffing from the run. "Halt!" he yelled down.
13 years ago
paused, turning around to see who the police officer was. Hm. Unfamiliar. "Hello, there."
13 years ago
looked at the man. Blonde hair, green eyes, and absolutely astoundingly large eyebrows. That was the description he was given. "Excuse me,
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but would you be Arthur Kirkland?" Manners are always good no matter where you are.
13 years ago
nodded. "I am; it's a pleasure to meet you, officer," he replied, smiling politely.
13 years ago
doesn't lower his gun, though continues to be polite. "Thank you, sir. Unfortunately I've been ordered to take you in, sir, for a number of
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rather harsh accusations, sir, and would you be so kind to not kill me now, sir?" He's freaking out only slightly.
13 years ago
chuckled a bit; well, this police officer certainly was polite. "I'm afraid I can't accompany you tonight. But, not to worry; it's not my
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intention to kill you. I'd rather not do anything of the sort when I'm not ordered to."
13 years ago
tightens his grip. "I'm sorry, sir, but I'm afraid I can't let you go. Policies, you see. I wouldn't like to follow my orders that tightly."
13 years ago
His orders- Find and kill him as soon as possible.
13 years ago
held his own gun out, cocked and ready to be fired with deadly precision at a moment's notice. "Yes, I know. Unfortunately, my plans for
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the night don't consist of getting caught or killed. So, if you'll excuse me."
13 years ago
wasn't sure whether he was just stupid or it was an accident, but he fired at Arthur then ducked down and rolled. Yes, definetely stupid.
13 years ago
moved out of the way just barely in time, having anticipated the nervous officer to shoot. (They usually did, at that time.) The bullet
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grazed his shoulder, making him bite back a curse as he fired back, aiming for James' leg.
13 years ago
felt the bullet whistle past his leg. Dammit, that was too close. He got up and started running towards Arthur, while shooting twice more.
13 years ago
easily ducked out of the way, going down another direction in the alleyway. He made sure to knock down trashcans and whatnot on the way,
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wanting to obstruct the path.
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leaped over the turned bins, and kept running. The whole neighbourhood would hear this racket. Arthur was either clever or completely mad.
13 years ago
chuckled, creating all the ruckus and noise in the world as he continued to escape. He eventually reached the main street, easily blending
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into the crowd.
13 years ago
swore inwardly to himself as he approched the main street. How'd he find the man? He asked a man whether he'd seen someone with huge
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eyebrows. The man pointed down the street, in a huge crowd. James walked into it, looking for the man with green eyes.
13 years ago
easily made his way behind James, walking behind him for a moment before casually pressing the gun to his back. He pressed himself a little
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close, hiding the weapon well as he murmured, "Give up the search for tonight, officer. I'm certain having a failure on your record is
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better than having your record end completely."
13 years ago
kept walking, making no indication that there was a gun at his back. He chuckled. "I'm a little stubborn, you see. You could end my life
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right here and now, but there are too many witnesses. You could melt into the shadows, but I'd follow you. Anyway, it's not good to play
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fire with fire." His own gun was pointing at him, upside down, as he walked through the crowd leisurely.
13 years ago
hummed, just slightly amused. "People scatter, when they hear gunfire. And really, even if they report me, it wouldn't matter; the police
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already know of my identity. But, that aside, officer... since you're so adamant, would you like to join me for a cup of tea?"
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smiled ever-so-slightly. "If you're not coming and I'm not leaving, we may as well."
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(I don't even know what I should have said.)
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looked a bit pleased. "Brilliant. There's a little cafe by the corner over there."
13 years ago
[ xDD ]
James is
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... to be blunt, sorely confused. But he doesn't show it as he is led to a quaint cafe with cheerful lighting. He decides that his gun
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wouldn't be appreciated and pockets it.
13 years ago
pocketed his own gun as well, and sat down at his usual table. He ordered his usual cup of tea before turning to get a more careful look
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at James' face, committing to memory. (Poor lad; he should've rejected the offer.) "I don't believe I've properly introduced myself. My name
Arthur is
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Arthur Kirkland. And you, officer?"
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ordered his drink and leaned back, looking back at Arthur, and noticed all the scars. He started analyzing his face, which he knew was
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probably what the other was doing as well. "If we're going to enjoy a cup of tea together, we may as well drop the titles, yes?" He didn't
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like being reminded he was an officer. It was depressing. "My name is Brian Chen, sir."
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smiled politely - after all, despite his profession, he was, first and foremost, a gentleman. "A pleasure to meet you then, Mr. Chen."
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nodded. "Likewise, sir." He didn't understand why this man, who he had recently shot, was so polite. He may be faking it- after all, James
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had used an alias instead of his real name. The man could have done likewise. "Is your arm okay, sir? Terribly sorry about that."
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nodded. "Oh, don't worry about it. Such unpleasant talk is unsuitable for tea."
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agrees. "Speaking of which, why am I here again?" He's still very confused, thank you very much.
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"To enjoy a cup of tea with me, of course."
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finds that disturbingly suspicious but doesn't say anything. Well, small talk time. "You're English, right?" He certainly had the accent.
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nodded again. "Of course. Wasn't that in my profile?" His amusement was clear. "Surely, you must have at least my basic information..."
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shook his head. "Actually, no." There had been pictures and accusations, murders and fingerprints, but they only knew what he looked like
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and his name. The rest was a mystery. No birth certificates, no graduations, nothing. "I'd like to see England one day." Change of subject.
13 years ago
(If they had more info then you'd probably be in jail already. :/ Anyway, I BS'd that. Sorry.)
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